Wrecker Vs Mammoth
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Zack M
IMHO, Wrecker. He's tough when he ain't jobbing.
Prof. T.C McAbe
Mammoth has maybe a 50-60t strength, while Wrecker is in the solid 40t range. Depends on the Wrecker it will be a tough fight or a stomp imo as wrecker is smarter and has not only strength to rely on.
Originally posted by Prof. T.C McAbe
Mammoth has maybe a 50-60t strength, while Wrecker is in the solid 40t range. Depends on the Wrecker it will be a tough fight or a stomp imo as wrecker is smarter and has not only strength to rely on.
Are these figures from a handbook?
Prof. T.C McAbe
Originally posted by celeyhyga17
Are these figures from a handbook?
The one for mammoth is from a comic, the one from wrecker is from a handbook (I know no legit but a good hint imo).
Zack M
Originally posted by Prof. T.C McAbe
Mammoth has maybe a 50-60t strength, while Wrecker is in the solid 40t range. Depends on the Wrecker it will be a tough fight or a stomp imo as wrecker is smarter and has not only strength to rely on.
Mammoth just wrestled with Superman. Id put him above 60 tons.
Handbooks are all over the place. Here are some of Wreckers better feats.
Prof. T.C McAbe
Originally posted by Zack M
Mammoth just wrestled with Superman. Id put him above 60 tons.
Ok I just remember him not being able to lift 65 tons. *shrug maybe he got an upgrade?
The two are not mutually exclusive.
I recently heard that Mammoth was nearly indestructible. Anyone know more about this?
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