Moondragon vs Batman
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Hand to hand combat.
Batman should win this.
I've no problem with Moony but i dont see her near his level.
She doesn't show it often but MD is incredibly skilled.
She got spanked by Ben Grimm. Literally.
Posters here give Batman majority wins over Ben.
I know thats kinda A B C-ish, but i love that spanking scene!
That out tricks The Thing would slaughter Batman
golem370 The%20Thing%20spanks%20Moondragon%20Marvel%20Two%2
Originally posted by golem370
That out tricks The Thing would slaughter Batman
Well i know that and you know that...

She beat Mantis though. Poor writing or is she just that good?
I heard she beat Cap.
Batman after a nice fight
Originally posted by golem370
I heard she beat Cap.
Never heard that!
Originally posted by tkitna
She beat Mantis though. Poor writing or is she just that good?
Her and Mantis are basically two sides of the same coin as far as training goes so I wouldn't really say it's necessarily poor writing. Mantis has more abundant h2h showings, but that's just because Moondragon's psychic skills are what writers primarily look to showcase where she's concerned.
Originally posted by golem370
Originally posted by riv6672
Impressive, wow.
To be fair, Cap's was having issues with his serum when they fought. I still think she'd win even if he had his serum, I just felt obligated to point out that he wasn't at 100%.
Context is always important, but that was still very cool.
Originally posted by riv6672
Context is always important, but that was still very cool.
Oh it's definately still impressive. The guys beaten Crossbones and the Serpent Society even without the serum after all.
Apparently she also used pressure points to repair DD's eye for abit.
^^^Until he realized that was impossible for her to do, given that his sight loss was a matter of radiation exposure.
Then he went blind again; like the coyote falling once he looks down and realizes its impossible to float.
Originally posted by riv6672
Posters here give Batman majority wins over Ben.
What?! In H2H?
In forum fights. Gas pellets and pressure points FTW.

Does a rock being have pressure points?
Moondragon tryed on Thing and she got a paddlin for it.
Shang Chi's tried finding weak points too.
But hey, Batman.

As far as I know, the only one to successfully use pressure point attacks on him is Gamora, and she's got super strength of her own going for her.
Batman has hype, though.
Originally posted by riv6672
^^^Until he realized that was impossible for her to do, given that his sight loss was a matter of radiation exposure.
Then he went blind again; like the coyote falling once he looks down and realizes its impossible to float.
Back on topic, IMHO, Batman wins.
Originally posted by darthgoober
As far as I know, the only one to successfully use pressure point attacks on him is Gamora, and she's got super strength of her own going for her.
There was another a obscure character.
Originally posted by darthgoober
Her and Mantis are basically two sides of the same coin as far as training goes so I wouldn't really say it's necessarily poor writing. Mantis has more abundant h2h showings, but that's just because Moondragon's psychic skills are what writers primarily look to showcase where she's concerned.
To be fair, Cap's was having issues with his serum when they fought. I still think she'd win even if he had his serum, I just felt obligated to point out that he wasn't at 100%.
Cap was both without the serum and also acting under mind control at the time, so there is even more context.
As far as Mantis goes, part of the reason for her loss seemed to be she just didn't handle the fight psychologically as well as Moondragon did - they are probably pretty close in terms of skill. She kind of folded mentally when some of her usual moves didn't work against Moondragon who seemed familiar with them. Mantis also quickly got pinned by others who who were either familiar with her moves (Libra) or highly skilled across many different MA (Champion).
I think Batman has a better chance than Cap here, because he is a 'real' MA fighter. Yes, I know Cap is too, but he doesn't really fight that way as much on panel. Batman fights MA (comic book MA anyway) and this is going to be a comic MA skill fight.
I'd actually give Bats a bit of a majority here but Moondragon can take some wins.
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