Shang-Chi Vs Deathstroke
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Zack M
Zack, did you see the interview I posted with Priest?
Zack M
Let's just use the Nth metal armor to give Shang a chance.
Sin I AM
Originally posted by Zack M
Let's just use the Nth metal armor to give Shang a chance.
u can always take away ds armor and make it more fair
and golgo is banned for spending 2016/2017 fully sober
Zack M
Shang couldn't one shot Cap.
Well, he never really fought Cap, so we don't know.
Unless you want to count the judo throw or whatever it was that was used in their sparring session.
Zack M
With standard gear, I would vote for Cap. In HTH, maybe Shang, but it's close. Shang isn't one shotting Slade, though. Not with his standard gear.
Shang's hickman gear is pretty good, too.
Maybe if it was Shang and Cap together, nah Deathstroke would still win.
Originally posted by RadZoa
Maybe if it was Shang and Cap together, nah Deathstroke would still win. Not likely
Originally posted by iceman24567
Not likely stfu
Originally posted by RadZoa
Maybe if it was Shang and Cap together, nah Deathstroke would still win. Originally posted by iceman24567
Not likely
Originally posted by deathslash
STFU You dont know nothing
Originally posted by RadZoa
STFU You dont know nothing
Do you actually know anything about captain America or Shanghai chi?
Originally posted by deathslash
Do you actually know anything about captain America or Shanghai chi? Cap is just some punk with a shield and Shang Chi more like small Wang Chi LOL
Originally posted by RadZoa
Cap is just some punk with a shield and Shang Chi more like small Wang Chi LOL I genuinely hope that you're joking, because if you're not, we're gonna have some serious problems.
Don't take him seriously. His main thing is to post things that he know will piss anyone off. It's a common thing for him.
I would give Shang the advantage in actual fighting skill, every other advantage, mental and physical, Id give to Slade. Deathstroke for the win here.
Is this pure h2h or with equipment? If pure h2h, I give it to Deathstroke but it won't be easy.
in pure H2H shang chi will use chi amping and destroy slade. basically slade is gorgon minus the healing factor and telepathy. shang chi will take him out.
Shang really shouldn;'t have a problem here
Zack M
Originally posted by Deadline
Is this pure h2h or with equipment? If pure h2h, I give it to Deathstroke but it won't be easy.
Standard gear and armor is allowed.
Originally posted by Dareangel
in pure H2H shang chi will use chi amping and destroy slade. basically slade is gorgon minus the healing factor and telepathy. shang chi will take him out. Shang can spend all day amping himself up with Chi and he'll still die within 10 seconds
Originally posted by RadZoa
Shang can spend all day amping himself up with Chi and he'll still die within 10 seconds
and you base that on....
Originally posted by Zack M
Standard gear and armor is allowed.
Not sure how that is fair, standard gear for Shang is his bare hands while DS has a sword and maybe other stuff.
Originally posted by BruceSkywalker
Shang really shouldn;'t have a problem here
Yea that makes sense he's only beaten Batman before and I've seen him manhandle Batman on another ocassion.
Yeah, Zack has posted what standard gear is on page 1.
His armour enables him to take hits from Superman and frigging Darkseid.
Has an unbreakable sword that can absorb unlimited amounts of energy.
His staff that shoots energy....
Plus some skills
Originally posted by Dareangel
and you base that on.... Feats son, even Nightwing would beat Shangs ass
Originally posted by RadZoa
Feats son, even Nightwing would beat Shangs ass

Originally posted by DarkSaint85
Yeah, Zack has posted what standard gear is on page 1.
His armour enables him to take hits from Superman and frigging Darkseid.
Has an unbreakable sword that can absorb unlimited amounts of energy.
His staff that shoots energy....
Plus some skills
Excellent post.
Slade gets fisted. Asian fisted.
Originally posted by deathslash

It's funny cause its true

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