Wolverine Vs 10000 World War Z Zombies
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Wolverine. they cant do anything to him. this is a perfect example of slice and dice. his healing factor will allow him to keep slicing and slicing and slicing. you can double that amount and he still will own them. the only thing i can see them being able to do is dog pile him and prevent him from breathing but they wont get the chance. he will slice and cut thru them and wont end up in such situation.
Originally posted by Dareangel
Wolverine. they cant do anything to him. this is a perfect example of slice and dice. his healing factor will allow him to keep slicing and slicing and slicing. you can double that amount and he still will own them. the only thing i can see them being able to do is dog pile him and prevent him from breathing but they wont get the chance. he will slice and cut thru them and wont end up in such situation.
It all depends on one thing. Is Logan immune to the zombie virus? If yes, he wins easily. Very easily. However, if he is susceptible to or, then the zombies win 10/10. Why? It's not just that they'll dogpile him, but they basically run at full speed (to even piling up on corners, and scrambling up each other and going over high walls). He will definitely get bitten, which is why the main question is whether his healing factor makes him immune to the virus.
If yes, then he wins easy.
If no, he gets bitten and turns into one of the mindless ravenous horde.
Originally posted by spetznaz
It all depends on one thing. Is Logan immune to the zombie virus?
If yes, he wins easily. Very easily.
However, if he is susceptible to it,then the zombies win 10/10. Why? It's not just that they'll dogpile him, but they basically run at full speed (to even piling up on corners, and scrambling up each other and going over high walls). He will definitely get bitten, which is why the main question is whether his healing factor makes him immune to the virus.
If yes, then he wins easy.
If no, he gets bitten and turns into one of the mindless ravenous horde.
lol logan stomps
So why can't the Zombos just rip his arms and legs off and then just keep eating his guts as they regrow?
And I am assuming this is 616 Little Jimmy and it is possible for him to lose his limbs. So no pulling that "He has Adamantium bone clasps" BS.
Originally posted by Flyattractor
So why can't the Zombos just rip his arms and legs off and then just keep eating his guts as they regrow?
And I am assuming this is 616 Little Jimmy and it is possible for him to lose his limbs. So no pulling that "He has Adamantium bone clasps" BS.
BUT HE DOES. in early comics dracula was trying to rip his limbs apart and simply couldnt. wolverine asnwered he has adamantium skeleton. it was made clear that he cant be ripped apart.
If its anything like what happen to him in the Marvel Zombies comic, He loses.
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