Insane Genis Vell Vs The Void
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No prep.
Sin I AM
Hmmmm....stalemate. Both are overhyped imo
My money is on Genis.
Sin I AM
Originally posted by "Id"
My money is on Genis.
Y ?
Originally posted by Sin I AM
Y ?
For starters check out that scan. Through his primal scream and cosmic wackyness he unintentionally messed with timespace. Kill off the Dinosaurs, Black Plague event, made primal humans afraid of the Earth.

Sin I AM
Originally posted by "Id"
For starters check out that scan. Through his primal scream and cosmic wackyness he unintentionally messed with timespace. Kill off the Dinosaurs, Black Plague event, made primal humans afraid of the Earth.
Not sure if serious.
Originally posted by Sin I AM
Not sure if serious.
I did the respect thread for both characters and I somehow missed that one
Which is a damn cool one.
Sin I AM
Originally posted by "Id"
I did the respect thread for both characters and I somehow missed that one
Which is a damn cool one.
That sxan2didnt say Genis did those says cosmic beings caused those things. And even if he did. Those instances arent impressive imo
Insane Titan
Insane Genis was blinking a universe in and out of existence. He stomps.
Well his energy and spacial powers are a good counter to Sentrys Psionic/Matter manipulation. Ultimately Genis walks with some higher highs.
Sin I AM
Originally posted by Insane Titan
Insane Genis was blinking a universe in and out of existence. He stomps.
Lol no
Insane Titan
Originally posted by Sin I AM
Lol no lol yeah, see how easy that was. IG power is far superior to what the Void has.
Sin I AM
Originally posted by Insane Titan
lol yeah, see how easy that was. IG power is far superior to what the Void has.
I dont recall him "blinking universes in and out of existence".
^^^i've actually heard that exact term used te: Genis.
Originally posted by "Id"
I did the respect thread for both characters and I somehow missed that one
Which is a damn cool one.
Ah, neat!
Sin I AM
Originally posted by riv6672
^^^i've actually heard that exact term used te: Genis.
Ah, neat!
Ive heard it to never seen it. Genis feats are overblown
At least you said both were, which is good i guess.
I honestly dont know who'd win or why, so knowing their feats are exaggerated is appreciated.

Insane Titan
Originally posted by Sin I AM
I dont recall him "blinking universes in and out of existence". the scans are in Mr Masters marvel hierarchy thread.
Sin I AM
Originally posted by riv6672
At least you said both were, which is good i guess.
I honestly dont know who'd win or why, so knowing their feats are exaggerated is appreciated.
Extremely exaggerated in Genis case because his high end feats have context.
Originally posted by Insane Titan
the scans are in Mr Masters marvel hierarchy thread.
Couldn't find it. Link?
Originally posted by Sin I AM
I dont recall him "blinking universes in and out of existence".
I think he is referring to happened in HoM storyline.
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