World War Z Zombies Vs Walking Dead Crew
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1000 World War Z Zombies Vs All Walking Dead Main Characters, standard most common gear
Zombies easily. They were basically a swarm.
One swing from Negan's batt and they all go down like dominoes. In serious. Their only hope for survival would be if they still had the prison to hold up in.
Here's my question: WWZ zombies didn't try to attack people who had any kind of ailment, right? Well since everyone in TWD is infected with the Walker-virus, wouldn't that essentially make them 'invisible' to the WWZ zombies?
Originally posted by Galan007
Here's my question: WWZ zombies didn't try to attack people who had any kind of ailment, right? Well since everyone in TWD is infected with the Walker-virus, wouldn't that essentially make them 'invisible' to the WWZ zombies?
Adam Grimes
Originally posted by Galan007
Here's my question: WWZ zombies didn't try to attack people who had any kind of ailment, right? Well since everyone in TWD is infected with the Walker-virus, wouldn't that essentially make them 'invisible' to the WWZ zombies? Well, since the nature of the Z outbreak hasn't been explored in the books iirc we can't be 100% it's a virus or if it would even count as a disease in a healthy, not-bitten person, imo.
^ Kirkman has referred to it as a virus a few times in Letter Hacks and interviews.
Anyway, I remember Brad Pitt's character becoming 'invisible' to the WWZ zombies within seconds of injecting himself with that sickness toward the end -- he certainly showed no visible symptoms, yet was still camouflaged from them nonetheless. It's all about what they sense within you... I'd be inclined to think a Walker scourge would show up on their radar. /shrug
I would almost say Probably not seeing as how it isn't a LETHAL Virus. Since it isn't ACTIVELY Killing you. Now if you were Bitten probably a diff story. But then would WWZ's attack the reg TWD Walkers?
As I mentioned above: Brad Pitt's character didn't inject himself with a lethal sickness either, yet was still invisible.
Originally posted by -Pr-

Originally posted by Galan007
As I mentioned above: Brad Pitt's character didn't inject himself with a lethal sickness either, yet was still invisible.
Well I will congratulate you for being able to pay that much attention to WWZ.
Originally posted by Galan007
As I mentioned above: Brad Pitt's character didn't inject himself with a lethal sickness either, yet was still invisible. I thought it was lethal if left untreated
Yup it's deadly but curable illnesses that camouflage you from zombies
The zombie virus doesnt count
^^^Oh well then TWD crew are screwed. They couldnt likely handle 1000 of their own zombies without prep.
Originally posted by TethAdamTheRock
The zombie virus doesnt count WWZ stomps then.
How many are there? Its not just ricks crew
Nowadays there are probably a few hundred people total if you were to merge the populaces of Alexandria, Hilltop, Kingdom, and Sanctuary. IF you're also including The Whisperers, however, their totality alone numbers in the thousandS -- but that includes the undead zombies that exist among them, so...
The problem is that WWZ zombies are a LOT f*cking faster/stronger than the characters of TWD are used to dealing with. They'd likely get swarmed before they even knew what hit them. /shrug
Plus he said 'main characters'. That drops the number down significantly.
Originally posted by Galan007
Nowadays there are probably a few hundred people total if you were to merge the populaces of Alexandria, Hilltop, Kingdom, and Sanctuary. IF you're also including The Whisperers, however, their totality alone numbers in the thousandS -- but that includes the undead zombies that exist among them, so...
The problem is that WWZ zombies are a LOT f*cking faster/stronger than the characters of TWD are used to dealing with. They'd likely get swarmed before they even knew what hit them. /shrug yeah. They're also not any army and don't have an amazing amount of firearms. Didn't Alexandria also have a huge problem with about a hundred walkers getting in?
Prior to The Whisperer War, Alexandria actually had a shit-ton of ammo stockpiled... More than they could use. However, this thread specifies 'standard gear', so ammo stores don't matter much.
1. Standard Gear
2. Stockpiles+ ^
3. Undead Slave Zombies+ ^
Where does the fight take place?
How far away do they start from one another?
1.) WWZ.
2.) WWZ. Only way TWD has a chance is if they start a few-hundred yards apart.
3.) WWZ.
Originally posted by TethAdamTheRock
How many are there? Its not just ricks crew
Just curious.
Does everybody on the TWD crew still have their near 100% head shot accuracy?
So no number. I'll say less than 100 then.
10 to 1 odds.
Originally posted by TethAdamTheRock
lol Yes
Oh well then. TWD Cake Walk.
Originally posted by Flyattractor
Oh well then. TWD Cake Walk. 100% accuracy against shambling corpses; some of which don't even have legs. I'm not sure if you've seen world war Z, but the infected in that were quite literally running over each other like a swarm of oversized ants. They're so much faster than TWD zombies that it's ridiculous to put even a hundred of them against TWD crew.
Originally posted by deathslash
100% accuracy against shambling corpses; some of which don't even have legs. I'm not sure if you've seen world war Z, but the infected in that were quite literally running over each other like a swarm of oversized ants. They're so much faster than TWD zombies that it's ridiculous to put even a hundred of them against TWD crew.
TWD has had its share of Zombies with the Runs. And these people can pull off Headshots while hanging upside down while being held by their feet. The only time they miss is when it is still alive.
Originally posted by Flyattractor
TWD has had its share of Zombies with the Runs. And these people can pull off Headshots while hanging upside down while being held by their feet. The only time they miss is when it is still alive. the only reason that they miss is because their human target is actively staying to avoid the bullets. These zombies still run far faster that any TWD zombie to date.
Originally posted by deathslash
the only reason that they miss is because their human target is actively staying to avoid the bullets. These zombies still run far faster that any TWD zombie to date.
No the actual reason is because of the Wimpy TV Censors.
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