Lex Luthor Vs Black Panther
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No prep.
Standard armor/suit, respectively.
Pre-FLASHPOINT Luthor? I think(but am not positive) that's what the pic is from.
Panther headbutts him.
Zack M
Lex. He has a Mother Box now.
Was intending no amps on either side, so lets go with Delta's Pre-FLASHPOINT Luthor, take Zack's Mother Box off the table, and hope DS feels better this morning.

To Darkseid the headbutt scenario, not gonna happen. Lex' suit has a forcefield around his head.
The suit is made to take hits from the lake of Superman, Panther dies.
Originally posted by riv6672
Was intending no amps on either side, so lets go with Delta's Pre-FLASHPOINT Luthor, take Zack's Mother Box off the table, and hope DS feels better this morning.
So what's standard Black Panther done?
Going by the bazillion threads here over the years, everything.
The man's literally walked on water.
Originally posted by riv6672
Going by the bazillion threads here over the years, everything.
The man's literally walked on water.
That's not very helpful.
He gets constant updates on his suit. I'm sure you know this/have posted in BP threads here before.
I thought you were kidding.
If anything just vote Luthor.

Originally posted by SquallX
To Darkseid the headbutt scenario, not gonna happen. Lex' suit has a forcefield around his head.
The suit is made to take hits from the lake of Superman, Panther dies. the suit also fails miserably at taking superman down and at least half of its offensive capabilities are focused on superman's weakness to kryptonite.
Not saying panther wins, but the suit doesn't do its job even half as well as you just made it sound.
Originally posted by riv6672
He gets constant updates on his suit. I'm sure you know this/have posted in BP threads here before.
I thought you were kidding.
If anything just vote Luthor.

Seriously, you NEED to be told what BP can do?

Panther can do it
^^^He can do it all night long.
Really, though, he can?
Originally posted by riv6672
^^^He can do it all night long.
Really, though, he can?
Well he can, but I have my doubts for a majority.
Yeah, it was pointed out Lex's suit is geared towards Superman but, well, its Superman, that has to count for something?
Rao Kal El
Originally posted by SquallX
To Darkseid the headbutt scenario, not gonna happen. Lex' suit has a forcefield around his head.
The suit is made to take hits from the lake of Superman, Panther dies.

that luthor armor is under rated just because it faces superman on a daily basis.
But the suit can hold it's own vs others non called superman
Originally posted by Rao Kal El

that luthor armor is under rated just because it faces superman on a daily basis.
But the suit can hold it's own vs others non called superman

Like Superboy and Supergirl

Originally posted by iceman24567

Like Superboy and Supergirl
Like Brainiac.
And Larfleeze.
And yeah, he used Kryptonite when fighting Supergirl, but still took a kick to the head and shrugged it off. I'd imagine Kara even like that would be stronger than Black Panther. And for what it's worth, he one-shot(cheap shot though) Starfire just before fighting Kara.
I don't think Luthor is necessarily fast in his armor? He also had problems taking down a door Cyborg casually did.
Vibranium should counter Energy blast and energy daggers can get past Luthor's armor.
Originally posted by EcstaticGrace
I don't think Luthor is necessarily fast in his armor? He also had problems taking down a door Cyborg casually did.
Vibranium should counter Energy blast and energy daggers can get past Luthor's armor.
He's shown to have enhanced speed in what seemed to be a lesser armor when he fought Deathstroke, and the fight with Supergirl might have shown greater than normal speed(or just an artist effect).
I don't know what you're referring to about him unable to take a door Cyborg did. Issue reference? His fight against Brainiac makes me scratch my head about that. Brainiac's strength does vary outside of his ship depending on how long he's been out. This is the weakest I've seen him, two comics(ACTION COMICS #871 and #872) prior to ADVENTURE COMICS(V2 I think) #0 they stated he was losing muscle mass, then we see he's definitely much smaller. Still casually snaps necks.
Out of his ship for some amount of time, treats Superboy and Krypto like this.
Plus the fight with Kara, Kryptonite or not. I think it's safe to say that Luthor in his armor is stronger than Black Panther.
Not sure what the limits to Panther's vibranium taking energy are. For what it's worth, he killed 3 OMACs with a blast.
At the worst, I'd think the blasts tearing up the ground would keep him a bit off balanced(unless "featureless environment" is indestructible).
As for the dagger, it's going to get through a force field? Most of the time it's not visible, but he's stated before he was protected from an attack by a force field, which wasn't visible.
Panther's daggers go through forcefields.
Which ones have they gone through? Not asking for scans or anything, just curious.
Originally posted by riv6672
Which ones have they gone through? Not asking for scans or anything, just curious.
Random ones:
And Iron Man:
Nice. No idea how he got through the first FF, but if Doom's FF works like IM's, then he just might be able to shiv Vic!
Thanks, DS.
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
Random ones:
And Iron Man:
So it might make it through.
Rao Kal El
Originally posted by Delta1938
So it might make it through.
But that is only what panther could do. But what can luthor do to panther
Originally posted by Rao Kal El
But that is only what panther could do. But what can luthor do to panther
Okay so the daggers might make it through. Whats the damage to armor that can take hits from Superman? Bounce off?
Originally posted by riv6672
Okay so the daggers might make it through. Whats the damage to armor that can take hits from Superman? Bounce off?
The energy daggers make Luthor's durability irrelevant.
So he's gonna stab Luthor in the eye?
Rao Kal El
Originally posted by Vanguard
So like luthor can't do anything?
Originally posted by Rao Kal El
So like luthor can't do anything?
I would think Luthor should try blunt force trauma, but TChalla has taken some pretty impressive damage in the suit. And he's the better fighter.
Originally posted by EcstaticGrace
The energy daggers make Luthor's durability irrelevant.

That says it's phasing through Ultron. It doesn't prove it'll get through the force field. It may, but I haven't seen anything to definitively prove it.
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