KMC: Choose ONE Power, Part Two.
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KMC: Choose ONE Power TOURNAMENT - Part 2.
The Blair Wind Project 2: Book of Shadows.
While scrolling through KMC, you are suddenly approached by God Blair willing to grant you one super power. You are told that everyone who has ever been on KMC will be granted the same opportunity and you will all be transported to a battleground world. Only the victor of the KMC Tournament will be allowed to keep his/her power, everyone else will simply revert to being normal (even if they died, they will come back to life as they were before).
It must be low herald or below (ie: no green lantern ring, no power cosmic, no reality warping, no time). Pick something interesting that doesn't make you god.
By choosing one power, you'll get all the passive powers it takes to make the first power work (ie: Superspeed won't kill you, you can breath shallow air fine while flying, etc).
There will be other people who have super powers, but you cannot choose a power like Peter Petrelli's, Rogues, Mimics, etc
You fight in a real world analogue and start where you live.
You are each outfitted with a tracker (subdermal, irremovable, and if you're a telepath attached to your mental energy) that provides all other contestants with your location within a radius of 50 miles.
What do you choose and which KMCer comes out on top??
As this is part 2, there will be some modifications. No powers chosen in Part 1, will be allowed in Part 2. These are the banned powers:
I know some, like Sin, didn't actually participate last time - but I want to keep things fresh, so adaptive evolution is out, as an example.
After the extreme shenanigans perpetrated in part 1, the God of Tourneys has also decided to ban self-BFRs. That is to say, no Spotworld or Mirrorworld hiding. We fight like men!!!
Choose one power, part one:
The actual tourney:
ill ask again, is nate greys tk low herald?
Current contestants:
DarkSaint85: Energy manipulation
Id: Psionics
Originally posted by ghostman
ill ask again, is nate greys tk low herald?
You choose a power, not a character. So you choose TK, for example, and you can do whatever you like with it.
IF TK hadn't been done before, that is.
Nate is a Mid-Herald.
i choose tk then! its too versatile not to choose!
Electro electricity abilities. Question. Since you are using the one power stipulations here. When debating, do we debate using scans from a single character or do we debate using what we "think" we can do with said abilities?
@ghost and carver: Would those not be in the list of banned powers?
Btw, I do not want to have the final say. Will open it up to the board to decide. Just have a backup, JUST in case, is all I am saying.
Edit: @carver - you choose a power, not a character. So if there are other electrical controllers out there, you can use them to back your claims up.
For example, when I chose Spot's powers, I could use Coyote or Cloak to back my claims up.
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
@ghost and carver: Would those not be in the list of banned powers?
Btw, I do not want to have the final say. Will open it up to the board to decide. Just have a backup, JUST in case, is all I am saying.
Edit: @carver - you choose a power, not a character. So if there are other electrical controllers out there, you can use them to back your claims up.
For example, when I chose Spot's powers, I could use Coyote or Cloak to back my claims up.
Make sense. Why can't Electro be used?
Spawning chose electricity manipulation. Just like Delph's technopathy or Sin's adaptive evolution is not being used, for example.
are going by the tiers thread on mid herald still>?
Originally posted by staxamillion
are going by the tiers thread on mid herald still>?
You choose a power, not a character. So you can choose strength, for example, like Superman Prime.
But you wouldn't get SMP level strength. Capped at Low Herald level strength.
So the TYPE of power is anything you want (subject to the conditions).
But not the LEVEL. That is capped at Low Herald.
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
Spawning chose electricity manipulation. Just like Delph's technopathy or Sin's adaptive evolution is not being used, for example.
What about Monica Rambeau? Only her physical capabilities?
Originally posted by carver9
What about Monica Rambeau? Only her physical capabilities?
What's her power?
To be clearer: You can't just say 'i want to be a Kryptonian, or a Martian'. You choose one power.
Kris was not allowed Captain Britain, for example.
how is tk breaking the rules?
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
What's her power?
To be clearer: You can't just say 'i want to be a Kryptonian, or a Martian'. You choose one power.
Kris was not allowed Captain Britain, for example.
After retiring from the team, Rambeau regains first her physical health, and eventually her powers, initially developing the ability to manipulate mechanical energy for various effects.
I don't see how this is against the rule. The last tourny had someone manipulating electronics and had an entire city on lock.
how would magic fit in? or powers like slapstick? id choose something along those lines.
Originally posted by ghostman
how is tk breaking the rules?
I think it was chosen before.
Originally posted by carver9
After retiring from the team, Rambeau regains first her physical health, and eventually her powers, initially developing the ability to manipulate mechanical energy for various effects.
I don't see how this is against the rule. The last tourny had someone manipulating electronics and had an entire city on lock.
So she manipulates energy? But I have already chosen that
Or are you saying you want to only manipulate MECHANICAL energy, rather than energy?
Which is why I was asking, that's all.
Originally posted by staxamillion
how would magic fit in? or powers like slapstick? id choose something along those lines.
Magic is too broad, I thought. But we can ask the board.
What is Slapstick's ONE power that you want?
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
I think it was chosen before.
So she manipulates energy? But I have already chosen that
Or are you saying you want to only manipulate MECHANICAL energy, rather than energy?
Which is why I was asking, that's all.
Magic is too broad, I thought. But we can ask the board.
What is Slapstick's ONE power that you want?
who choose it?? tell that ****er lets have a slug fest for it

Originally posted by ghostman
who choose it?? tell that ****er lets have a slug fest for it
See the list at the top, in the OP.
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
See the list at the top, in the OP.
tactile tk=/= normal tk,
i'll take ForgetMeNot's power at mid herald level
This is tough. I'd probably have to choose the power or Tech-9.
Movie guns ftw
The Craftsman.
Power: Ability to impose a blood alcohol/drunken like effect on others, up to unconsciousness. Works even on characters with no blood.
Power requies a steady supply of high quality beer on my end (Think Bane's venom injection setup.)
Earth manipulation ie Geoforce
Originally posted by carver9
Sooooo.... your power would be the ability to support marine life?

Lol...typed that from my cell. Meant Aquarian.
Stop the hate
The power to give people ultra intense orgasms on a vast and unlimited scale. Imagine killing someone by giving them Orgasm after Orgasm till there heart gave out. Could Prof X control you if he was cumming in his pants and his muscles spasming over and over after his seed is spent.
The power to mentally turn the tracking devices into mini blackholes from anywhere on Earth. A powerful effect for sure, but given the limits/restrictions of the ability it should still fall into the "low herald" range
Not entering, just throwing that out there

Originally posted by ghostman
tactile tk=/= normal tk,
Well, Reflassh used it to give himself flight, strength, durability etc, so semantics, I guess.
DarkSaint85: Energy manipulation
Id: Psionics
staxamillion: slides out of people's memories
carver9: Energy null field
Deathslash: Cinematic guns
cdtm: drunken fist

Supermutant: earth manipulation
Stop the hate: orgazmo
Even if some of us drop out, that is still a pretty good power list for a tourney.
I want dead man ability.
Originally posted by carver9
I want dead man ability.
Possession through mystical means? OK.
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
Possession through mystical means? OK.
Body hacking by jumping inside of you (no homo). Ghostly form.
Originally posted by carver9
Body hacking by jumping inside of you (no homo). Ghostly form.
Is that two powers, then? Body hacking AND a ghostly form (not all spirits possess you - e.g. Ghost Rider, and not all possession is by ghosts - e.g. Jericho).
With psionics no tp and no tk?
Khazra Reborn
How about Forge's build anything ability?
Originally posted by Khazra Reborn
How about Forge's build anything ability?
That's like technopathy, no?
Originally posted by Supermutant
With psionics no tp and no tk?
Yeah, am sure Id is going to come out as Plutonian-lite.
Hey DS, I'd like to change my power but I'm not entirely sure if it's off limits because it involves partially controlling time.
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
Is that two powers, then? Body hacking AND a ghostly form (not all spirits possess you - e.g. Ghost Rider, and not all possession is by ghosts - e.g. Jericho).
You have energy manipulation, right? Kind of like Monica. What's your physical form?
Originally posted by carver9
You have energy manipulation, right? Kind of like Monica. What's your physical form?
Like Sin's wettest dream.
But it doesn't have to be an energy form, to be a manipulator. I can (and will) be physical.
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
Like Sin's wettest dream.
But it doesn't have to be an energy form, to be a manipulator. I can (and will) be physical.
Perfect to know. Im staying with Aquarian.
Originally posted by carver9
Perfect to know. Im staying with Aquarian.
DarkSaint85: Energy manipulation
Id: Psionics
staxamillion: slides out of people's memories
carver9: Energy null field
Deathslash: Cinematic guns
cdtm: drunken fist

Supermutant: earth manipulation
Stop the hate: orgazmo
Originally posted by deathslash
Hey DS, I'd like to change my power but I'm not entirely sure if it's off limits because it involves partially controlling time.
PM someone who cares. By that I mean, maybe we need more judges and hosts, lol. Perhaps Blair, as he was the initial creator?
I just don't want to be a participant, and at the same time someone who says yay or nay to powers (within reason - if someone asks for the Spot's powers, I will say no lol, as it has been clearly listed at the start in the OP as being chosen before, and thus, banned).
The power to control squirrels
Is that too beastly for this tournament?
Originally posted by tkitna
The power to control squirrels
Is that too beastly for this tournament?
It's certainly the beastliest so far.
We would also need hosts, and judges, if this is to get off the ground. If not...I can just blow my load all over the thread.
Let me think a little longer on my ability.
No worries, I doubt this will be a quick thing - I just don't want it to fizzle out.
By think, you mean potentially change, or do you mean the applications/tactics of said ability?
Edit: if the latter, the way we did it in the last tourney (which I think was good) was to have a scan to back our claims up.
So for example, with me, if I said I would use my portals to rip the blood out of people, even if the Spot never showed it, Coyote did. So I was allowed to say I could. If I said I was porting the Sun into Earth, people basically shot me down, because I had no such scans.
Even if the theory was sound *grumble*
Change abilities. Question. Is speed "control" too much of a high end ability? Example, like Wally. I'm not moving at his speed, I'm getting his ability to control people speed like take away or increase a person's speed (control speed). I can do it on his level though.
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
No worries, I doubt this will be a quick thing - I just don't want it to fizzle out.
By think, you mean potentially change, or do you mean the applications/tactics of said ability?
Edit: if the latter, the way we did it in the last tourney (which I think was good) was to have a scan to back our claims up.
So for example, with me, if I said I would use my portals to rip the blood out of people, even if the Spot never showed it, Coyote did. So I was allowed to say I could. If I said I was porting the Sun into Earth, people basically shot me down, because I had no such scans.
Even if the theory was sound *grumble*
The last tourny wasn't as organized as you are trying make it.
Originally posted by carver9
Change abilities. Question. Is speed "control" too much of a high end ability? Example, like Wally. I'm not moving at his speed, I'm getting his ability to control people speed like take away or increase a person's speed (control speed). I can do it on his level though.
Low Herald level cap, remember.
Originally posted by carver9
The last tourny wasn't as organized as you are trying make it.
Yeah, hence the attempts for this one.
Didn't members just vote on who won last time?
Originally posted by Supermutant
Didn't members just vote on who won last time?
Nope, it had judges and everything.
So it had judges and forum members votes. Interesting combo
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
Low Herald level cap, remember.
Yeah, hence the attempts for this one.
Low Herald Cap for ability or low Herald for character chosen? I thought we were choosing abilities, not characters?
Originally posted by carver9
Low Herald Cap for ability or low Herald for character chosen? I thought we were choosing abilities, not characters?
Low herald cap for ability, not character. So you said in your post you could do it on Wally's level - he's a high herald, IIRC. So if you can use speedsteal on the level of Wally....see what I mean?
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
Low herald cap for ability, not character. So you said in your post you could do it on Wally's level - he's a high herald, IIRC. So if you can use speedsteal on the level of Wally....see what I mean?
No, I don't to be honest. If I said I want Black Adam strength, that wouldn't even make me a Herald in the tier thread and I would lose the tourny. Wally isn't a Herald because he can steal speed, he is a Herald due to all of the applications of his abilities...along with being the fastest man alive.
Originally posted by carver9
No, I don't to be honest. If I said I want Black Adam strength, that wouldn't even make me a Herald in the tier thread and I would lose the tourny. Wally isn't a Herald because he can steal speed, he is a Herald due to all of the applications of his abilities...along with being the fastest man alive.
But you want to use it at Wally's High Herald level, which is....High Herald, lol.
That's like me choosing Surfer's transmutation powers. Or Hulk's strength (he has other abilities too).
Wally has stolen speed from the entire Earth, whilst standing at the North Pole. The speed of entire races of beings. High heralds. Trans level beings (who in turn had HH level speed).
You can absolutely choose it, but you cannot have it at Wally's level, is all I am saying.
That's like saying you want speed, or flight, but at Superman's level - Superman, of course, having other abilities.
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
But you want to use it at Wally's High Herald level, which is....High Herald, lol.
That's like me choosing Surfer's transmutation powers. Or Hulk's strength (he has other abilities too).
Wally has stolen speed from the entire Earth, whilst standing at the North Pole. The speed of entire races of beings. High heralds. Trans level beings (who in turn had HH level speed).
You can absolutely choose it, but you cannot have it at Wally's level, is all I am saying.
That's like saying you want speed, or flight, but at Superman's level - Superman, of course, having other abilities.
So before I ask my question, for the peeps that chose psionic and Earth manipulation, what is the extent of their power. Room level? A mile? City level? Planetary?
I'm porting the Sun into Earth

My question was avoided. Can you please answer the question so that I can know the limitations.
Originally posted by carver9
My question was avoided. Can you please answer the question so that I can know the limitations.
I thought it was directed at the people who chose the it was 'for the peeps'...
I have no idea what their geographical limits are. I would guess...planetary? I know the first tourney had you casting storms across the planet, and Scoob was wreaking havoc with gravity across the world, so probably about that.
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
I thought it was directed at the people who chose the it was 'for the peeps'...
I have no idea what their geographical limits are. I would guess...planetary? I know the first tourney had you casting storms across the planet, and Scoob was wreaking havoc with gravity across the world, so probably about that.
So with my speed control, since everyone I'm going against will probably be planetary, what's my limit?
Whatever you have been shown as a low herald level guy with speed stealing abilities.
I lost because I wasn't able to show Spot or anyone porting the Sun into Earth, for example. You would just need to show what a low herald level speedster could achieve, that's all.
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
I'm porting the Sun into Earth
I'm porting the Earth into the Sun. Great minds think alike

Originally posted by Supermutant
I'm porting the Earth into the Sun. Great minds think alike
Did you see the link I posted?
My final decision since I can't get speed steal. I want Blink teleportation ability.
Originally posted by carver9
My final decision since I can't get speed steal. I want Blink teleportation ability.
Edit: you can absolutely get speed steal, btw. Just not Wally level.
FYI of my ability. It's more defined here but this is what it is.
She's mid meta so everything she can do with the said ability in this scan should be usable. I just can't get her agility and reflexes.

a powerful ability indeed.
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
DarkSaint85: Energy manipulation
Id: Psionics
staxamillion: slides out of people's memories
carver9: bio-molecular displacement, through focus of her mutant energies
Deathslash: Cinematic guns
cdtm: drunken fist

Supermutant: earth manipulation
Stop the hate: orgazmo
Tourney part 1:
sooo..... bout that tk
Originally posted by ghostman
sooo..... bout that tk
How is it different from tactile TK?
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
How is it different from tactile TK?
tactile tk requires physical contact and doesnt have the upper tier applications of regular rk such as atom manipulation or space time folding, and also has more to do with physical prowess than normal tk. they are two different powers. not the same at all.
and besides is that dude even active here?
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
Did you see the link I posted?
Originally posted by Supermutant
So it had judges and forum members votes. Interesting combo
Originally posted by ghostman
tactile tk requires physical contact and doesnt have the upper tier applications of regular rk such as atom manipulation or space time folding, and also has more to do with physical prowess than normal tk. they are two different powers. not the same at all.
and besides is that dude even active here?
Cool, as long as you don't go above what a Low Herald can do
Doesn't matter if he's active or not, he was active during the first tourney, and had already picked that power.
I may have to rethink my power. feels kinda cheap since it was used in a BZ already by darksaint and all the work has been done.
did we get judges for a ruling on magic? since we will have to prove strategies with feats i am having trouble narrowing down
You may need to PM others....Galan, Oas, Blair?
I want to change mine to temperature manipulation.
Would that not be energy manip? Just curious.
i choose elemental manipulation as in metamorpho's at mid herald
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
Would that not be energy manip? Just curious.
There is probably some overlap, but I couldn't for instance manipulate magical energies or Oan energy. I was thinking of Iceman type temperature control.
Great minds

Originally posted by staxamillion
i choose elemental manipulation as in metamorpho's at mid herald
low herald

Next power (from the movie Next)
but always extended to 2 weeks (Chris's maximum). Also, I have the ability to shut if off and on anytime I like.
So a 2 week precog?
Never watched the film.
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
So a 2 week precog?
Never watched the film.
Yes, you should watch it. It's awesome.
Watch it now.
No, watch it yesterday. Lol
Also, I must add that i can see the two weeks instantly (as I'm seeing the present now instantly). I can operate in the present at the same time as see the future.
I'm thinking we have a good pool of combatants now.
So barring a few questions, we could go ahead with the tourney.
One question, since this fight is taking place on earth, does that mean that we're allowed to pick up and use weapons and armor that exists here on earth? If so, I'm changing my power to energy absorbtion/redirection.
Originally posted by deathslash
One question, since this fight is taking place on earth, does that mean that we're allowed to pick up and use weapons and armor that exists here on earth? If so, I'm changing my power to energy absorbtion/redirection.
Energy manip
So so far, we have:
DarkSaint85: Energy manipulation
Id: Psionics
staxamillion: manipulate elements
carver9: bio-molecular displacement, through focus of her mutant energies
Deathslash: Cinematic guns
cdtm: drunken fist stick out tongue
Supermutant: earth manipulation
Stop the hate: orgazmo
ghostman: TK (? maybe ask ?)
h1a8: 2 week precog
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
Energy manip
So so far, we have:
DarkSaint85: Energy manipulation
Id: Psionics
staxamillion: manipulate elements
carver9: bio-molecular displacement, through focus of her mutant energies
Deathslash: Cinematic guns
cdtm: drunken fist stick out tongue
Supermutant: earth manipulation
Stop the hate: orgazmo
ghostman: TK (? maybe ask ?)
h1a8: 2 week precog is that really energy manipulation? I was thinking about it more on the level of bishop, havok, or cyclops (you know, absorbing ambient energy and being able to blast energy beams). What's your definition of energy manipulation, cause I thought it was vulcan's power to redirect or channel energy before it even hit him.
I was going to use all instances of energy manipulators up to the low herald level
Winter, Vulcan, Gold Key Solar, Dr Light, that kinda thing. I won't actually produce my own energy, but I can absorb and fire. Mess with your neurons, etc.
But not globally, so I can't sit in India and fire beams at you in the US, for example.
i want to clarify my power. i want to be able to manipulate my own body on the elemental level like Metamorpho
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
Energy manip
So so far, we have:
DarkSaint85: Energy manipulation
Id: Psionics
staxamillion: manipulate elements
carver9: bio-molecular displacement, through focus of her mutant energies
Deathslash: Cinematic guns
cdtm: drunken fist stick out tongue
Supermutant: earth manipulation
Stop the hate: orgazmo
ghostman: TK (? maybe ask ?)
h1a8: 2 week precog
thought I changed mind to temperature manipulation
Originally posted by staxamillion
i want to clarify my power. i want to be able to manipulate my own body on the elemental level like Metamorpho
It'll be hard to prove, just saying, because all your scans and proof would feature Metamorpho, unless there is another character like him at a lower level?
@supermutant: so you did. I was just wondering if it was analagous to energy manip - because to make things colder, you subtract energy, and to make things hotter, you add energy.....
I have Blair Wind who graciously said he will host, and One_Angry_Scot has said he will judge. Am still waiting on others.
It will be a one post max from all of us, free for all - like in the previous tourney. Our posts MAY run over to two, what with links etc, but the main point is that we don't get bogged down with back and forths.
cool I'll stick with earth manipulation
I'd say shift is a lesser version of metamorpho literally. but i would want to give all my strategy away.
will Galan, Oas, Blair be the judges?
Hopefully, I've tried to be even-handed and fair with regards to my 'rulings' - but if anybody wants to question them, please, feel free to PM Blair, or OAS (and hopefully, the other judges when I get them).
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
I was going to use all instances of energy manipulators up to the low herald level
Winter, Vulcan, Gold Key Solar, Dr Light, that kinda thing. I won't actually produce my own energy, but I can absorb and fire. Mess with your neurons, etc.
But not globally, so I can't sit in India and fire beams at you in the US, for example. alright then. It's just that I realized that cinematic guns is an unfair power as one of my primary sources on their usage in comics (tech-9) took down and is most likely a high herald. Of course, I was going to argue the point using his accuracy feats combined with those of deadshot, deathstroke, bullseye, etc.
I think that I'd prefer to change my power to kitty Pryde's (density control).
Originally posted by deathslash
alright then. It's just that I realized that cinematic guns is an unfair power as one of my primary sources on their usage in comics (tech-9) took down and is most likely a high herald. Of course, I was going to argue the point using his accuracy feats combined with those of deadshot, deathstroke, bullseye, etc.
I think that I'd prefer to change my power to kitty Pryde's (density control).
Haha. Cinematic guns, I saw them as well within the stips, so don't feel it is unfair. Keep it if you want, it sounds hilarious.
what would you rank Husk's ability? would you be able to use her feats?
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
Haha. Cinematic guns, I saw them as well within the stips, so don't feel it is unfair. Keep it if you want, it sounds hilarious. it's not hilarious, it's scary powerful. Guns that never run out of ammo and always hit their mark that are worn so expertly that they never get in the way? That's scary. It's especially scary when you consider that the one character that legitimately had that power managed to take down a high herald (holocaust from DC) and didn't even have to aim at his target to hit it.
Anyway, density manipulation if a far more spectacular defensive power and has some amazing offensive capabilities. I'm gonna go with that.
FINAL draft.
DarkSaint85: Energy manipulation
Id: Psionics
staxamillion: manipulate elements
carver9: bio-molecular displacement, through focus of her mutant energies
Deathslash: Density manipulation
cdtm: drunken fist
Supermutant: earth manipulation
Stop the hate: orgazmo
ghostman: TK (? maybe ask ?)
h1a8: 2 week precog
So just waiting on ghostman (PM OAS).
STOP CHANGING (lol, coming from me, that's rich).
Stax, I personally think Husk is OK; guys, what say you?
I am envisaging about a week? So if we start on Thursday the 5th, we can get our posts in to the host (Blair) by Thursday the 12th, and they can read it and give a ruling? It will only be one post from each of us, so we can cut down on being too verbose.
I don't see everyone named being involved. But there should be a hardcore group of players, at least.
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
FINAL draft.
DarkSaint85: Energy manipulation
Id: Psionics
staxamillion: manipulate elements
carver9: bio-molecular displacement, through focus of her mutant energies
Deathslash: Density manipulation
cdtm: drunken fist
Supermutant: earth manipulation
Stop the hate: orgazmo
ghostman: TK (? maybe ask ?)
h1a8: 2 week precog
So just waiting on ghostman (PM OAS).
STOP CHANGING (lol, coming from me, that's rich).
Stax, I personally think Husk is OK; guys, what say you?
I am envisaging about a week? So if we start on Thursday the 5th, we can get our posts in to the host (Blair) by Thursday the 12th, and they can read it and give a ruling? It will only be one post from each of us, so we can cut down on being too verbose.
I don't see everyone named being involved. But there should be a hardcore group of players, at least.
its cool my man put me in for TK!!
Originally posted by deathslash
it's not hilarious, it's scary powerful. Guns that never run out of ammo and always hit their mark that are worn so expertly that they never get in the way? That's scary. It's especially scary when you consider that the one character that legitimately had that power managed to take down a high herald (holocaust from DC) and didn't even have to aim at his target to hit it.
Anyway, density manipulation if a far more spectacular defensive power and has some amazing offensive capabilities. I'm gonna go with that.
I seen density manipulation as one of the most scariest powers in the bunch tbh.
Originally posted by ghostman
its cool my man put me in for TK!!
Let him have TK. Its not the same as tactical TK.
Agreed. I'm not worried tbh.
Density manipulation in application seems very close to gravity control. I'm for all of it provided I get temperature manipulation back. lol
If I choose super speed, am I able to go light Speed? Example, Bart can go light speed and he is low Herald.
Originally posted by Supermutant
Density manipulation in application seems very close to gravity control. I'm for all of it provided I get temperature manipulation back. lol
Let him have his temperture. We need our competitors to be at their best. If heat manipulation gives him confidence he should have It. Provided he does not break the rules, and technically no one has called or used this power so far.
Originally posted by carver9
If I choose super speed, am I able to go light Speed? Example, Bart can go light speed and he is low Herald. You can't go light speed and be a low herald. You are automatically high herald
Originally posted by "Id"
Let him have TK. Its not the same as tactical TK.
tried to tell him this lol
Originally posted by h1a8
You can't go light speed and be a low herald. You are automatically high herald
Northstar, and Quicksilver go light speed and they Low Herald.
Sin I AM
Quicksilver is LH?
Originally posted by Sin I AM
Quicksilver is LH?
My bad.
Those two phags are High Meta.
Sin I AM
Originally posted by "Id"
My bad.
Those two phags are High Meta.
I think you're right. Iirc QS is can phase his molecules now.
Northstar should b able to he's always been faster than QS although i dont think he can phase through objects.
I strongly suggest placing a speed cap.
Speed cap of the speed of sound?
Cool, we're all locked down now. Ghost man has TK, and Supermutant has temp control (thanks guys for the input!)
Blair is hosting, send your write ups to him. Deadline is Thursday the 12th.
I envisage all of us are suddenly plopped into a facsimile of real earth, with the trackers. We start where we live IRL. We get a list of contestants, but nothing else (so no breakdown, strengths, weaknesses of powers). The trackers can't be tampered with, not even masked by amazing energy manipulators like me. To prevent endless Spotworld shenanigans, we have to physically be able to interact with each other most of the time.
The trackers will tell each other where we are within a 50mile radius.
That's it. May he who dies, die well. No more changing. Send one post to Blair, and one post only. All feats are allowed from any characters Low Herald and below, and if you assert something (I totally use my power of cinematic guns to create a nuke!!), back it up with a scan, or proof.
cool, will send my write up on friday. i cant wait to hold carver down and violate him with my telekinetic cock
Lol... I'm saving you for last.
final question. on the trackers does it tell just that we are in a 50 mile radius or does it where we are within 50 miles?
The idea of the trackers, is that none of us can say, right, I'm sitting here in Kenya, and I can see that carver is sitting at home at this exact moment, so I will send a TK bolt from space up his ass.
We can potentially send a 50mile wide bolt from space, but then, we would need to prove that we can, and if so, that is potentially above Low Herald level.
IOW, we will never know where any of us are at any exact point, short of eyeballing each other.
It's not going to be a graphical disc over lay on a map or anything like that. Probably a text string. Carver is in the 418, 730 area code area. That kinda thing.
Question, am I highly trained with my abilities or do I have basic knowledge of my power?
We're skilled, within reason
For example, using Spot as an example (again). I could open portals everywhere....but I was unable to target people, because Spot never showed that ability. Sure, in comics, he just opened portals, but that was for the sake of plot.
Therefore, I was not allowed to say I just open portals willy billy everywhere.
Same reasoning applies here. We don't have plot helping us. We are skilled, but not PIS skilled.
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
We're skilled, within reason
For example, using Spot as an example (again). I could open portals everywhere....but I was unable to target people, because Spot never showed that ability. Sure, in comics, he just opened portals, but that was for the sake of plot.
Therefore, I was not allowed to say I just open portals willy billy everywhere.
Same reasoning applies here. We don't have plot helping us. We are skilled, but not PIS skilled.
But if you showed a scan where you was able to target people, would you have used it?
im in the meatman area code.
Stay there...don't move.
Originally posted by carver9
Stay there...don't move.
dont worry, ill move you... into the sun while im 90000 feet above ground and protecting myself with a coating of telekinetic force down to the cellular level.
if he can do that I should be able to use metamorpho feats
Now, I know you're using Blink, so will use her as an example, so apologies if I give your tactic away.
With Spot, I was only given the ability to open portals. No targeting abilities. Hence, I made an alliance with someone else to get those abilities (before alliances were turned off).
Even though scans existed of targeting.
So, no.
Replace any of these abilities with telepathy.
The tourney would be over if all a telepath needed to do was think 'dead' and his targets died. No matter where they were in the world.
Within eyeball distance? Sure. But not sitting at home on the shitter, killing people over intercontinental distances.
Originally posted by ghostman
dont worry, ill move you... into the sun while im 90000 feet above ground and protecting myself with a coating of telekinetic force down to the cellular level.
Dark saved you. He basically saved everyone here tbh. Also, I'm not afraid of telepathy either tbh. I guess I will explain that in my post. Anyways, my main tactic has been crushed. I need to find another way of dealing with you all. There would have been no safety for anyone here if Dark allowed targeting.
I thought you'd remember the fuss everyone are over it last time; its why I had a ghost form to scout people out.
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
I thought you'd remember the fuss everyone are over it last time; its why I had a ghost form to scout people out.
I was hoping you forgot.

All rulings from the previous tourney are still on effect; this IS part 2 after all, unless they have been superseded or explicitly changed.
Delta has graciously agreed to judge.
So that's OAS, and delta atm. BW hosting. Possibly one or two more.
Originally posted by carver9
Dark saved you. He basically saved everyone here tbh. Also, I'm not afraid of telepathy either tbh. I guess I will explain that in my post. Anyways, my main tactic has been crushed. I need to find another way of dealing with you all. There would have been no safety for anyone here if Dark allowed targeting.
There are others here that were capable of targeting and might have used that too... So you probably just saved yourself.

what exactly does the host do?
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
Delta has graciously agreed to judge.
So that's OAS, and delta atm. BW hosting. Possibly one or two more.
Wait, Superman liking Delta?
Originally posted by staxamillion
what exactly does the host do?
Posts the posts we send. Lays the context of the fight out etc. Basically, so we know our posts haven't been tampered with.
@carver: Feel free to find more judges if you want. But I thought he could at least be able to call things as he sees it.
Nobody has chosen Superman, so he will be OK.
Originally posted by carver9
Wait, Superman liking Delta?
:megalomaniac laughter:
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
Posts the posts we send. Lays the context of the fight out etc. Basically, so we know our posts haven't been tampered with.
@carver: Feel free to find more judges if you want. But I thought he could at least be able to call things as he sees it.
Nobody has chosen Superman, so he will be OK.
Lol... I don't stand a chance at winning with him being the judge. It has nothing to do with Superman.
I have faith that he can be professional.
Besides, he's not the only judge. And if he judges you badly, everyone would be able to see it, clearly.
If I had to take into account all the squabbles people have, OAS would be the only judge lol. And even he had a squabble once with you, lol.
Y'all really let Id get away with Psionics, eh? Unless he gave specifics, there's an argument for that being a category of like 30-40 different powers.
And a link to the tiers thread, since some were confused. It's not perfect, but it was the standard last time.
/armchair quarterback
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