The fight you want to see???
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What fight would you like to see and how would you like for said battle to play out. I know a lot of S fans is going to say Hulk vs whomever and have him getting destroyed. Get all of that out of the way and then tell us other fights you want to see in a comic.
Pymtron vs the Avengers
Obviously the villian has to lose, but a Pym who has come to accept that the world is against him despite his decades of service and he will recreate it synthetically could be a cool take on a possible secret invasion 2.
Rao Kal El
Aquaman the one who fought the probe vs Hulk

Harley Quinn vs Zombie Godzilla.
gladiator vs thanos
gladiator vs superman
Given that they already had their crossover, in which they didn't fight ...
Surfer and Superman.
My two favorites. Either way, I win/lose.
Hitman vs the punisher. Two of my favorite street level killers decide to duke it out.
Satana vs raven/etrigan vs damon hellstrom
John Constantine vs doc strange
Carver VS Sin I Am
Long, LONG, overdue!
Originally posted by LordofBrooklyn
Carver VS Sin I Am
Long, LONG, overdue! I want to see you fight Cesar Mellan. He'll teach you some manners.
WBH vs Cassanfra Nova in the BZ
Sin I AM
Originally posted by LordofBrooklyn
Carver VS Sin I Am
Long, LONG, overdue!
Id ragdoll him. Spite
Grendal vs Storm Shadow
Originally posted by deathslash
I want to see you fight Cesar Mellan. He'll teach you some manners.
Prepped Batman vs the JLA, just to prove he can.
WWH vs the MU again, because the 1st time was glorious.
Amped Kurse vs Amped Morg
Deathstroke vs Captain America
Thanos vs Supernova
Pitt vs Lobo
Sabretooth vs Batman
Batman vs Kraven
Originally posted by ghostman
gladiator vs thanos
gladiator vs superman Hyperion Vs Sentry
Originally posted by Sin I AM
Id ragdoll him. Spite
Do you see this, Carver?
Originally posted by deathslash
I want to see you fight Cesar Mellan. He'll teach you some manners.
I want to see YOU fight a speeding train head on!
Originally posted by LordofBrooklyn
I want to see YOU fight a speeding train head on!
I'd never fight a train. I have people that do that for me.
Carver, get in here and defend my honor!!!
Thanos vs Daredevil
Batman vs Odin
Superman 1 Million vs sabretooth
Originally posted by Henry_Pym
Pymtron vs the Avengers
Obviously the villian has to lose, but a Pym who has come to accept that the world is against him despite his decades of service and he will recreate it synthetically could be a cool take on a possible secret invasion 2.
I thought pymtron was a cool idea and pretty short lived. Thought they rushed his villain turn he could have stuck around for a while as a beast ass powerhouse for the Avengers. Hopefully he returns as Pymtron.
Odin vs Galactus
Juggernaut vs Superman
Thanos Vs Sentry
Originally posted by JayDaDon
I thought pymtron was a cool idea and pretty short lived. Thought they rushed his villain turn he could have stuck around for a while as a beast ass powerhouse for the Avengers. Hopefully he returns as Pymtron. honestly just waiting for them to forget about it and just retcon it away. If they do I assume that will also get rid of Avengers AI, which heavily implied the God of the MU is Allah. I wonder if that is something Marvel wants to touch.
Thats one of the few choices marvel comics has made that had some potential. But they blew their load early. As for things that need to be retconned thats well near the bottom of my list.
zatanna vs deadpool
nightcrawler vs nightwing
black panther vs batman
guy gardner vs wolverine
30 Foot Tall Death's Head vs Deadpool.
mighty adam
Black adam vs the jla,jsa and any other hero league in the dcu again, with the heros taking crazy casualties.
Black bolt going all out vs a top tier villain
Superboy prime or superman prime punking the dcu again
Thor finally going all out vs hulk not set in some future
Namor going back to beating everyone in marvel underwater
Superman beat a perpped batman near death just to prove its how it will always be if he so choose.
Captain marvel shazam break supermans jaw just to prove he can
Wolverine with 8 arms vs spiderman with 3 nipples
namor vs reed after he finds out namor smashed Sue
I'd really be interested in seeing these guys fight so that we can know what level they are at without speculation hindering judgement.
Apocalypse vs Thanos
Blue Marvel vs Gladiator
Blue Marvel vs Hyperion
Insane Titan
Odin vs Zeus for 2 reasons. 1 to see if Zeus is actually "Odin level". Reason 2 if he is, then show a proper fight between 2 arrogant skyfathers in a wide scale battle.
Zuras vs Thanos. Leader of Eternals taking it too the mad titan to see whose is the most powerful Eternal.
I think that Thanos in his prime would beat the mess out of Zuras. He would have probably even beaten him back when Captain Mar-Vell was alive.
Insane Titan
Originally posted by Stoic
I think that Thanos in his prime would beat the mess out of Zuras. He would have probably even beaten him back when Captain Mar-Vell was alive. I'm not bothered about power lvl fights. I'm thinking more in terms of the eternals vs titan heritage thing
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