Plastic Man Vs Carnage
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No prep.
I keep hearing (but have never seen scans of) Carnage has mind control.
As stated by Batman in JLA #88, "Plastic Man's mind is no longer organic. It's untouchable by telepathy."
But lets make it a non factor. No mind control, strictly a physical fight.
...If Plas is at his best, this is an incredible mismatch. His durability and shape shifting allow him to go toe-to-toe with Fernus, who basically walked through the Justice League. He does seem to struggle with temperature extremes (sometimes) but that's a moot point, as Carnage has no such attacks available.
Plastic man takes this, and quite easily as well.
None fight. Plastic Man stomps. Close thread.
Sin I AM
Hmmm i use to think it's a stomp for Plas but now not so sure. Edging towards Cletus for now
Plastic Man ftw IMHO. His durability and 'immunities' make him a bad matchup for Carnage. Plas is inorganic and lots of Carnages tricks won't work : suffocation, symbiote 'possession', stabbing, etc..
Sin I AM
Originally posted by zopzop
Plastic Man ftw IMHO. His durability and 'immunities' make him a bad matchup for Carnage. Plas is inorganic and lots of Carnages tricks won't work : suffocation, symbiote 'possession', stabbing, etc..
Not so sure carnage cant possess him. He possessed similar powersets
Originally posted by Sin I AM
Not so sure carnage cant possess him. He possessed similar powersets
Plastic Man is basically an animate inorganic object. It's like Carnage possessing a lamp post or table. It ain't happening.
Sin I AM
Originally posted by zopzop
Plastic Man is basically an animate inorganic object. It's like Carnage possessing a lamp post or table. It ain't happening.
His controlling of Norrin makes me think otherwise
Is the possession some kind of telepathic attack the symbiote does? Since Plas is immune to telepathy.
Originally posted by riv6672
No prep.
I keep hearing (but have never seen scans of) Carnage has mind control.
As stated by Batman in JLA #88, "Plastic Man's mind is no longer organic. It's untouchable by telepathy."
But lets make it a non factor. No mind control, strictly a physical fight.
Regardless of how it's done, pretty sure Riv meant for this not to include Carnage taking control, whether he can or can't.
Sin I AM
Originally posted by Surtur
Is the possession some kind of telepathic attack the symbiote does? Since Plas is immune to telepathy.
No. The symbiote bonds at a molecular level. Which is how he got to SS. Plastic Mans physiology is unique though. Hes like sentient playdo. I always considered his powers more closely resembling Slapstick than Elongated Man or Richards. Even with that I dont see him beyond possession.
Originally posted by Delta1938
Regardless of how it's done, pretty sure Riv meant for this not to include Carnage taking control, whether he can or can't.
Yeah, i just want a fight. So, in lieu of OP edit:
No possesion crap.
(Although i agree with zopxzop in that it aint happening.)
Originally posted by carver9
Close thread.
Has this ever worked for you?

Circe trying to morph him worked partially at best(for all we know his changes were him playing along, as things clearly didn't work as Circe intended). It's not directly the same thing, but makes me think Carnage wouldn't be able to control Plas.
Sin I AM
Originally posted by riv6672
(Although i agree with zopxzop in that it aint happening.)
Youd be wrong too
Originally posted by Sin I AM
His controlling of Norrin makes me think otherwise
Norrin is flesh and blood underneath that Silver coating.
Plastic man isn't. He's animate inorganic material. Show me Carnage possessing an inorganic object and you win.
Thing? He possessed Ben Grimm.
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
Thing? He possessed Ben Grimm.
Ben Grim bleeds and under that crusty rock was pinkish flesh. Wolverine exposed it.
Originally posted by Sin I AM
Youd be wrong too
Thankfully its a moot point, boo.
If thats you were basing a Carnage win on, you'll have to re-think.
Originally posted by Delta1938
Circe trying to morph him worked partially at best(for all we know his changes were him playing along, as things clearly didn't work as Circe intended). It's not directly the same thing, but makes me think Carnage wouldn't be able to control Plas.
Yeah, I doubt she wanted to turn him into a cartoon pig...
...and then have him turn back at will.
Sin I AM
Originally posted by zopzop
Norrin is flesh and blood underneath that Silver coating.
Plastic man isn't. He's animate inorganic material. Show me Carnage possessing an inorganic object and you win.
Iirc so can Venom. He's also controlled iron mans armors. Come to think of it i vaguely recall him controlling prosthetics. Let me do a search
You do that.
Doesnt matter in this thread, but i like scans.
' boo'-yah!

Originally posted by Sin I AM
Iirc so can Venom. He's also controlled iron mans armors. Come to think of it i vaguely recall him controlling prosthetics. Let me do a search
This scan is of Carnage using the symbiote to 'travel along communication cables'. He didn't take control of anything.
Sometimes a feat is just so stupid that I ignore it as bad fan fiction.
^^^its what happens when yesterday's MB Posters become tomorrow's comics writers.
Sin I AM
Originally posted by zopzop
This scan is of Carnage using the symbiote to 'travel along communication cables'. He didn't take control of anything.
Hmmm i thought u might say that. I couldnt find the following issue where it outright states he can control tech. I found better though
Here u go. Theres actual SEVERAL MORE incidents where Cletus is able to u know,control inorganics and tech i just cant shuffle though that many scans on my phone. He's also shown to be able to increase his size (just like plas) and his tenndrils stretch for miles.
Sin I AM
Thats from Carnage #4, #5 by Zeb Wells btw
Nice scans.

Sin I AM
👍. Pretty much everything said in this thread in regards to plas is either wrong or waayyy out of context (except his telepathic immunity). Zop made a good point or two but Plastic Man didnt beat Fernus. He didnt even stalemate him. He kept him busy for a few panels with the JL assist and still was losing. Extremely high outlier that is constantly overhyped. If people read comics and didnt just parrot shit that they seen from respect threads it wouldnt be a discussion.
Originally posted by Sin I AM
Hmmm i thought u might say that. I couldnt find the following issue where it outright states he can control tech. I found better though
Here u go. Theres actual SEVERAL MORE incidents where Cletus is able to u know,control inorganics and tech i just cant shuffle though that many scans on my phone. He's also shown to be able to increase his size (just like plas) and his tenndrils stretch for miles.
The symbiote seems to have an affinity for tech :
I want to see other inorganics.
Sin I AM
Originally posted by zopzop
The symbiote seems to have an affinity for tech :
I want to see other inorganics.
Such as? Tech is as inorganic as it comes. Steel, polymers, circuits etc...not sure what youre looking for. The closest thing to i can think of is when a lesser symbiote (venom) was able to take over Reed Richards (who also has a malleable body).
Originally posted by Sin I AM
👍. Pretty much everything said in this thread in regards to plas is either wrong or waayyy out of context (except his telepathic immunity). Zop made a good point or two but Plastic Man didnt beat Fernus. He didnt even stalemate him. He kept him busy for a few panels with the JL assist and still was losing. Extremely high outlier that is constantly overhyped. If people read comics and didnt just parrot shit that they seen from respect threads it wouldnt be a discussion.
Well dont get too happy, boo; none of the stuff you've been going on about matters (in this thread). No TP, no possession crap.
Originally posted by Sin I AM
Such as? Tech is as inorganic as it comes. Steel, polymers, circuits etc...not sure what youre looking for. The closest thing to i can think of is when a lesser symbiote (venom) was able to take over Reed Richards (who also has a malleable body).
A) Reed Richards is no Plastic Man. He still organic (His face has been bruised by a kick from Wolverine. Bruises are results of capillaries under the skin breaking.).
B) Just because Carnage has an affinity for tech doesn't mean he can control other inorganic material.
Sin I AM
Originally posted by riv6672
Well dont get too happy, boo; none of the stuff you've been going on about matters (in this thread). No TP, no possession crap.
Never said it was. Just addressing inconsistencies. Plastic Man didnt beat Fernus. He didnt stalemate Fernus. He's immune to TP but not possession. He's been taken control of before. On average he's a goof who generally gets one shot or conveniently moves off panel during big fight scenes. Canrage may not be able to pummel him but he can disperse a large portion of his mass. Possibly making him inert or unable to reform
Imma go ahead and give Plas the win on this one, sit back and enjoy the tangent.

Sin I AM
Originally posted by riv6672
Imma go ahead and give Plas the win on this one, sit back and enjoy the tangent.
Lol@ tangent. Didn't u create the thread? If it wasnt a competitive match and you're the op...y make it? Also im curious what has Plas done that makes u (or anyone) believe he wins so...solidly.
Deflection suits you, boo.

All i wanted was a physical fight, a subject you seem incapable of addressing.
Sin I AM
Originally posted by riv6672
Deflection suits you, boo.

All i wanted was a physical fight, a subject you seem incapable of addressing.
U must not have read my post then. Ive already addressed how he can be fought physically. I only brought up possession because someone stated he's above such instances...which he isnt. Instead of beating around the bush plainly state how Plastic Man could win or who he's beaten or simply concede your ignorance.
So far there wasn't a single sentient being he failed to take over.
As if the Carnage symbiote couldn't take over, not saying he will or wins in general.
Originally posted by Sin I AM
U must not have read my post then. Ive already addressed how he can be fought physically. I only brought up possession because someone stated he's above such instances...which he isnt. Instead of beating around the bush plainly state how Plastic Man could win or who he's beaten or simply concede your ignorance.
Fought not beaten.
And i want to hear how others call fights i start, though tangents like yours are awesome too, boo, i dont mind.

Originally posted by Sin I AM
U must not have read my post then. Ive already addressed how he can be fought physically. I only brought up possession because someone stated he's above such instances...which he isnt.
Fernus couldn't do it because his mind is no longer organic. Carnage isn't either. That leaves melee attacks. Carnage isn't hurting him there.
^^^Plas is really underrated, and as Sin's scans show, Carnage has been unbelievably wanked. It seems to put them in an even playing field though.
Sin I AM
Originally posted by zopzop
Fernus couldn't do it because his mind is no longer organic. Carnage isn't either. That leaves melee attacks. Carnage isn't hurting him there.
I already told you zop. Carnages possession isnt tp based. He bonds with a host at a molecular level. Also Eel has been affected by symbiotes before. But believe what you want.
As far as melee attack..he can always be bitten. The corrosive liquid in symbiotes mouths have affected inorganics (Sandman) and shapeshifters (skrulls) in addition to Plas being susceptible to corrosives (acetone) i see no reason y that wouldn't be a viable tactic. Neither really has the blunt force output to put down the other. If it comes to that i call stalemate. Now what could Plas do in your opinion to beat Cassidy?
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