Immortal Herc vs Frankenstein
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Who's taking this?
Franky has standard equipment and Herc has mace.
Doesn't......doesn't Frank have the sword of Michael?
Originally posted by deathslash
Doesn't......doesn't Frank have the sword of Michael?
Yes, he does.
Superman when fighting OMAC: OMAC may be stronger than me!
OMAC when fighting Franky: BROTHER! I NEED HELP!!
Sin I AM
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
Superman when fighting OMAC: OMAC may be stronger than me!
OMAC when fighting Franky: BROTHER! I NEED HELP!!
Abc logic ds? My how the mighty have fallen
BROTHER! I NEED HELP!! Is a hilarious line to throw out in general company.
Sin I AM
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
BROTHER! I NEED HELP!! Is a hilarious line to throw out in general company.
I know. So what happened did he beat him?
Zack M
That is also Superman who benched the weight of the planet, too.
Frankestein wins with gear and all. Guy was restraining Wonder Woman, damaging Black Adam with his sword, and fighting Superman.
Originally posted by Zack M
That is also Superman who benched the weight of the planet, too.
Frankestein wins with gear and all. Guy was restraining Wonder Woman, damaging Black Adam with his sword, and fighting Superman. I hear that that version of superman can also make a mean sandwich. Is there anything that the man of steel can't do?

I can't believe I'm saying this but, Frankenstein for the majority.
Originally posted by zopzop
I can't believe I'm saying this but, Frankenstein for the majority.

without that sword, herc would take the solid majority. Also, if herc had his other weapons, I could see the edge going to Hercules.
He can't block the sword with his mace?
Zack M
Originally posted by deathslash

without that sword, herc would take the solid majority. Also, if herc had his other weapons, I could see the edge going to Hercules.
I think it would be dead even without the sword. It's not like Franky doesn't have good showings against top tiers.
Plus, Franky has much more than the sword. He has weapons from SHADE, an organization with top level tech.
Bump in honor of Prep
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
Superman when fighting OMAC: OMAC may be stronger than me!
OMAC when fighting Franky: BROTHER! I NEED HELP!! 2017 Darksaint was Prime Darksaint.
Current Darksaint has been broken down by too many carver wars.
Senor Cage
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
Superman when fighting OMAC: OMAC may be stronger than me!
OMAC when fighting Franky: BROTHER! I NEED HELP!!
Inconclusive, Dark. Shame on you!!
Haha. I didn't know of the other side of the story at the time!
Senor Cage
Suuuure you didn't, Dark.
Saint 2017 vs Saint 2019
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