In need of an upgrade???
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Which character is past due on getting an upgrade?
What upgrade would you give said character?
I would say Colossus. I would like for him to receive a strength, speed, and durability upgrade.
Why him? He'd be far too powerful for the team he's on.
Colossus would be better off in a solo book though. Amazing character that is held back by his team imo.
Thing in appearance slimmer and nicer skin maybe an amp in strength speed & healing.
Drax too strength durability back to around Hulk levels
bring new 52 superman back. this weak ass get hurt by a ****ing tractor/gas station explosion supes aint cutting it for me. post crisis supes need an upgrade, or atleast less shitty writers.
Originally posted by carver9
Colossus would be better off in a solo book though. Amazing character that is held back by his team imo.

Originally posted by carver9
Colossus would be better off in a solo book though. Amazing character that is held back by his team imo.
Can't say I agree, but fair enough.
Khazra Reborn
Originally posted by carver9
I would say Colossus. I would like for him to receive a strength, speed, and durability upgrade.
I'm generally in the minority on this, but I actually liked Colossus as Juggernaut.
Based on potential Helix, Zzzax, Post, & Champion could use revamping
If Fear itself happened after the 2016 Secret Wars I would of left Thing as Angrir.
I personally miss the Poseidon Blessing Aquaman was carrying around as well and I also find it weird he never had a real above Herald amp like the rest of the JL.
Be cool seeing a Uni-Power Carol Danvers and Black Bolt. Or power cosmic Carol.
Also have we ever had a JuggerHulk?
Khazra Reborn
Originally posted by -Pr-
You're both wrong.
That's what everyone says, but I still liked it. :/
Originally posted by Khazra Reborn
That's what everyone says, but I still liked it. :/
lol no worries. Everyone has their own likes.
Carver's still wrong though.
Originally posted by carver9
I would say Colossus. I would like for him to receive a strength, speed, and durability upgrade. he had an upgrade. As the Juggernaut. He was written poorly and useless.
Blair Wind
I think Iceman needs a character development arc. He's always been the comedic relief background character. I kind of want someone to push him into becoming a leader for a team (maybe even some of the teen X-men?) and him dealing with his insecurities and leading a team at the same time. Show a slow upgrade to his powers as he matures (more AoA style powers).
Originally posted by Blair Wind
I think Iceman needs a character development arc. He's always been the comedic relief background character. I kind of want someone to push him into becoming a leader for a team (maybe even some of the teen X-men?) and him dealing with his insecurities and leading a team at the same time. Show a slow upgrade to his powers as he matures (more AoA style powers). That will never happen unfortunately.
Death's Head I & II
Although I hear DH1 has popped up a few times over the last couple of years.
Originally posted by -Pr-
You're both wrong.
I disagree.
They're both very, very wrong.
Originally posted by -Pr-
Why him? He'd be far too powerful for the team he's on.
Not really. I mean a high level brick wouldn't have been suitable to the X crew back in the day, but in current times the X-mutants have high level players in every category except raw strenth. I'm not saying he needs to be another Hulk, but putting him in the range of Wonderman/Namor would do a lot to justify his positon. A strongman is kind of a joke when he's got team mates who can easily a lot more just by thinking hard.
Even at Wonderman/Namor level, his team mates can still do a lot more.
To contend with them (Rachel Grey, Storm, Magneto etc) he'd have to be waaay up there in speed/strength/durability.
Originally posted by carver9
I would say Colossus. I would like for him to receive a strength, speed, and durability upgrade.
Originally posted by carver9
Colossus would be better off in a solo book though. Amazing character that is held back by his team imo.
Carver just ****ing kills me sometimes lmao
Originally posted by darthgoober
Not really. I mean a high level brick wouldn't have been suitable to the X crew back in the day, but in current times the X-mutants have high level players in every category except raw strenth. I'm not saying he needs to be another Hulk, but putting him in the range of Wonderman/Namor would do a lot to justify his positon. A strongman is kind of a joke when he's got team mates who can easily a lot more just by thinking hard.
If we're talking about the shitty "current" X-Men with Namor and Magneto, then sure, Colossus lags behind them. Though tbh, he should, because neither of them should be anywhere near an X-Men roster.
Up until Utopia, I didn't consider him to be really lacking behind most of the X-Men. There are outliers that are capable of super feats like Rachel, but most "proper" X-Men tend to inhabit the mid-meta to very low-herald bracket, and as far as that goes, Colossus is fine imo (again, unless we're counting the likes of Namor and Magneto).
They could have done something interesting with Colossusnaut, but as usual characterisation is something writers don't seem to give a shit about.
Originally posted by -Pr-
If we're talking about the shitty "current" X-Men with Namor and Magneto, then sure, Colossus lags behind them. Though tbh, he should, because neither of them should be anywhere near an X-Men roster.
Up until Utopia, I didn't consider him to be really lacking behind most of the X-Men. There are outliers that are capable of super feats like Rachel, but most "proper" X-Men tend to inhabit the mid-meta to very low-herald bracket, and as far as that goes, Colossus is fine imo (again, unless we're counting the likes of Namor and Magneto).
They could have done something interesting with Colossusnaut, but as usual characterisation is something writers don't seem to give a shit about.
Colossus is basically the Aquaman Cyclops Pr of the JLA Summers brothers mods.
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
Colossus is basically the Aquaman Cyclops Pr of the JLA Summers brothers mods.
I would take that as a compliment if anyone other than you said it...

I was about to say the same thing.
i want iceman to get an upgrade. or at leasy show his full potential. iceman has a lot of potential, but for some reason writers dont give too much about him.
juggernaut. let the guy have his powers back already will you.
superman 1 million AKA Kal kent, just put some super sun source up his a$$ so he wont lose powers anymore and we can finally see what he can do without being depowered 24/7.
Sin I AM
Iceman has gotten an upgrade. Several times its been shown how powerful he is. What he NEEDS is character development. Stop chasing so much ass and grow tf up. He's an original x man and theyd have jubilee or x23 lead before him.
Same with Human Torch except he's shown zero improvement with his powers. I thought after his death hed b bad ass..but it didn't last. He should've stayed in the negative zone. And wtf at his relationship with medusa?!!
Colossus doesn't need a strength upgrade. They need to stay true to his character.
Originally posted by Sin I AM
Iceman has gotten an upgrade. Several times its been shown how powerful he is. What he NEEDS is character development. Stop chasing so much ass and grow tf up. He's an original x man and theyd have jubilee or x23 lead before him.
Same with Human Torch except he's shown zero improvement with his powers. I thought after his death hed b bad ass..but it didn't last. He should've stayed in the negative zone. And wtf at his relationship with medusa?!!
Colossus doesn't need a strength upgrade. They need to stay true to his character.
They haven't done any decent character work with Colossus since Whedon was on the book. Everything since then, even the Juggernaut thing, has just been a reversion in his character to a state he was in, in the 90s.
Sin I AM
Originally posted by -Pr-
They haven't done any decent character work with Colossus since Whedon was on the book. Everything since then, even the Juggernaut thing, has just been a reversion in his character to a state he was in, in the 90s.
Whedon? Is that who wrote astonishing and the whole breakworld thing? If so 👍 i liked that arc.
Originally posted by Sin I AM
Whedon? Is that who wrote astonishing and the whole breakworld thing? If so 👍 i liked that arc.
Yeah, that's him. Since then there were a few decent bits and pieces, but every time someone writes him now he's either whining about Illyana or Shadowcat.
Not to mention the Phoenix bollocks.
Sin I AM
Originally posted by -Pr-
Yeah, that's him. Since then there were a few decent bits and pieces, but every time someone writes him now he's either whining about Illyana or Shadowcat.
Not to mention the Phoenix bollocks.
Yea he was pretty dope in Breakworld. U should watch the motion comic on Netflix/YouTube. The voice over work isnt bad at all.
Thing is with Magik is she should STAY in Limbo. I wouldnt mind seeing her having her own solo book where she deals solely with Demons and Hell Lords. Her and Colossus should rarely if ever cross paths (kinda like how in the 90s when Havok, Cyclops kept outta each others way) and he definitely shouldn't pine for her. She's a kunt. He should know that by now.. I also want him to get over kitty. That relationship is way past it's prime
Originally posted by Sin I AM
Yea he was pretty dope in Breakworld. U should watch the motion comic on Netflix/YouTube. The voice over work isnt bad at all.
Thing is with Magik is she should STAY in Limbo. I wouldnt mind seeing her having her own solo book where she deals solely with Demons and Hell Lords. Her and Colossus should rarely if ever cross paths (kinda like how in the 90s when Havok, Cyclops kept outta each others way) and he definitely shouldn't pine for her. She's a kunt. He should know that by now.. I also want him to get over kitty. That relationship is way past it's prime
I think I watched the first couple of episodes of it, but never watched all of it.
The sad thing is, they did write him getting over all of the Illyana stuff. Years ago. They just conveniently forgot about it when the time came to bring her back. Same with him being toxic to demons.
Shadowcat... Eh, I don't mind her, but the back and forth was annoying.
Sin I AM
Originally posted by golem370
Thing in appearance slimmer and nicer skin maybe an amp in strength speed & healing.
Drax too strength durability back to around Hulk levels
I wouldn't mind thing gettin a strength increase.
I wrote this years ago but have Reed transmute? Thing into a Marble rock type or Tungsten for a more pleasing look.
Sin I AM
Originally posted by golem370
I wrote this years ago but have Reed transmute? Thing into a Marble rock type or Tungsten for a more pleasing look.
I think reeds greatest failure is not being able to successfully cure ben or fix his appearance
Well I read it was Reed's plan for them to be super hero's or to get powers but I am not sure that accurate.
Juggernaut, Become complete like thor or something
jubilee needs to be a mutant again and then get an upgrade
also I think it would be cool if Nightcrawler got an upgrade where he could do more stuff with the other dimension he travels through.
Luke Cage most definite. Just being black doesn't make you iconic.
Ares & Herc make their characters more versatile.
Originally posted by darthgoober
Not really. I mean a high level brick wouldn't have been suitable to the X crew back in the day, but in current times the X-mutants have high level players in every category except raw strenth. I'm not saying he needs to be another Hulk, but putting him in the range of Wonderman/Namor would do a lot to justify his positon. A strongman is kind of a joke when he's got team mates who can easily a lot more just by thinking hard.
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
Even at Wonderman/Namor level, his team mates can still do a lot more.
To contend with them (Rachel Grey, Storm, Magneto etc) he'd have to be waaay up there in speed/strength/durability.
X-Men have an omega level mutantish (not really a mutant but close) in Gabriel Shepard's. Superman clone, with psionic, matter, and energy manipulating powers to boot. Think Sentry 2.0 minus the instability.
Marvel simply needs to develop a need, and his character. But otherwise the X-Men have Superman clone not named Gladiator.
A couple I like to see get a revamp out of pure physical properties.
Fallen One(Herald)
Prof. T.C McAbe
Superman, Matter Manipulation, Telepathy, permanent infinite strength, durability and speed (not only plot driven), super ventriloquism, shape shifting, instant healing and super sneezing and maybe just maybe all GL corps rings.
Batman needs a third leg.
But on a serious sidenote, I stopped reading comics but from what I remember the new Lobo was underwhelming and he needs to be upgraded to his pre DCnU levels.
Carter needs an upgrade.
8 years and still nothing.
Originally posted by Prof. T.C McAbe
Superman, Matter Manipulation, Telepathy, permanent infinite strength, durability and speed (not only plot driven), super ventriloquism, shape shifting, instant healing.
Meet Captain Atom of Injustice/52
New52 Atom already received a massive upgrade.
I don't think he's appeared in rebirth yet though

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