Who can survive Man Things Burning Touch Ghost Riders Penance Stare Wonder Womans Las
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Who can survive Man Things Burning Touch Ghost Riders Penance Stare Wonder Womans Lasso At The Sam Time
Must be below Skyfather Level
Under the stips, I don't think anyone can.
Originally posted by TethAdamTheRock
You would need an absolute pure soul to the survive the first 2. Then you will need to survive the lasso, and the lasso's power is not depending on the person being used, but the weilder.
I want to say Dr. Doom but not sure on Man Thing.
Prof. T.C McAbe
Classic Shazam (Billy), 40ies Superman.
All these names are being mentioned without out any proof on how they can even do it.
Silver Surfer from that What if Story where Mephisto got his Soul.
Originally posted by SquallX
All these names are being mentioned without out any proof on how they can even do it.
Punisher and Deadpool have survived the Penance stare.
Both are far from pure souls.
Your logic is faulty and stinks of toe cheese.
^^^never saw THAT choice coming!
AKA, i know there's a Judge Fear, and that famous 'Gaze into the fist of Dredd' scene...so whats the deal, Dredd no sold the guy's power? Seems a good precedent for the Touch at least.
Originally posted by riv6672
Punisher and Deadpool have survived the Penance stare.
Both are far from pure souls.
Your logic is faulty and stinks of toe cheese.
That's pis at its finest.
Also, this thread is not just about surviving them one at time, but all 3 at the same time.
Originally posted by SquallX
That's pis at its finest.
Doesnt mean they dont count.
What does the lasso add? Are you being choked by it, or is someone commanding you to die?
Ignoring it for the moment, Daredevil survives.
Man without fear, or eyes.
Man-thing has burned Hulk, but obviously he survived
Hulk seems like a good choice. Not sure why the lasso is here, are you asking who it couldn't compele? If so I'd probably say someone like Satana who isn't afraid of Man-thing and is a mystic.
Adam Grimes
Hulk killer humanoid tbh.
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