Classic Sabretooth vs Classic Kraven the Hunter
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I think this would be a great fight to watch.
I'm surprised it was never done.
Not sure Kraven could win without actively being on the hunt (prep). But i'd like to think so.
They seem pretty similar both hunters, skilled fighter, great animal sense.
Sin I AM
Originally posted by golem370
I think this would be a great fight to watch.
Which sabertooth? Xmen villian or IF villian...classic could mean different things
I think a current matchup between the two would be more equal with Kraven's added healing factor.
I don't know Sin which would you pick?
Sin I AM
Originally posted by golem370
I don't know Sin which would you pick?
Current may be too much.
☝ he is an amalgam of the original xmem powers with kravens dna...courtesy of sinister. As u can see he's holding his own. That's "current" kraven..but his name isnt kraven its xraven and he's a clone (maybe)
Then u have current kraven who died (iirc) at the hands of kaine (he may have committed suicide i cant remember) but i havent seen that intieration since. He isnt enough to handle Sabes.
Then u have the classic one we all know and love with the jungle motif.
He is durable and his pressure points have stopped large animals..etc. But Creeds hf and savagery is too much imo.
But last time i checked Sabertooth was still a hero after axis so who knows how he fights now.
The best versions would be the classic versions (90s) era of both since there are more feats to draw on.
Then 90s version for both then.
Originally posted by Sin I AM
That's "current" kraven..
No. That's just a different character, Sin. A "super-clone".
Current Kraven = classic + hf and immortality, he appeared in newer issues than SM&XM mini you are referencing now.
Sin I AM
Originally posted by StiltmanFTW
No. That's just a different character, Sin. A "super-clone".
Current Kraven = classic + hf and immortality, he appeared in newer issues than SM&XM mini you are referencing now.
Is that not what i said? I thought kraven was dead. I couldve sworn i said it was a clone.
Damn the waters got muddied quick on a nice thread idea. Way to go Sin.

This might make it more clear.
Sin I AM
Originally posted by golem370
This might make it more clear.
Originally posted by golem370
This might make it more clear.
Way better than spending pages on some shitty which version we using question and never getting to the fight.
Sin I AM
I'll go with Sabes then golem. Deadlier, better h2h and a hf that'll eat up his damage soak. Kraven will make him work though especially if he has gear.
Originally posted by golem370
This might make it more clear.
Going with Creed for a slight majority.
I always picture Kraven as most effective in a plot driven fight.
Fun fight, man.

But Kraven might have poison right like darts to aid him? Standard gear?
Sin I AM
Originally posted by golem370
But Kraven might have poison right like darts to aid him? Standard gear?
Yea but creeds hf should compensate
Oh yeah, his HF should cope.
I think they would be a badass team.
That would be a fun dynamic.
The Sabretooth given by the original poster (OP) of this thread shows a Sabretooth (Graydon Creed) whose healing factor was a fraction of the current one. That version of Sabretooth was strong and fast, but his highest feats probably place him at the level of a low tier version of Spider- Man.
He often fought with pure savagery and little thought, one because he was often overcome by rage episodes, and two because, presumably, the level of his average victim didn't require more than some thoughtless mauling on his part to overpower them and win.
For an opponent used to calmly battling the toughest big game wild animals, including tigers, enraged grizzly bears, and bull elephants, hand-to-hand, ferocity's not likely to cut it. Especially not when Kraven's most famous opponent, Spider-Man, officially scores well above Creed in both level of strength AND speed and agility.
Creed's high-end wins during this time are impressive, but they generally relied on him ambushing his quarry, not taking them in a fair direct confrontation.
In straight up fights of that sort, Creed not only has losses to Power Man, Iron Fist, and Wolverine, but also to Spider-Man (who simply webbed his face, and the rage of Sabretooth caused him to violently yank the webbing, and then state that the webs ripped his face off, and collapse in agony, needing hospitalization),
and then later to the Black Cat, Spider-Man's ex-girlfriend, bereft of her "bad luck" powers, who, suddenly terrified by Sabretooth biting and tearing her leg, and realizing she was saved from serious injury only by Sabretooth's surprise on finding metal there (her lock picks, part of her outfit due to her being a literal, reformed professional "cat" burglar), proceeded to charge, and then flip him, and then pound his face repeatedly into the concrete, until he was rendered unconscious.
Kraven would not need any fear-induced adrenaline rush to duplicate the force of Felicia Hardy in that episode, and, besides the aforementioned darts and alluded to poisons, Classic Kraven had one more weapon Creed would be unaware of which should prove decisive in a first encounter:
Note that the stun effect on Spider-Man, a metahuman with surprising resistance and recuperative powers of his own, was such that he was incapable of striking back until Kraven had not only dealt with him, but also captured Osborn from the street with coiled cable, and confronted Osborn on their past transactions, and found that Osborn had no memory whatsoever of such things, and let Osborn go and himself proceeded to depart, before the now-forgotten Spider-man was in shape enough to give chase.
I've seen little to indicate the Sabretooth given to us by the OP has what it takes to take Kraven in this proposed KMC match bar surprise or the standard chaos of battle.
Kraven 7/10.
A link to the Kraven/ Osborn saga listed above. This will give fuller background and further scans to illustrate what I was talking about for as long as the link and the article it connects to are preserved.
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