Colossus vs Grifter
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Who's taking this? No bfr.
Sin I AM
Hmmmm. Did grifter get a bump in power or something?
Colossus is too much for Grifter IMHO.
Zack M
Originally posted by zopzop
Colossus is too much for Grifter IMHO.
Remember, Grifter's biggest feat was putting down Helspont for a time, through TP. Helspont one-shotted Superman.
Originally posted by Zack M
Remember, Grifter's biggest feat was putting down Helspont for a time, through TP. Helspont one-shotted Superman.
Yeah but how often does he resort to TP to attack an opponent? I know he's used his TK on numerous occasions.
Originally posted by zopzop
Colossus is too much for Grifter IMHO.
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