Weakest character who can (TK edition)...
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Inspired by another thread...
Who is the weakest comic book character that can duplicate this TK feat:
http://i.imgur.com/A1MUsuCm.jpg http://i.imgur.com/LpzF86Gm.jpg http://i.imgur.com/31S5GZUm.jpg http://i.imgur.com/s0Q9Scsm.jpg
Here are some general specs on your average Republic-age Star Destroyer:
In the words of the great Wilhuff Tarkin: "You may fire when ready..."

Art makes it a little hard to quantify that feat. They call it a Command Cruiser? Is it legit Star Destroyer size?
I think Jean Grey can do it but I dont have a single showing proving that she can minus her being deemed as one of the most power TK users on Earth.
How heavy is the star destroyer?
Tatsumaki from One Punch Man was able to hold Boros' humongous ship airborne even after Saitama jumped onto it from the moon which carried enough momentum to tilt the axis of the damn thing.
Starkiller did it with an Imperial Stardestroyer in Force Unleashed
Damn impressive she held it to a standstill
Rachel Summers
Yeah, Tatsumaki from OPM could easily do it. She's probably not the weakest that can, though.
Originally posted by "Id"
How heavy is the star destroyer? An exact weight is unknown. However, Imperial-age Star Destroyers weighed ~6.4million tons by themselves, without factoring in all of the cargo/personnel/ships they carried. They were also about 400 meters longer than Republic-age Star Destroyers, though.
Originally posted by -K-M-
Starkiller did it with an Imperial Stardestroyer in Force Unleashed
Damn impressive she held it to a standstill Yeah, even Galen's feat PALES in comparison to that.
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
What did Maxima do?
So yeah there is Rachel Summers holding up providence.
And Tomorrow Woman also Held a city afloat.
Originally posted by "Id"
What did Maxima do?
So yeah there is Rachel Summers holding up providence.
And Tomorrow Woman also Held a city afloat.
she used her tk to keep her ****ing planet together

she is far too powerful to be in this thread
Originally posted by Astner
Tatsumaki from One Punch Man was able to hold Boros' humongous ship airborne even after Saitama jumped onto it from the moon which carried enough momentum to tilt the axis of the damn thing.
Best ft mention so far.
the green ninja from ninjago lifted a mountain, he should be the weakest
Originally posted by ghostman
she used her tk to keep her ****ing planet together

she is far too powerful to be in this thread
That's WBH level.
*Weakest character, guys.

Zack M
Didn't Maxima propel a ship (holding her race of people) at FTL speeds using her TK, while simultaneously creating a breathable atmosphere for them?
Yes, but her most uber TK feat is closing a massive fissure that nearly destroyed Almerac... While weakened.

Originally posted by Galan007
Yes, but her most uber TK feat is closing a massive fissure that nearly destroyed Almerac... While weakened.

Here is the feat:
*Confirmation that she closed/sealed the fissure alone:
And as I said: Maxima was very weak at the time, as she had just been attacked by Starbreaker the issue prior:
To give you a sense of scale, here is how large the fissure(s) were:
Had she not been "exhausted" at the time, even a feat of that magnitude would have been child's play... Max was crazy-powerful.

Originally posted by carver9
Best ft mention so far.
nope maxima.
Originally posted by ghostman
the green ninja from ninjago lifted a mountain, he should be the weakest
That might legitimately be the winning answer tbh.
About what tier would he fall?
I object!
Rachel Summers is weak as hell, and has the most comparable feat.
Originally posted by StyleTime
That might legitimately be the winning answer tbh.
About what tier would he fall?
low/mid meta perhaps? the ninjago ninjas are very hard to place tbh.
Originally posted by "Id"
I object!
Rachel Summers is weak as hell, and has the most comparable feat.
Phoenix Rachel catches flak on the forums but was above mid meta even in her noobier days. There is the argument that she became more competent, and seemingly stronger, without the Phoenix somehow, but I don't know. She was opening up black holes and stuff during that time. Stalemated Gladiator with just the Blue Phoenix Echo too.
Originally posted by ghostman
low/mid meta perhaps? the ninjago ninjas are very hard to place tbh.
Even at mid-meta, he's still likely the best suggestion thus far. I don't know anything about that Tatsumaki whatever character though. I'm guessing the lego ninja still takes the thread though.
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