When you were a kid, which comic did you imagine the same thing happening to you in?
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Stop the hate
For me, I wanted to be Graviton, Nefaria or most of all cosmic Korvac. I never really wanted to be a hero.
i wanted to be wolverine... well not his looks and all. just the powers and claws
Kyle, minus the tragic luck with girlfriends.
Stop the hate
Originally posted by Mindset
Victor Von Doom
Good Choice, the only icky thing about Doom is the Sue crush. That girl has been stalked by more people than any celeb.
Originally posted by Stop the hate
That girl has been stalked by more people than any celeb.
thats because she is probably among the only females in comics world that doesnt dress up skanky. you see when a girl doesnt dress skanky the male code activated and he wants to mate with her and make family. the male wants to man her up with his man juice and establish her as his. when a girl dress up as a skank, the male doesnt want to make a family with her. the skank is good enough for man juice but not family. she cannot be trusted and be a good mother and houswife. thats why sue is getting all the man
Stop the hate
Originally posted by Dareangel
thats because she is probably among the only females in comics world that doesnt dress up skanky. you see when a girl doesnt dress skanky the male code activated and he wants to mate with her and make family. the male wants to man her up with his man juice and establish her as his. when a girl dress up as a skank, the male doesnt want to make a family with her. the skank is good enough for man juice but not family. she cannot be trusted and be a good mother and houswife. thats why sue is getting all the man
So Doom and Namor want a little white picket fence?
Stop the hate
Originally posted by Insane Titan
Dr Light!
If male Doctor light lol... If female Dr Light rofl.

Stop the hate
Originally posted by Cogito
Kyle, minus the tragic luck with girlfriends.
I was always shocked he opened a fridge again!
Originally posted by Stop the hate
So Doom and Namor want a little white picket fence?
bad boys always go for the good girl
I would say gambit was a thing for me. im from an area close to new Orleans and always thought that was cool. that and he dated a girl from Mississippi which is where im from as well
So you wanted to date your sister?
Stop the hate
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
So you wanted to date your sister?

haha no that's Alabama!
Gambit dated his sister?
Originally posted by Dareangel
Gambit dated his sister?
no this was an excellent execution of an age old American South joke. got me good
in the south of USA guys date their sisters?
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