Morlun Vs Snowbird
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No prep.
In Canada.
This would be an epic fight. Morlun is very powerful and on 'average' he would take her. HOWEVER, if she really felt threatened and decided to put her footdown, she could go Great Beast and end it once and for all.
That picture is her turning into the most powerful of the Great Beasts and annihilating an army of Gods.
Sin I AM
Wonder if Morlun could feed off her
Originally posted by Sin I AM
Wonder if Morlun could feed off her
Was gonna mention that then I remembered that Chaos King himself didn't try to overpower the Great Beasts during Chaos War and actually approached them and tried to convince them to join him or something.
The only other being he showed the same respect to was the Zomling. Everything else, he steamrolled and wtfpwned.
Originally posted by zopzop
Was gonna mention that then I remembered that Chaos King himself didn't try to overpower the Great Beasts during Chaos War and actually approached them and tried to convince them to join him or something.
The only other being he showed the same respect to was the Zomling. Everything else, he steamrolled and wtfpwned.
hmmmm? when was this? The Great Beasts (while weakened) were fighting the God Army and him and were winning.... but don't recall ever seeing a scene where he tried to recruit them
Originally posted by -K-M-
hmmmm? when was this? The Great Beasts (while weakened) were fighting the God Army and him and were winning.... but don't recall ever seeing a scene where he tried to recruit them
I don't know if recruit was the right word to use but he definitely approached them with some level of respect that he didn't show other beings. The scan was posted here when Chaos War was released. Should have saved it (that and the Zomling one

Sin I AM
Originally posted by zopzop
Was gonna mention that then I remembered that Chaos King himself didn't try to overpower the Great Beasts during Chaos War and actually approached them and tried to convince them to join him or something.
The only other being he showed the same respect to was the Zomling. Everything else, he steamrolled and wtfpwned.
Draining isnt overpowering though. Simply siphoning the energy. Amatsu not wanting to fight the GB is cool and all but Snowbird is no GB.
Her powers also seem totemic. I need to reread some more of Morluns last run to remember
Originally posted by zopzop
I don't know if recruit was the right word to use but he definitely approached them with some level of respect that he didn't show other beings. The scan was posted here when Chaos War was released. Should have saved it (that and the Zomling one

I honestly don't recall this, know the issue number?
Originally posted by -K-M-
I honestly don't recall this, know the issue number?

This impressed me because back during that time I thought SB and the rest of AF were jokes. When I saw that I developed a lot more respect for them.
Originally posted by Sin I AM
Draining isnt overpowering though. Simply siphoning the energy. Amatsu not wanting to fight the GB is cool and all but Snowbird is no GB.
Her powers also seem totemic. I need to reread some more of Morluns last run to remember
She's the Goddess of Nature and can take god forms. Not totem based
Snowbird takes Kaine's Spider-form and ends it,q_auto,w_710/yaviio8n7av2qiop6dwk/the-best-of-the-spider-universe.jpg
Sin I AM
Originally posted by -K-M-
She's the Goddess of Nature and can take god forms. Not totem based
Snowbird takes Kaine's Spider-form and ends it,q_auto,w_710/yaviio8n7av2qiop6dwk/the-best-of-the-spider-universe.jpg
Context Mungi...kaine got wrecked immediately afterwards
Anyway i know that shes a god. Im just not convinced she cant be drained.
Originally posted by Sin I AM
Context Mungi...kaine got wrecked immediately afterwards
Anyway i know that shes a god. Im just not convinced she cant be drained.
Hmmm...he took out one on one the most powerful family member easily. Then they all attacked.
Does he have feats of draining gods?
Sin I AM
Originally posted by -K-M-
Hmmm...he took out one on one the most powerful family member easily. Then they all attacked.
Does he have feats of draining gods?
They all attacked? Iirc Morlun attacked and killed him.
Not that im aware of. I will check
Yeah, Morlun and his brother attacked Kaine but then got quickly put down. Then Kaine fought Solus one on one and quickly killed him. Then the brothers again attacked him while he was focused on Solus and got the better of him. Wasn't just Morlun
Thank you, guys...

Sin I AM
Originally posted by -K-M-
Yeah, Morlun and his brother attacked Kaine but then got quickly put down. Then Kaine fought Solus one on one and quickly killed him. Then the brothers again attacked him while he was focused on Solus and got the better of him. Wasn't just Morlun
When did the brother join at all? Morlun ripped a leg off while it looked like the brother was trying to calm him.
Can Morlun feed off the power of Mystical Beings?
Sin I AM
Originally posted by TethAdamTheRock
Can Morlun feed off the power of Mystical Beings?
He fed off genis vell (alt) plus during the other storyline they took a mystical approach to parkers powers. I think that Mungi is suggesting because Snowbird is divine that changes things but i dont see it
Originally posted by Sin I AM
When did the brother join at all? Morlun ripped a leg off while it looked like the brother was trying to calm him.
huh? His brother pushed Kaine down and there's even a panel of them BOTH punching kaine in the head at the same time
They also BOTH attacked when Kaine was focusing on killing the most powerful family member. They needed to both fight him or he would have killed them as he killed Solus one on one and he is stronger then his children as noted many times
Originally posted by Sin I AM
He fed off genis vell (alt) plus during the other storyline they took a mystical approach to parkers powers. I think that Mungi is suggesting because Snowbird is divine that changes things but i dont see it
and? again how is that proof he could feed off of god energy?
Captain Universe Spidey was beyond Morlun. His power is not limitless. Solus the most powerful member had to fight him and said he was beyond his children
Has he absorbed someone who is literally a GOD?
Sin I AM
Originally posted by -K-M-
huh? His brother pushed Kaine down and there's even a panel of them BOTH punching kaine in the head at the same time
They also BOTH attacked when Kaine was focusing on killing the most powerful family member.
and? again how is that proof he could feed off of god energy?
Captain Universe Spidey was beyond Morlun. His power is not limitless. Solus the most powerful member had to fight him.
I interpreted that scene differently. Morluns brother did not want Kaine dead as they needed him for the ritual. He didnt want to hurt it only subdue it. Then Morlun went apeshit said they only needed blood and soloed Kaine. As for Solus he was weakened prior to that fight. At that point he was not the strongest.
I didnt say it was. All im saying is inheritors had no issue draining cosmics/mystics...i cant see how canadian gods would somehow be exempt
Originally posted by Sin I AM
I interpreted that scene differently. Morluns brother did not want Kaine dead as they needed him for the ritual. He didnt want to hurt it only subdue it. Then Morlun went apeshit said they only needed blood and soloed Kaine. As for Solus he was weakened prior to that fight. At that point he was not the strongest.
I didnt say it was. All im saying is inheritors had no issue draining cosmics/mystics...i cant see how canadian gods would somehow be exempt
Yes he didn't want to kill Kaine, but clearly he fought Kaine and we even see him attack him. Solus was easily killed going one on one with Kaine....Solus >> Morlun. Proof he wasn't the strongest? As even in that issue Molrun and the rest of the family were taking orders from their father and were shocked he was killed as they thought he was unbeatable. Remember when Kaine was ready for them he was working the brothers over, it was when Kaine was focusing on Solus they got the advantage working together
So youre going with no limit fallacy, even though we saw Morlun had a limit. Fair enough. So Morlun can take elder gods in your opinion?
Sin I AM
Originally posted by -K-M-
Yes he didn't want to kill Kaine, but clearly he fought Kaine and we even see him attack him. Solus was easily killed going one on one with Kaine....Solus >> Morlun. Proof he wasn't the strongest? As even in that issue Molrun and the rest of the family were taking orders from their father and were shocked he was killed as they thought he was unbeatable. Remember when Kaine was ready for them he was working the brothers over, it was when Kaine was focusing on Solus they got the advantage working together
So youre going with no limit fallacy, even though we saw Morlun had a limit. Fair enough. So Morlun can take elder gods in your opinion?
Clearly? No i disagree. Looks like he was simply trying to subdue him while calming his brother down. Hence the "hold" exclamation. Maybe he struck kaine maybe he didnt..that panel is in black. In any event after that we see Morlun solo kaine without any assist. His bro wasnt even in that panel.
Solus was the greatest inheritor but prior to that fight he had expended alot of energy on CS Iirc.
NLF? Where did i state that? All im saying is it's a possibility given that he drained cosmic energy (pure lifeforce) and totem energy (mystic). It wouldnt be a long shot to suggest he could do the same to demi gods.
Originally posted by Sin I AM
Clearly? No i disagree. Looks like he was simply trying to subdue him while calming his brother down. Hence the "hold" exclamation. Maybe he struck kaine maybe he didnt..that panel is in black. In any event after that we see Morlun solo kaine without any assist. His bro wasnt even in that panel.
Solus was the greatest inheritor but prior to that fight he had expended alot of energy on CS Iirc.
NLF? Where did i state that? All im saying is it's a possibility given that he drained cosmic energy (pure lifeforce) and totem energy (mystic). It wouldnt be a long shot to suggest he could do the same to demi gods.
Come on Sin

We CLEARLY (Yes I can say that) see him punching or you think he was just holding his fist there for show and tell? We also see him clearly pushing Kaine down to the ground. Even if you don't believe he hit him, can you honestly say he did NOTHING to aid Morlun? You can't. It's not a solo Morlun feat

haha he did not solo Kaine he had help plain as day and also did that when Kaine was distracted fighting Solus. As what happened to the brothers before Solus arrived? In reality it was 3 on 1.
and? proof he was no longer the strongest one as you claimed. Hell where did it say he was vastly weakened either?
I'm not because your trying no limit fallacy, when we know Morlun CANT absorb everything. No no no ELDER GODS. Snowbird can take the form of ELDER GODS. These are the same beings that took on the Chaos King and were winning, but you think Morlun can absorb them? Come on.
What issue are you referring to he was vastly weakened? In fact it was said Solus was STRONGER after the Captain Universe fight
Sin I AM
Originally posted by -K-M-
Come on Sin

We CLEARLY (Yes I can say that) see him punching or you think he was just holding his fist there for show and tell? We also see him clearly pushing Kaine down to the ground. Even if you don't believe he hit him, can you honestly say he did NOTHING to aid Morlun? You can't. It's not a solo Morlun feat

haha he did not solo Kaine he had help plain as day and also did that when Kaine was distracted fighting Solus. As what happened to the brothers before Solus arrived? In reality it was 3 on 1.
and? proof he was no longer the strongest one as you claimed. Hell where did it say he was vastly weakened either?
I'm not because your trying no limit fallacy, when we know Morlun CANT absorb everything. No no no ELDER GODS. Snowbird can take the form of ELDER GODS. These are the same beings that took on the Chaos King and were winning, but you think Morlun can absorb them? Come on.
Wait so now Snowbird is elder god status? And u say im using NLF L
Anyway maybe you are correct maybe his brother was helping. From the dialogue i took it as he was only there to mitigate damage and subdue. Not kill. In any event Solus powerup was gone after he left the planet CU powers seemed tied to.
She's not. But the forms she can take ARE. Ie Great Beasts. She can other god forms such as Nanook, and other northern inu. She doesn't just transform into animals.
She has these über levels she can reach but doesn't do it all the time. That's what zop was referring to on the first page
^^^That much i knew.
Thats what got me wondering about the match up, because, as -K-M- said, Morlun's power isnt limitless.
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