MCU Captain America vs MCU Loki
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Current MCU versions of the characters. Captain America has his shield. Loki is unarmed and fighting purely H2H. To the death or KO.
Who wins and why?
Sin I AM
They fought.
Watch Avengers #1 the movie
Originally posted by Sin I AM
They fought.
Watch Avengers #1 the movie
Cap has improved quite a bit since then, and Loki doesn't have his spear/scepter in this fight.
There's nothing Cap can do to really permanently harm Loki.
Loki got smashed around by Hulk, which only temporarily knocked the wind out of him; he wasn't even knocked unconscious.
I don't even remember seeing any blood or broken limbs.
Movie Cap doesn't have anywhere near the level of strength to actually harm Loki.
Sin I AM
Originally posted by Glorificus
There's nothing Cap can do to really permanently harm Loki.
Loki got smashed around by Hulk, which only temporarily knocked the wind out of him; he wasn't even knocked unconscious.
I don't even remember seeing any blood or broken limbs.
Movie Cap doesn't have anywhere near the level of strength to actually harm Loki.
This and even though Loki was jobbing he still had Cap dead to rights
Loki was jobbing was he? Anyway you guys need to bare in mind that in Cap civil war Cap was owning Iron Man in h2h, Pepper Potts even said that Tony couldn't take him h2h and had to activate countermeasures. Cap even went h2h with Ultron.
Now the question of course is whether Cap was able to do that because he improved or is Loki more formidable than Ultron and Iron Man, that might explain why when Cap challenged Iron Man to a fight and he was scared. So maybe Cap hasn't improved he was able to take Iron Man in h2h all along.
Originally posted by Glorificus
There's nothing Cap can do to really permanently harm Loki.
Loki got smashed around by Hulk, which only temporarily knocked the wind out of him; he wasn't even knocked unconscious.
I don't even remember seeing any blood or broken limbs.
Movie Cap doesn't have anywhere near the level of strength to actually harm Loki.
Yea but you don't know how hard Hulk hit him. I don't think Hulk was using his full strength, still doesn't change the fact Cap was able to hurt him with a kick.
Then again Iron man owned loki with one unanswered repulsor blast that ended the conflict, twice. As for Civil war that particular armor was damaged by the time of the fight and it was Cap AND Bucky fighting him, the latter adding even more damage.
Sin I AM
Originally posted by Deadline
Loki was jobbing was he? Anyway you guys need to bare in mind that in Cap civil war Cap was owning Iron Man in h2h, Pepper Potts even said that Tony couldn't take him h2h and had to activate countermeasures. Cap even went h2h with Ultron.
Now the question of course is whether Cap was able to do that because he improved or is Loki more formidable than Ultron and Iron Man, that might explain why when Cap challenged Iron Man to a fight and he was scared. So maybe Cap hasn't improved he was able to take Iron Man in h2h all along.
Yea but you don't know how hard Hulk hit him. I don't think Hulk was using his full strength, still doesn't change the fact Cap was able to hurt him with a kick.
This ☝
Is entirely wrong. Go re watch Avengers. Scratch that watch the entire MCU catalog.
Loki was no selling the shit outta Cap...
Originally posted by JayDaDon
Then again Iron man owned loki with one unanswered repulsor blast that ended the conflict, twice. As for Civil war that particular armor was damaged by the time of the fight and it was Cap AND Bucky fighting him, the latter adding even more damage.
I'll have to watch Civil War again but I can't remember Winter Soldier doing much damage to his armour but I could be wrong. Yea I know they were both fighting him but then it was Cap and Iron Man just fighting each other and Cap was creaming him.
Originally posted by Sin I AM
This ☝
Is entirely wrong. Go re watch Avengers. Scratch that watch the entire MCU catalog.
This is a discussion forum, you're supposed to actually explain your point instead of just simply telling people to rewatch stuff. If every one did that there would be no point to this forum, feel free to elaborate.
Originally posted by JayDaDon
Loki was no selling the shit outta Cap...
I dunno about that, looks like Loki felt that kick but it didn't do serious damage also the point has been made that Cap got better.
EDIT: Yea I looked at that clip again Loki definitely felt that kick.
Sin I AM
Originally posted by Deadline
I'll have to watch Civil War again but I can't remember Winter Soldier doing much damage to his armour but I could be wrong. Yea I know they were both fighting him but then it was Cap and Iron Man just fighting each other and Cap was creaming him.
This is a discussion forum, you're supposed to actually explain your point instead of just simply telling people to rewatch stuff. If every one did that there would be no point to this forum, feel free to elaborate.
I dunno about that, looks like Loki felt that kick but it didn't do serious damage also the point has been made that Cap got better.
EDIT: Yea I looked at that clip again Loki definitely felt that kick.
It's been explained. Loki was jobbing in Avengers and was no selling Cap with Widow/IM backup. There's nothing that Cap has shown to place him on that level.
Originally posted by Sin I AM
It's been explained. Loki was jobbing in Avengers and was no selling Cap with Widow/IM backup. There's nothing that Cap has shown to place him on that level.
Not sure it's been explained actually. I repeat again Loki did not no sell the kick, however I agree with you that fight in itself certainly proves he can't take Loki.
I will have to watch Civil War again because I can't remember how badly damaged Iron Man it was. I also mentioned that Cap fought Ultron 1on1 as well.
Sin I AM
Originally posted by Deadline
Not sure it's been explained actually. I repeat again Loki did not no sell the kick, however I agree with you that fight in itself certainly proves he can't take Loki.
I will have to watch Civil War again because I can't remember how badly damaged Iron Man it was. I also mentioned that Cap fought Ultron 1on1 as well.
JFC why are you bringin up CW? When Loki faced Cap in Avengers he lost. Cap had backup and Loki was TRYING to get caught. He had Rogers beaten and he was not trying.
Originally posted by Sin I AM
JFC why are you bringin up CW? When Loki faced Cap in Avengers he lost. Cap had backup and Loki was TRYING to get caught. He had Rogers beaten and he was not trying.
Because the argument is being made that Cap got better. This would explain why Cap was able to hold his own against Iron Man and Ultron two guys that could hold their own or beat Loki.
Sin I AM
Originally posted by Deadline
Because the argument is being made that Cap got better. This would explain why Cap was able to hold his own against Iron Man and Ultron two guys that could hold their own or beat Loki.
Iron man was damaged fighting two combatants. And ultron was swatting Cap away. He keep him busy...thats it.
Originally posted by Sin I AM
Iron man was damaged fighting two combatants. And ultron was swatting Cap away. He keep him busy...thats it.
How badly damaged was he? We can't even be sure if its the same suit doesn't Iron man have multiple copies? As I explained at points in the fight it was just Cap and Iron Man, Winter Soldier was not able to do any serious damage to IM in that fight and at one point Cap was creaming him.
Nah sry Ultron would have beaten Cap and was the superior opponent, but Cap took it to him and was holding his own. Plus Ultron is a tougher opponent because he was using energy projection and Cap was at a disadvantage at points in the fight due to the envinronment. Didn't cap put Ultron through a pillar?
Sin I AM
Originally posted by Deadline
How badly damaged was he? We can't even be sure if its the same suit doesn't Iron man have multiple copies? As I explained at points in the fight it was just Cap and Iron Man, Winter Soldier was not able to do any serious damage to IM in that fight and at one point Cap was creaming him.
Nah sry Ultron would have beaten Cap and was the superior opponent, but Cap took it to him and was holding his own. Plus Ultron is a tougher opponent because he was using energy projection and Cap was at a disadvantage at points in the fight due to the envinronment. Didn't cap put Ultron through a pillar?
So your basis for Cap winning is he did good with help against Iron Man and he survived a fight with Ultron?
random letters
Originally posted by Deadline
Because the argument is being made that Cap got better. This would explain why Cap was able to hold his own against Iron Man and Ultron two guys that could hold their own or beat Loki.
Iron Man and Ultron possibly being able to beat Loki is rather irrelevant since they have flight and other long range abilities that Cap doesn't have. Cap may have gotten better but there's no evidence to suggest that he got stronger or faster. He simply isn't strong enough to to put a real dent on Loki's durability.
Originally posted by Deadline
Yea I know they were both fighting him but then it was Cap and Iron Man just fighting each other and Cap was creaming him.
Tony didn't want to kill Cap. He wanted to kill Bucky. Cap was getting a lot of hits until Tony analyzed his fight style on the fly(I think its bullshit he even needed that at all but whatever) if Tony really wanted he could have turned his strength output to 11 and just have not stopped until Steve was paste. Lets be honest, Iron man did a shit ton of jobbing in that movie. Things have been going so well for him it would be fair to say he was due a little bit of jobbing, but job he certainly did.
Originally posted by JayDaDon
Tony didn't want to kill Cap. He wanted to kill Bucky. Cap was getting a lot of hits until Tony analyzed his fight style on the fly(I think its bullshit he even needed that at all but whatever) if Tony really wanted he could have turned his strength output to 11 and just have not stopped until Steve was paste. Lets be honest, Iron man did a shit ton of jobbing in that movie. Things have been going so well for him it would be fair to say he was due a little bit of jobbing, but job he certainly did.
Well I don't think you've proven that Tony could easily kill Cap if he wanted to so it's a fine line between wanting to kill Cap and beating the hell out of him, he was also extremely angry and Cap was standing in the way of the main he anted to kill. I've only seen Iron Man 1 can't remember him being able to increase his strength. Anyway you need to prove he jobbed.
Also another problem you got is that Cap was doing well against Ultron so you're going to have to explain that as well.
Iron man is a class 100. Even keeping it to just the movies, he's taken tank shells and falls from terminal velocity with no damage. He threw down with Thor in a physical fight. Even tho he lost, Iron man's armor came out of that altercation looking VERY good.
And it's very safe to assume that Rhodes didn't lie about lifting and carrying a tank.
Originally posted by JayDaDon
Iron man is a class 100. Even keeping it to just the movies, he's taken tank shells and falls from terminal velocity with no damage. He threw down with Thor in a physical fight. Even tho he lost, Iron man's armor came out of that altercation looking VERY good.
Iron Man was upgraded temporarily by Thor's lightning but I don't think it matters that much I think he could hold his own regardless. Anyway it really doesn't matter in the movies and in comics highly skilled characters can sometimes defeats or do well against much stronger and durable opponents. The fact of matter is that in the movie Iron Man had to use countermeasures, I didn't write the movie they did if Iron Man beat the hell out of Cap i wouldn't be making this argument my opinion is based on what happened, you're just ignoring what happened. Cap also did well against Ultron.
Furthermore even from a realistic point of view Cap should be able to damage Iron Man. A baseball player can hit a ball at 98 mph, now imagine somebody with Caps stats martial art training and the fact he's using an indestructible object. He should be able to rip through the side of tank and I suspect easily to. I've seen Cap slice through the top of tank by throwing his shield, somebody who can do that he is wailing on Iron Man would be able to do serious damage to Iron Man.
What part exactly am I ignoring? Iron man was beating the hell out of Cap tho hence the " I can do this all day line" Iron man just threw him aside again after that because he was blinded by anger. The only thing being ignored imo is the fact that as good as Cap looked it WAS still a 2 on 1 fight that Cap can't take full credit for.
Also Iron man was fighting Thor before the lightning, kicked him through a tree and took some damage before that, not to mention lightning can explain the extra damage output but the durability all falls on Tony's engineering.
Originally posted by JayDaDon
What part exactly am I ignoring? Iron man was beating the hell out of Cap tho hence the " I can do this all day line" Iron man just threw him aside again after that because he was blinded by anger. The only thing being ignored imo is the fact that as good as Cap looked it WAS still a 2 on 1 fight that Cap can't take full credit for.
You're ignoring everything. He may have been beating him up but as I've stated before he was fighting Iron Man 1 on 1 twice and was doing well and had to use countermeasures to beat him, what part of that do you not understand? If you have somebody who is fighting 2 people but one of his opponents goes out of the picture it's not 2 on 1 anymore it's 1 on 1 and Bukcy didn't do any serious damage to Iron Man that gave Cap an advantage. Pepper Potts even told Iron Man that he couldn't beat him h2h. When Iron Man blew off Buckys arm Cap got really serious because Iron Man was probably about to kill him, the fact that Iron Man was beating him at one point just means Cap can't win all the time.
Originally posted by JayDaDon
Also Iron man was fighting Thor before the lightning, kicked him through a tree and took some damage before that, not to mention lightning can explain the extra damage output but the durability all falls on Tony's engineering.
Whatever, anyway cap was doing well against Ultron, you're ignoring that as well.
Well bucky was only the one who compromised Tony's arc reactor so Cap could get the shield thru it. You're welcome cap. He also broke one of Tony's repulsors. You can try and paint is as Cap vs Tony only if you want but Tony never wanted to deal mortal damage to Cap, he was focused on Bucky. That already is an advantage for Cap who had help from a friend who WAS getting in damage of his own.
Sin I AM
Originally posted by JayDaDon
Well bucky was only the one who compromised Tony's arc reactor so Cap could get the shield thru it. You're welcome cap. He also broke one of Tony's repulsors. You can try and paint is as Cap vs Tony only if you want but Tony never wanted to deal mortal damage to Cap, he was focused on Bucky. That already is an advantage for Cap who had help from a friend who WAS getting in damage of his own.
This. Not sure y goober is convinced cap beat him solo.
Originally posted by JayDaDon
Well bucky was only the one who compromised Tony's arc reactor so Cap could get the shield thru it. You're welcome cap.
Irrelevant when Tony had to break out the countermeasures Cap was hitting him in the head not the chest.
Originally posted by JayDaDon
He also broke one of Tony's repulsors.
Don't remember that happening in fact I remember Cap destroying one of Tony's boosters in his foot. Even if you can prove that you still lose the argument. All you can argue is that Tony might be able to beat him with repiulsors, still doesn't change the fact that Cap was creaming him in h2h. Since this is Cap vs Loki h2h it doesn't matter if Bucky destroyed one of the repulsors.
Originally posted by JayDaDon
You can try and paint is as Cap vs Tony only if you want but Tony never wanted to deal mortal damage to Cap, he was focused on Bucky.
You haven't proven that IM can easily beat Cap if he was. Ultron was trying to kill Cap and he still did well.
Originally posted by JayDaDon
That already is an advantage for Cap who had help from a friend who WAS getting in damage of his own.
When did this happen?
Um bucky???? You really may need to watch the movie again if you can't remember him breaking one of Tony's repulsors. Tony analyzing cap's fight pattern is totally fair and within his repertoire. Not only that, there was NO evidence that was a prepared countermeasure. They made it look as if the armor analyzed Cap's fighting style totally on the fly. And even still, Tony clearly held back as steve was getting demolished by a fraction of the punches he gave to Tony, and Tony stopped. If he chose NOT to stop, he would have killed Captain America.
Originally posted by JayDaDon
Um bucky???? You really may need to watch the movie again if you can't remember him breaking one of Tony's repulsors.
Maybe he did but I shouldn't have to watch the movie again, prove it. Anyway as I stated before it doesn't matter this doesn't prove that he can beat Cap in h2h. This is a h2h thread.
Originally posted by JayDaDon
Tony analyzing cap's fight pattern is totally fair and within his repertoire. Not only that, there was NO evidence that was a prepared countermeasure. They made it look as if the armor analyzed Cap's fighting style totally on the fly.
That's you making assumptions every countermeausre I've seen was made beforehand like Batman's for example. Why would you assume that it's made on the fly when Tony knows he's going to fight Cap in h2h already? Furthermore the movie is based on the comic where Tony did the same thing and he prepared the countermeasures beforehand. Also he didn't use h2h in the countermeasures he was using mini shotguns, that doesn't prove that Tony can beat him in h2h.
Originally posted by JayDaDon
And even still, Tony clearly held back as steve was getting demolished by a fraction of the punches he gave to Tony, and Tony stopped. If he chose NOT to stop, he would have killed Captain America.
Stop making assumptions you don't know that Tony held back that much, sure he stopped but that's it. All that proves is that it's possible for Tony to beat him in h2h, doesnt mean Tony gets a 10/10. To be quite honest I don't have a problem with Tony being able to win in that specific scenerio but it's not even impossible that Cap could have turned it around I've seen people coming back from beatings. He did say he could do this all day which I think is an exaggeration but maybe he wasn't that badly hurt, but it's not an unreasonable position to take that Tony would have won if he hadn't stopped, in fact I think that's the most probable out come.
You're still ignoring.
1. Ultron > Iron Man and Ca\p was doing well against him and Ultron wasn't holding back.
2. Pepper Potts stated that Tony couodn't take him in h2h AND Cap was creaming in h2h. What part of Pepper potts stating that Tony couldn't take him in h2h do you not understand?
I never said Iron man wins 10 times out of 10 against Cap. If you're saying the fight pattern thing was a countermeasure then there MUST be a scene to back that up. We both know the mcu has made many changes from the comic civil war so that's kind of a moot point. Tony "couldn't handle" Cap in h2h UNTIL he analyzed Cap's fight pattern in the middle of the fight. What's to stop Tony from doing that every single time? Like I said from the beginning, Tony's emotional state was a huge handicap for him and back to the point you keep dodging, he was trying to kill Bucky NOT Cap.
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