Who is the weakest technopath that could jack...
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Who is the weakest technopath that could definitively jack Dr Dooms armor (as in jack it a perfect 10/10)?
I'd perfer to see someone beneath Tyrant level (who was able to jack Galactus's tech while in Galactus's direct presence) if possible...
Cyborg Superman.
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
Cyborg Superman.
I was thinking him since he was able to jack a portion of the Source...
Anyone else?
Quite possibly The Engineer (from The Authority). Iirc, besides counter-hacking Midnighter's tech implant, she also "hacked" Cpt. Atom's biology at the quantum level. And she's a couple steps below Cyborg Supes in overall power.
Speaking of Cyborgs, though, Nu52 Cyborg is probably in the discussion. He's hacked the entire Bat-computer (among many, many other things), yeah? Maybe some of the brainier Transformers as well.
Sin I AM
Originally posted by TheLordofMurder
Who is the weakest technopath that could definitively jack Dr Dooms armor (as in jack it a perfect 10/10)?
I'd perfer to see someone beneath Tyrant level (who was able to jack Galactus's tech while in Galactus's direct presence) if possible...
tim drake
Interesting answers; thanx for the feedback!

King M would say Madison Jefferies.
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