Man-Thing Challenge Gauntlet

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Man-Thing is trying to destroy everyone he can with his burning touch.

Round 1:
Participants are shown Man-Thing has the power to make ANYTHING burst into flame, then trapped in his bear hug.

Round 2:
Each opponent is thoroughly convinced Man-Thing, whether they can survive burning or not, has the STRENGTH and intention to physically crush them. They are then trapped in Man-Thing's grip to the point of intense physical pain.

Round 3:
Man-Thing literally becomes in the mind of all participants, the thing each fears the most!

How far can Man-Thing progress in each round?

Can any participant survive all 3 scenarios?

1. Protex (White Martian)

2. Scarecrow (Wizard of Oz)

3. Pyro (Marvel Comics, X-Men villain, power is to control flames)

4. Johnny Blaze, the Human Torch (Fantastic Four)

5. Jim Hammond (Marvel Comics, original Human Torch, 1940s)

6. Sandman (Flint Marko)

7. Hydro man (Morris Bench, Spider-Man villain with ability to turn self into water)

8. Firelord (Marvel Comics, Herald of Galactus, controls Cosmic Flame)

9. Superboy Prime

10. Iceman (Marvel Comics)

Text-only Version: Click HERE to see this thread with all of the graphics, features, and links.