DOS Superman vs Team
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Superman is at the mindset he was at during the ending battle with Doomsday.
The team is not holding back as well. They see Superman as the person who would end the planet if he isn't stopped. Who wins?
Black Bolt
Monica Rambeau
Thor (Masterson)
Immortal Hercules
Magneto written well could give Superman a fight imo alone.
No...i honestly want to know if he could win this. He killed Doomsday who people are giving the odds of winning against the team above. Im curious.
Sin I AM
Blackbolt alone would give Clark a fight. Then you have Magneto who doesn't job. Monica who's been getting a push and is beastly. Masterson is a distraction at best imo. But he could stay in the background and pelt him with lightning. Graviton is a team wrecker and if he gives Herc flight there's a super strong super durable brick that Clark has to deal with. Team stomps imo. The only reason Doomsday would fair better is his adaptive powers would probably negate graviton/magneto/thors lightning/Monica. That'll leave Black Bolt who i cant see hanging long after he screams and herc whod put up a good fight. Totally different characters
Rao Kal El
Is this Superman in his bloodlusted mindset at the end of the DOS fight?
Rao Kal El

superman kills them all then
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