Ah, isnt regular Hulk pretty well out of his league here?
Rao Kal El
Odin and Zeus magical punch each other and cancel eveverybody's healing factor and powers.
Insane Titan
Originally posted by Rao Kal El
Odin and Zeus magical punch each other and cancel eveverybody's healing factor and powers.
Sin I AM
Odin solos
Insane Titan
Team 2
Originally posted by Insane Titan
Team 2
Hulk gets mindr@ped by Thanos.............again. Then it's 2 on 1. RIP Odin.
Superman Prime MURDERS them all!
Sin I AM
Originally posted by zopzop
Hulk gets mindr@ped by Thanos.............again. Then it's 2 on 1. RIP Odin.
Odin bfrs Hulk or removes his hf (i mean zeus did it ) then he pulls out gungnir and thanos faints. Then him and Zeus shake hands and go have a threesome with Gaea.