Nightwing vs. Kraven the Hunter
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H2H only
Who would win
Blue Area Vet
It would take 10 Nightwings to pose a challenge.
I dunno. Nightwing once took on Blockbuster, so that NW could probably handle The Jungle Rooskie.
good match.. slight edge to grayson
Originally posted by Zack M
Byes the farm. Seriously Kraven matches spidey
to get a better understanding on how the fight will go, watch his fight vs black panther. they mostly fought with knives but we can learn a lot form that fight. first of all it took panther using his energy daggers to hurt kraven to the point he could be defeated and it wasnt from 1 or 2 hits with the daggers. when black panther snicked a kick or a punch here and there kraven was having fun and taunting him. and black panther is nightwing on serious roids as far as strength and striking. i dont think H2H nightwing has what it takes to even harm kraven seriously let alone defeat him.
Nightwing wins
Kraven. Nightwing needs prep for a match like this.
Blue Area Vet
Originally posted by Flyattractor
I dunno. Nightwing once took on Blockbuster, so that NW could probably handle The Jungle Rooskie.
Kraven is a Spiderman foe, several tiers higher than NW and highly skilled, superhumanly skilled. Block buster is a buffoon.
Blue Area Vet
Originally posted by Zack M
You're still an idiotic DC boot licker that doesn't count.
It's funny how you clowns love to cite how Superman wins by being faster, stronger and more durable than most opponents, yet you don't apply that very same principle to the Battle family. Kraven is FAR stronger, faster, more agile and more skilled as a hunter. Kraven could let NW pound on him for 10 minutes before dropping him with a light blow. This is a guy who matches stats with Spiderman, hypocrites. Then again, some of you DC acolytes have probably convinced yourselves that NW is Spidey level.
Blue Area Vet
Originally posted by Dareangel
to get a better understanding on how the fight will go, watch his fight vs black panther. they mostly fought with knives but we can learn a lot form that fight. first of all it took panther using his energy daggers to hurt kraven to the point he could be defeated and it wasnt from 1 or 2 hits with the daggers. when black panther snicked a kick or a punch here and there kraven was having fun and taunting him. and black panther is nightwing on serious roids as far as strength and striking. i dont think H2H nightwing has what it takes to even harm kraven seriously let alone defeat him.
BP is more than NW on steroids, but I get the point. This is straight up child murder.
Originally posted by Blue Area Vet
You're still an idiotic DC boot licker that doesn't count.
It's funny how you clowns love to cite how Superman wins by being faster, stronger and more durable than most opponents, yet you don't apply that very same principle to the Battle family.
Hey, I'm a DC fanboy (favor DC) and I'd like to think I don't do that
Nightwing should take this with minimal effort.
Blue Area Vet
Originally posted by beatboks
Hey, I'm a DC fanboy (favor DC) and I'd like to think I don't do that
My comment doesn't include everyone, the people I'm talking about know who they are. Iceman, Zack and the usual suspects. They post irrational bullshit to benefit DC with smirk on their ugly mugs.
Zack M
Originally posted by Blue Area Vet
You're still an idiotic DC boot licker that doesn't count.
It's funny how you clowns love to cite how Superman wins by being faster, stronger and more durable than most opponents, yet you don't apply that very same principle to the Battle family. Kraven is FAR stronger, faster, more agile and more skilled as a hunter. Kraven could let NW pound on him for 10 minutes before dropping him with a light blow. This is a guy who matches stats with Spiderman, hypocrites. Then again, some of you DC acolytes have probably convinced yourselves that NW is Spidey level.

Originally posted by Blue Area Vet
My comment doesn't include everyone, the people I'm talking about know who they are. Iceman, Zack and the usual suspects. They post irrational bullshit to benefit DC with smirk on their ugly mugs. Keep trolling you tired sack of shit

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