Trano and Zaarn vs Lucifer and Michael
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Who wins between the both very powerful tag-teams from DC?
Trano and Zaarn are beyond pretty much all:
Originally posted by Galan007
Not only do the Yellow Aliens have access to, and mastery of, higher-dimensional realms within the DC continuum, like 'Space B'(which allows for instant access to ANY point in time or space):
But they also have knowledge of the original Crisis, and those alternate worlds that were lost during the calamity(as though they watched it unfold from afar):
Additionally, they have complete working knowledge of 'The Great Light', which lies beyond the comic pages all together... Morrison has since defined this concept as 'The Overvoid':
In fact, they are literally agents of the power that brings the world of comics into being(IOW, agents of the RW writers/artists):
Morrison himself confirmed that Trano and Zaarn work directly for him:
This level of power/authority enables them to not just unmake a character physically, but unmake their entire story--narrative and all:
^^Unmaking a character in that fashion is a level of power we simply never see in comics. F*cking unreal.
Kind of reminds me of when Mandrakk fell straight into The Overvoid itself:
...Even the idea of him was lost.
*Oh, and you'd have to go WAY back to know this, but the Yellow Aliens have names: Trano and Zaarn:
I would personally put them around Mxy-level. Could they beat Michael and Lucifer? That is entirely open to personal opinion.
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