Beat my character, the mighty DS!!
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OK, so your challenge, KMC, is to beat my amalgam character.
DeathStroke (w/suit)
DarkSeid (amalgamated highs)
DeathSeed Sentry
Dr. Strange (classic)
All powered by DarkSaint85. The tactical skills, the resources, the powers, the knowledge, are all mine to play with.
Aquarian? I will transmute the air around him into salt. He suffocates.
Fantomex? Can you fool the All Seeing Eye of Agamotto?
Deadman? You think you can subjugate the will of Darkseid, of Anti-Life itself?
Forget-me-Not? Can he outrace the Omega Sanction, the Death that is Life?
Longshot/Domino/Black Cat? Do you think your mere attempts at childish hexes and bad luck, would be of any consequence to the Sorcerer Supreme?
Black Alice? You think you can outrace the Protector of all Mankind, the Golden Guardian?
DS stomps.
The ability to beat YOUR character.
Actually, there IS a character who could definately beat him. No need to invent one.
Can I create my own character as well? All I need is two people to end this. Super Thor.
Originally posted by carver9
Can I create my own character as well? All I need is two people to end this. Super Thor.
As you're the only one to have been serious...
Thor has been beaten by DS Sentry.
Superman, by Darkseid.
Surely adding Deathstorm (who can easily create Kryptonite) and classic Dr Strange would mean even more of a stomp?
Can I create my own amalgam though? That changes things imo or are you looking for single characters that can do it?
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
As you're the only one to have been serious...
Thor has been beaten by DS Sentry.
Superman, by Darkseid.
Surely adding Deathstorm (who can easily create Kryptonite) and classic Dr Strange would mean even more of a stomp?
Hey, I was serious!

Originally posted by carver9
Can I create my own amalgam though? That changes things imo or are you looking for single characters that can do it?
I shall say...NAY! You can have a team, but no combination. I want to see where DS tiers.
The Honey Badger
Rogue + Qubit + Sage
Real Talk
Hawk + Dove + Waverider
Originally posted by "Id"
The Honey Badger
Rogue + Qubit + Sage
Real Talk
Hawk + Dove + Waverider
No amalgams. Teams only - unless those are your team names?
How do you think they would take me down?
How big is the team allowed to be? I definitely have a few ideas.
May I ask what Sentry brings to the table here?
Ok, real talk:
1. Element Lad. But not just ANY Element Lad: Using The Progenitor.
2. Silver Surfer.
3. Composite Superman
4. Timazo.
5. Protege.
Originally posted by cdtm
4. Timazo. el oh el
Originally posted by Parmaniac
el oh el
Too much?
I didn't miss a stip, did I?
Originally posted by cdtm
Too much?
I didn't miss a stip, did I? Maybe not technically but he said no amalgams and this basically is one. In fact we will have Amazon with the powers of hourman and 7 JLA members immediately copy/pasting his opponents powers.
Originally posted by Parmaniac
May I ask what Sentry brings to the table here?
Incredible speed. The ability to not be killed, although arguably Deathstorm brings that too.
Hmm. No power copiers allowed. Too easy! Or Nemesis Kid-types.
Originally posted by Genii96
Good choice

can we get lower than Genii's suggestions? Or is DS Scathan level?
LT (before the beyonder shii
IG Thanos
Originally posted by Parmaniac
Maybe not technically but he said no amalgams and this basically is one. In fact we will have Amazon with the powers of hourman and 7 JLA members immediately copy/pasting his opponents powers.
I always figured Timazo was special. Like, you couldn't just put any Amazo in front of Hourman and expect him to copy the Warlogog, he was a particularly advanced prototype model.
But sure, replace Timazo with Hourman.

Originally posted by cdtm
Hey, I was serious!
Me too!
1. Taskmaster
2. Sersi
3. Akhaneten
4. Molecule Man
5. Black Witch( Legion of Three Worlds)
I WIN!!!
^^^ yeah, like you predicted Rousey to win.

Originally posted by riv6672
^^^ yeah, like you predicted Rousey to win.
this thread is longer than the rousey fight
Originally posted by riv6672
^^^ yeah, like you predicted Rousey to win.
Originally posted by LordofBrooklyn
1. Taskmaster
2. Sersi
3. Akhaneten
4. Molecule Man
5. Black Witch( Legion of Three Worlds)
I WIN!!!
How would this team beat a DS who has the martial arts skills of Deathstroke, the speed of DS Sentry, the sheer power of the same (plus DarkSeid), with the Omega Effect, and the ability to create avatars....all of whom would also have the spellcasting abilities of Dr Strange?
Originally posted by ghostman
this thread is longer than the rousey fight
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
How would this team beat a DS who has the martial arts skills of Deathstroke, the speed of DS Sentry, the sheer power of the same (plus DarkSeid), with the Omega Effect, and the ability to create avatars....all of whom would also have the spellcasting abilities of Dr Strange?
Owen Trumps everything you have combined with Akhenaten who has the HOTU. Black Witch at the end of LEGION OF THREE WORLDS had ALL of the power of the Lords of Order and Lords of Chaos. In addition, Black Witch had the power of the Starheart. Taskmaster copies every physical ability you demonstrate and I would argue that Task has more martial skills at default.
Cool, so DS needs a Molecule Man level character to beat.
Although, Sentry has beaten him already...
Taskmaster adds nothing, IMO. I am doing Deathstrokes moves, at Sentry's speeds. He can't keep up with that. Moreover, Tasky would die just from the shockwaves.
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
Cool, so DS needs a Molecule Man level character to beat.
Although, Sentry has beaten him already...
Taskmaster adds nothing, IMO. I am doing Deathstrokes moves, at Sentry's speeds. He can't keep up with that. Moreover, Tasky would die just from the shockwaves.
Taskmaster has a "Fast Forward" power to match superspeed. Akhenaten should be able to match ANY physical stats from those INSECTS on your team.
Zatanna. EID. Fight is done.
How fast can she say EID?
Death Seed Sentry blitzed Thor at multiples of light speed.
Omega Beams can keep pace with Flash.
Sorcerer Supreme level spells at light speed.
Hey MM, the tourney thread is up if you wanna join.
So, how is he beating time manipulation on the Worlogog's level?
I bet Progenitor alone could beat this character. He transmuted his body into a special mineral/substance that survived from the start of the universe, all the way to the Legion of Superheroes time. He also evolved entire species, and casually regrew limbs, or just as easily broke characters down into their components.
And he can use the mineral offensively. He entrapped a being the size of Galactus with the power to destroy galaxies, so I doubt anyone with transmutation power can affect this stuff.
Originally posted by cdtm
So, how is he beating time manipulation on the Worlogog's level?
I bet Progenitor alone could beat this character. He transmuted his body into a special mineral/substance that survived from the start of the universe, all the way to the Legion of Superheroes time. He also evolved entire species, and casually regrew limbs, or just as easily broke characters down into their components.
And he can use the mineral offensively. He entrapped a being the size of Galactus with the power to destroy galaxies, so I doubt anyone with transmutation power can affect this stuff.
Just saw that.
You think he can trap someone with the powers of Deathstorm? Who could become intangible etc?
Not sure, but what stops him from transmuting his body?
To call him a top tier transmutator is an understatement. He was already top tier normally, his progenitor persona was something else, as his former friends noted.
I would assume the same reason top tier guys don't get transmuted - like Darkseid, for example.
I already defeated, Darksaint!
Originally posted by LordofBrooklyn
Taskmaster has a "Fast Forward" power to match superspeed. Akhenaten should be able to match ANY physical stats from those INSECTS on your team.
His fast forward power is only 2x human speed.
He's not matching these speeds, lol:
Whereas Tasky, even if we use Udon Tasky....does this:
Laughably slow, compared to a amalgam character who can pull off Deathstroke's killing moves at multiples of light speed, or Dr Strange's spells, or fire off the Omega Sanction, or transmute air into acid etc etc.
Not to mention, Death personified:
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
His fast forward power is only 2x human speed.
He's not matching these speeds, lol:
Whereas Tasky, even if we use Udon Tasky....does this:
Laughably slow, compared to a amalgam character who can pull off Deathstroke's killing moves at multiples of light speed, or Dr Strange's spells, or fire off the Omega Sanction, or transmute air into acid etc etc.
Not to mention, Death personified:
What about the rest of my UNSTOPPABLE team?
Owen and Akhenaten ANNIHILATE you!!!
Originally posted by LordofBrooklyn
What about the rest of my UNSTOPPABLE team?
Owen and Akhenaten ANNIHILATE you!!!
A weaker Sentry already beat Owen
Akhenaten? Who? DS is far better than this young pup.
I can shoot backwards in time, to when he was just a mere human:
Not to mention, I have the Anti-Life Equation:

Originally posted by DarkSaint85
OK, so your challenge, KMC, is to beat my amalgam character.
DeathStroke (w/suit)
DarkSeid (amalgamated highs)
DeathSeed Sentry
Dr. Strange (classic)
All powered by DarkSaint85. The tactical skills, the resources, the powers, the knowledge, are all mine to play with.
Aquarian? I will transmute the air around him into salt. He suffocates.
Fantomex? Can you fool the All Seeing Eye of Agamotto?
Deadman? You think you can subjugate the will of Darkseid, of Anti-Life itself?
Forget-me-Not? Can he outrace the Omega Sanction, the Death that is Life?
Longshot/Domino/Black Cat? Do you think your mere attempts at childish hexes and bad luck, would be of any consequence to the Sorcerer Supreme?
Black Alice? You think you can outrace the Protector of all Mankind, the Golden Guardian?
DS stomps.

Why do we give Darksaint the chance to have stupid type of fun like this? Stop entertaining him people

Originally posted by TheHulk
Why do we give Darksaint the chance to have stupid type of fun like this? Stop entertaining him people
If you can't beat me, it's OK. Not all can.
So far, DS is at Owen-level, or Scathan.
My characters is a combination of characters. It's all these beings bundled up in one.
Flash (has outran death).
Kuurth (completely unstoppable...Nothing hurts him).
Thanos (unkillable, intelligent, powerful and now possess the unstoppability of Juggernaut and the speed of Flash)
and xmen villain from the Ultimate Universe who's thoughts come to reality. He can do anything.
I stomp.
Dear Lord, is reading that difficult for you to comprehend? No amalgams. Team of DISCRETE characters!
I didn't go back and read it, my bad. I'll come up with a team.
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
A weaker Sentry already beat Owen
Akhenaten? Who? DS is far better than this young pup.
I can shoot backwards in time, to when he was just a mere human:
Not to mention, I have the Anti-Life Equation:
Attosecond flash (to instantly stop time and have billions of years to operate)
Waverider (travel through time, see future, become intangible, etc)
Kuurth (durability, HF, unstoppability, etc)
Thanos (from Imperative to insure death, tp, etc)
Superman 1 million (golden) (strength, flight, tk, etc)
Squirrel Girl. I win.
Originally posted by h1a8
Attosecond flash (to instantly stop time and have billions of years to operate)
Waverider (travel through time, see future, become intangible, etc)
Kuurth (durability, HF, unstoppability, etc)
Thanos (from Imperative to insure death, tp, etc)
Superman 1 million (golden) (strength, flight, tk, etc)
Nice team.
Originally posted by h1a8
Attosecond flash (to instantly stop time and have billions of years to operate)
Waverider (travel through time, see future, become intangible, etc)
Kuurth (durability, HF, unstoppability, etc)
Thanos (from Imperative to insure death, tp, etc)
Superman 1 million (golden) (strength, flight, tk, etc)
Flash is the main issue, with regards to speed.
Thanos was immune to death, because Death witheld her touch from him.
Deathstorm wouldn't.
Waverider? Anti-Life Equation. He becomes a mindless slave.
Kuurth? Sorceror Supreme.
S1M will need his Super Sun. I hope you brought it to the battlefield.
Mighty indeed is DS! The Ikon suit protects against Psionics...
H/P Doomsday
Wally West
Wally would lend speed to Doomsday's adapting abilities , so he'd instantly overcome anything. On top of that, Motherbox for BFR'ing most of your team , and energy manipulation/telepathy protection/etc.
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
Mighty indeed is DS! The Ikon suit protects against Psionics...
But not against ex machina (look it up).
I ended this thread with the first response.
Originally posted by riv6672
The ability to beat YOUR character.
That's your opinion, and you're very welcome to it. Others chiming in after you shows that the thread perhaps was not as ended as you thought.
Agree to disagree; I don't really have the inclination to engage on this particular avenue with you. Thanks for the bump though!
Well you Bumped yourself, after 291 days.
I just reminded you i beat your character on day one. So, you're welcome.
Prof. T.C McAbe
Saint of Killers
Hourman 1 million with the worlogog. I stomp yoir amalgum is at the point in time before it was a threat to a boy scout.
Crimson Avenger also stomp with the magic gun that kills anything and always hits what the wielder wants to
Longshot bends probability so the Darksied component of your build trips down a stair and omega beams his own ass. Refer to LS saves the MU for more.
Dr Occult.
In Judgement day he kept Spectre busy with his disk while the rest of the magic community made plans
In COIE he joined his disk with Alan scots ring and focused and filtered the magic of every mystic in the DCU
Vs the demons three he disk combined the power of Dr Fate, Etrigan, Zatanna and Phantom Stranger
In reign in hell he was able to devine the way out of hell when no other could.
His disk allows him to ansorb and redirectnor control all natural and supernatural energy (which is all your build) meaning he wirlds all your power against you
He teams up with my previous 3 and your toast
Multiple Man
Serpent Cain Marko
I stomp with ease.
Remember, you're putting a team together, to beat an amalgam.
Which means I have DS Sentry's speed, Dr Strange's spellcasting, Deathstorm being a personification of actual Death, Darkseid's Omega Effect (and Anti-Life equation), plus all of Darkseid's high showings (no low showings allowed).
Time travel? Remember when Morgan La Fey tried it against Sentry?
Crimson Avenger? I AM Death.
Longshot? No low showings allowed!
Dr Occult? Anti Life Equation.
Carver, am assuming you're a team, right? Omega Beams will tie Flash up...then I'm easily faster than the rest of your team.
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
Remember, you're putting a team together, to beat an amalgam.
Which means I have DS Sentry's speed, Dr Strange's spellcasting, Deathstorm being a personification of actual Death, Darkseid's Omega Effect (and Anti-Life equation), plus all of Darkseid's high showings (no low showings allowed).
Time travel? Remember when Morgan La Fey tried it against Sentry?
Crimson Avenger? I AM Death.
Longshot? No low showings allowed!
Dr Occult? Anti Life Equation.
Carver, am assuming you're a team, right? Omega Beams will tie Flash up...then I'm easily faster than the rest of your team.
Hourman doesnt use time travel he uses time manip.he alyers your personal time line.
Death so what.
What low showings there are showings of having to bend probabioity only slightly because that's all that was needed to defeat who he was up against. Whem Juggs fought him he collapsed an entire buildimg on him and it collapsed so that not a single thimg toiched or hurt him.good luck attackimg him
Anti life is the yang to the source, a supernatural energy thay Occult can absorb and wield. The more you have in power the more Occult has to wield against you.
Originally posted by beatboks
Hourman doesnt use time travel he uses time manip.he alyers your personal time line.
Death so what.
What low showings there are showings of having to bend probabioity only slightly because that's all that was needed to defeat who he was up against. Whem Juggs fought him he collapsed an entire buildimg on him and it collapsed so that not a single thimg toiched or hurt him.good luck attackimg him
Anti life is the yang to the source, a supernatural energy thay Occult can absorb and wield. The more you have in power the more Occult has to wield against you.
Doom/Morgan La Fey tried that against Sentry. Didn't take.
Death so what? Good luck killing Death. Not to mention, Power Girl wasn't exactly killed by the bullets.
And yet - there are limits to his probability field, as seen in Longshot Saves the Marvel U. So yes, I will take that luck
And when Occult gets mind controlled? Which he has. And the Anti-Life Equation is all about control, not blasting power to pwoer.
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
Doom/Morgan La Fey tried that against Sentry. Didn't take.
Death so what? Good luck killing Death. Not to mention, Power Girl wasn't exactly killed by the bullets.
And yet - there are limits to his probability field, as seen in Longshot Saves the Marvel U. So yes, I will take that luck
And when Occult gets mind controlled? Which he has. And the Anti-Life Equation is all about control, not blasting power to pwoer.
Remind me again when doom and morgan le fey have had the worlogog?? Thays right they havent. With it extant completely rewrote reality and created his own universe until Hourman who had only a portion of it was able to stop him. Neither Doom nor Le Fey had the power to rewrite reality on top of their own time manip power . I specified WITH worlogog, not just normal Hourman 1 million.
Since Hourman will make you at your least powerful time that would ne when yoir not death, and how btw are you? Also they killed wildcat who is also beyond death. Battle forum rules means a kill is a win even if you can resurrect I still won first.
LS's limitation is he cant use it for personal gain. Doesnt deminish how it protects him in a fight. Magnetos powers specifically didnt work when he tried to attack him. Helicarriers stopped falling under the influence of gravity before hitting him. Yeah good example of how you wont do jack to him.
Haha Occult has never been controlled. Good luck showing that. His disk specifically repells such things that have always affected the one trying to control him. Also correct me if I'm wrong but DS has nevet had the full ALE and what he did have was stripped by Mr Miracle, so current DS doesnt even have it to bring to bare.
Occult's disk will allow him to absorb and redirect LS's probability field so it now protects all my team and is amplified. Ot also shatters/undoes all the magic of strange making hisnpart of your amalgum a waist. Hourman with worlogog makes you at your lowest power level (throughout you time lime - somethimg niether Doom or Le Fey tried) for all parts of your amalgam (which effectively removes the ALE even if you had it, and any protection you had to the guns of vengeance). Occult then absorbs any attack you make (even those that are goimg ro miss by milesnduento luck) and hits your weakened self with your own attacks at the same time as Crimson Avenger puts a few dozen divine bullets thru u.
Your amalgum was simply found badly wanting
Does my guy get prep?
Heck, I'll assume yes and make my pick:
Grant Morrison. He can just write your guy out of existence. : p
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
Remember, you're putting a team together, to beat an amalgam.
Which means I have DS Sentry's speed, Dr Strange's spellcasting, Deathstorm being a personification of actual Death, Darkseid's Omega Effect (and Anti-Life equation), plus all of Darkseid's high showings (no low showings allowed).
Time travel? Remember when Morgan La Fey tried it against Sentry?
Crimson Avenger? I AM Death.
Longshot? No low showings allowed!
Dr Occult? Anti Life Equation.
Carver, am assuming you're a team, right? Omega Beams will tie Flash up...then I'm easily faster than the rest of your team. How fast is DS Sentry?
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