Brainiac 5 Vs Lyrl Dox
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Zack M
Both are 12th level intellects, I think. Who wins?
The versions of Brainiac *seem* to become more evolved/advanced with each iteration. That's why Brainiac 3(Lyrl) was smarter than Brainiac 2(Vril). So I can only assume Brainiac 5 would be superior to Brainiac 3/Lyrl for the same reason.
Originally posted by Galan007
The versions of Brainiac *seem* to become more evolved/advanced with each iteration. That's why Brainiac 3(Lyrl) was smarter than Brainiac 2(Vril). So I can only assume Brainiac 5 would be superior to Brainiac 3/Lyrl for the same reason.
Agree with this. Additionally there is also the advantage of the era and the break throughs. The same intellect as Einstein today would accomplish vastly more because science has moved so much further. He would have a more advanced basis to work from. He wouldnt have to apply himslef to make the same break throughs that that level of intellect made in his era as they'd been done and instead could apply himslef to much more.
Look at it this way. Vrill accomplished more in the second run of Rebels (vs starro etc) because he had resources and concepts that he had broken from what B5 had sent him. His lower level intellect worked out different ways to jse that informatio to effect. Had he not had that he would likely not have been as.successful, it meant he could apply his mind to areas he would have otherwise not looked as he already had the answers to questions he would have been otherwise looking for and researching.
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