How powerful is Connor Sims (Anti-Man)?
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As the thread title says: How powerful is the Anti-Man? Discuss.
FAR beyond any other herald of Galactus, imo... Only time will tell what the extent of his powers are.
What are his best feats?
I don't think he's really done anything, tbh... Just implied power at this point.
I recall The Ultimates being wildly impressed with Connor casually teleporting them across the universe with a thought, and Thanos required his power in order to free himself. The latter was before he even became a herald.
And Lifebringer recently upgraded his senses -- he can now fully perceive reality at the highest levels.
Thanos also mused that there were no limits to pre-herald Connor's power. Furthermore, the narrator implies Connor possesses "unlimited cosmic power." Again Pre-herald.
As a herald, I'd like to think he's, what, Skyfather tier?
Probably High Trans? Maybe. I really don't thing Ewing is trying to suggest becoming a herald is an amp, atleast in regards to Sims.
I think Galactus could bestow further powers at any given point in time.
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