Shade Vs Hal Jordan

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Zack M
Standard Hal.


Zack M

Wasn't comic Shade supposed to be really powerful, unlike his cartoon version?

And you're putting him against that loser, lol.

Originally posted by StiltmanFTW
Wasn't comic Shade supposed to be really powerful, unlike his cartoon version?

And you're putting him against that loser, lol.

He's basically what would happen if a decent KMCer had a run with his powers.

In the Legion or Super Heroes time, Shade created a no man's land in space the size of a star system or something.

He had solid showings in Starman too.

Originally posted by DarkSaint85
He's basically what would happen if a decent KMCer had a run with his powers.

"Furthermore, all outside connections have been severed-" "Even WATER... in case, God FORBID, there's a sub atomic submarine hero I've been LUCKY enough NEVER to hear of."


Originally posted by krisblaze
He had solid showings in Starman too.

That's where it came from. smile

Jack Knight did some time traveling, and got caught up in this massive anamoly, which turned out to be a messed up Shade.

I believe Darksaints scans are also from Starman.

Normally, I find James Roberts a little pretentious, the way he injects academic snobbery into the stranges places (Think Mon-El spending his last days with super hipster sandwhich's, and sitting around a famous coffee shop in Europe known for great poets. Or, how about Diamondback or whoever the snake themed villain is collecting transistor radios? Yeah, right. smile )

But Starman was just so good, that kind of thing gave it character.

I always liked Shade's chat with Neron....

The lack of f*cks given is just stupendous. thumb up

Shade is ****ing awesome.

Shade gets his shadowy ass kicked by the current Hal.

Originally posted by "Id"
Shade gets his shadowy ass kicked by the current Hal.

Not unless Hal is > Voidtry/Classic Odin level.

Those scans posted here are insane. Holding off every hero imaginable, whether the last son of Krypton or a Lord of Order? Insane.

Or even Zatanna, who can literally do whatever she wants with her spells.

Originally posted by cdtm
Not unless Hal is > Voidtry/Classic Odin level.

Those scans posted here are insane. Holding off every hero imaginable, whether the last son of Krypton or a Lord of Order? Insane.

Taking on Zero Hour Parallax.
Taking on the Sinestro Corps.
Taking on Sinestrollax.

Originally posted by cdtm
Not unless Hal is > Voidtry/Classic Odin level.

Those scans posted here are insane. Holding off every hero imaginable, whether the last son of Krypton or a Lord of Order? Insane. Culp was actually inhabiting Shade's body at the time, thus his power was added to Shade's.

That said, Shade eventually gained Culp's power, and could manipulate the darkness almost as well as Culp, so that type of feat *should* be within his ability anyway.

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