Mr. Sinister vs. Holocaust
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Essex challenges the son of En Sabah Nur for the title of strongest Horsemen
Who wins?,h_470,q_auto:good,w_620/udolfir5e8kn4fqn67ud.jpg
Amazing fight. Giving this to my boy Holocaust.
Does Holocaust has specific TP-defences in his powers or are they implied by the fact he's fought both X-Man and Exodus?
Because TP is probably the only way Sinister can win this, he's hard to kill but his offensive powers aren't that amazing most of the time, especially compared to the other psychics Holocaust has fought.
I thought Nate had a hard time mental attacking him due to Holocaust primarily being energy?
Sin I AM
Onslaught gave Holocaust TP immunity so he could capture Nate Grey for him. Up until that point he was easily pawned by telepaths.
Given Sinister's penchant for genetics and all that..I kinda assumed he was being put up against a different kind of holocaust..
Carter's right on the money for this one.
Holocaust is too powerful.
If Holocaust still has his mental shields. He beats him down like how beat Exodus.
If not, Sinister has his way with a mind whammy.
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