Cap, Batman and Daredevil Vs. The Hulk
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Stop the hate
Cap has winded the Hulk, Batman has winded Classic Grundy, Daredevil has slowed the Hulk down. How long can they delay him till Thor and Hyperion arrive?
Silent Master
Barring PIS. Batman dies first, then Daredevil and finally Cap. fight lasts a few seconds.
They live as long Hulk wants them too.
A good thunderclap should kill them all in a second.
Stop the hate
Originally posted by carver9
Cap solos.
Good Post, Cap always finds a way! Fact!
Originally posted by Stop the hate
Good Post, Cap always finds a way! Fact!
Stop the hate
Originally posted by carver9
He's handled the Hulk so many times.
Originally posted by Stop the hate
He's handled the Hulk so many times.
Yes, he has. He has even worked Thor with the Odin Force in him and had him dead to rights. Cap is obviously trans tier to low Skyfather imo.
Stop the hate
Originally posted by carver9
Yes, he has. He has even worked Thor with the Odin Force in him and had him dead to rights. Cap is obviously trans tier to low Skyfather imo.
Even Michael Korvac said he almost believed given time Cap would find a way to beat him and he was at least Skyfather.
When Thanos with the Infinity Gauntlet fought Captain America, the rest of the heroes were wiped out almost instantly due to the collateral damage. Cap simply proceeded to give that purple glass-jaw a good old-fashioned beating:
Similarly, Doom with Beyonder's powers was unable to keep Cap down; Steve tanked everything Doom had, and kicked his ass:
And we are supposed to think a mere Hulk could somehow challenge the Capgod?
A better fight would be WBH with the power gem and red ring vs Captain America.
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