Best sharpshooter
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1. Rank these characters based off of accuracy
Green Arrow
Best Tiger
Captain Boomerang
Tommy Monaghan
2. Who would win in a free for all?
Fight starts in an abandoned warehouse. Standard weapons only.
Best Tiger.....WTF is Best Tiger?
Originally posted by Flyattractor
Best Tiger.....WTF is Best Tiger?
Image character from China. Took out a few dozen armed ninjas with one bullet, wears a blindfold to make it more challenging, and also performed a lobotomy with a gun.
Originally posted by deathslash
Image character from China. Took out a few dozen armed ninjas with one bullet, wears a blindfold to make it more challenging, and also performed a lobotomy with a gun.
....Oh, an INVINCIBLE character....that explains it.
Originally posted by Flyattractor
....Oh, an INVINCIBLE character....that explains it. yeah. I wanted to add some more diversity to the otherwise monotonous Marvel/DC trend that we usually see.Originally posted by Zack M
Bullseye you really think deadshot's better than bullseye?
1. Bullseye
2. Everyone else
1. Rank these characters based off of accuracy
Green Arrow/Hawkeye
Captain Boomerang
Tommy Monaghan
2. Who would win in a free for all?
Could go any number of ways. Hawkeye and GA would likely come out on top.
I didnt rank Best Tiger as i dont know him.
Zack M
Originally posted by deathslash
yeah. I wanted to add some more diversity to the otherwise monotonous Marvel/DC trend that we usually see. you really think deadshot's better than bullseye?
Only in using guns. Everything else is Bullseye.
Bullsey and deadshot are arguably the number 1/2 (the arguable part is over who is 1)
Before anyone else on the list I'd place composite Shadow.
Then Ga/Hawkeye.
The rest are more than a.notch or few behind
Thats pretty much what i was thinking.
Do you think guys like Deathstroke and Ozymandias can compete in this category given their abilities?
Without knowing about Tiger, probably Bullseye, Deadshot, Hawkeye and GA are best. Always wondered about how the archers stack up against these marksmen. Punisher is no doubt very good, but not quite at the insane level of these others.
Originally posted by beatboks
Bullsey and deadshot are arguably the number 1/2 (the arguable part is over who is 1)
Before anyone else on the list I'd place composite Shadow.
Then Ga/Hawkeye.
The rest are more than a.notch or few behind damn, I forgot all about the Shadow. You know what, add him to the list.
Also, you should look at Best Tiger's respect thread. The guy has some pretty user feats; especially since he does most of them while blindfolded.
Wonder if crossbones should be up there as well.
Not with bullseye and deadshot, but he's good.
Originally posted by krisblaze
Wonder if crossbones should be up there as well.
Not with bullseye and deadshot, but he's good.

Originally posted by krisblaze
Wonder if crossbones should be up there as well.
Not with bullseye and deadshot, but he's good. shooting feats for him?
Originally posted by deathslash
1. Rank these characters based off of accuracy
Green Arrow
Best Tiger
Captain Boomerang
Tommy Monaghan
2. Who would win in a free for all?
Fight starts in an abandoned warehouse. Standard weapons only. Bulleyes definitely the best sharpshooter in comics. I recall him killing a woman through a glass window with a flip of a toothpick. Everyone else falls within Deadshot/Hawkeye/Green Arrow group and I've no idea the rest are. Definitely Punisher is no elite sharpshooter and should belong in a damage soak thread.
What about Gambit?
Originally posted by Genii96
What about Gambit? Is Gambit good with a gun at all? And how good is Deathstroke? His extra brain coordination thing should help here (same reason I thought Ozy would be good, though we haven't seen him with firearms).
Is this all about guns alone ?
Guns and arrows at least. Based on mentions of Bullseye's feats I guess it's anything... so yeah, Gambit is pretty good with cards, but he must be relatively short range compared to the others. But I would have thought Deathstroke is at least at Punisher's level and should be better really.
DS has zero depth perception.
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
DS has zero depth perception. Yeah but it's comics. It doesn't exactly seem to hamper him in fights or when he shoots people.
Originally posted by vansonbee
Bulleyes definitely the best sharpshooter in comics. I recall him killing a woman through a glass window with a flip of a toothpick. Everyone else falls within Deadshot/Hawkeye/Green Arrow group and I've no idea the rest are. Definitely Punisher is no elite sharpshooter and should belong in a damage soak thread.
He isn't as good as the others but he does have some elite level feats, so I think he still deserves to be here.
Bullseye or Deadshot its a toss up between two
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