Most moving scenes in Comics
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Scenes that moved you the most.
'Moved' is deliberately subjective and open-ended. It could be saddest scenes, or most beautiful, most thought-provoking, or most shocking. Any scenes that, I guess, are particularly memorable for you.
I just finished re-reading Y, The Last Man. The scene t the end where Yorick is cradling Ampersand in his arms as he passes away brought tears to my eyes it's so sad. But then the very final scene where Yorick does his final escape is just so awesome and 'perfect' in terms of the plot, I can't help but smile in admiration for the writing.
The other one for me is the scene in All Star Superman when Superman recues a suicidal girl from jumping off a building. In the middle of all that Grant Morrison, futuristic zaniness this is such a low-key, beautiful bit of humanity it is very very moving every time I read it.
What about you guys? Scans would be great to see, I'm going to try to add ones for my suggestions but I am hopeless at adding them!
This entire scene, which culminated in this page:
Those scenes aren't sad at all lmao.
There's even a more hard hitting scene in identity crisis, when Atom shrinks at the end.
My bad i thought you meant most moving scenes.
Cuz this whole issue is one big moving scene, as the League sets up shop in 3 global embassies:
Originally posted by krisblaze
Those scenes aren't sad at all lmao.
There's even a more hard hitting scene in identity crisis, when Atom shrinks at the end.
I laughed at that.
Jeffrey Mace (the Patriot) not letting go until he could say bye to Captain America
Originally posted by tkitna
Jeffrey Mace (the Patriot) not letting go until he could say bye to Captain America
Poor sod thought Hammond and Bucky would be waiting for him "on the other side". Sry m8, they remained young and powerful.. you did not.
All good ones, but 10 out of 10 Riv for the house-removal issue. How the hell did you dredge that up, you weirdo?
Rao Kal El
Originally posted by wuleecat
All good ones, but 10 out of 10 Riv for the house-removal issue. How the hell did you dredge that up, you weirdo?
I'm old, i read it when it first came out.


Rao Kal El
You activated my trap card
This sequence moved me tremendously:
Boy you lot are a bunch of cynics
by 'moving', I was hoping to hear more about those rare bits in comics that made you go 'wow' and just pause for a minute it was that special. That might have been a shocking moment or a sad one or even a very beautiful one.
For instance, the very end of We3 by Grant Morrison. it's heartbreaking, but it's kind of lovely at the same time.
^^^Come on, guy, this is the internet.
You're lucky you only got ONE rape scene.
Blue Area Vet
Might not have been everyone's favorite comic but Sentry: Fallen Son had a lot of moving moments. Particularly the last couple of pages.
All Star Superman when he finds the girl about to commit suicide.
There's a Superman comic from the late 90s/early 00s that begins with him going on something of a semi-rampage, and as the comic progresses we find out that he had been visiting a young girl with cancer (I think it was), and that moment when you find out the entire comic has been him acting out of grief (as the young girl had died) was something special.
When Aquaman's son died.
The issue of X-Men not where Colossus died, but where Shadowcat brought his ashes to Russia and she spends the entire issue reminiscing about him. Really good stuff.
What Zoom did to Wally and Linda.
There are more, those are just the ones that come to mind.
Yes, the All Star Superman one is a fantastic choice. Works really well because of Quitely's art. Sometimes his skinny wretches look horrible on panel, but in that case he gets it bang-on.
Death of Captain Marvel. Lots of bits in that, like when the heroes are gathered around his deathbed. But probably the most moving is when Thanos visits him and grants him a sort of warrior's death, a final multi-dimensional showdown with his greatest ever foe, as a mark of ultimate respect.
Morlun slowly killing Spiderman got to me. Snatching his eye out, etc...Spiderman had a feeling it was over.
Originally posted by One_Angry_Scot
The Unworthy Thor #2 Pt 2/2
Loved this issue. It again continues to be the best stuff Marvel is putting out except for Star Wars.
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