Morlun versus Ultron
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1. Standard equipment/non-equipment.
2. Morlun gets the shield of Captain America.
Sin I AM
Tough....lemme get back to you
Good fight. Morlun is hard to match anyone up against.
Ultron should have this.
Originally posted by carver9
Good fight. Morlun is hard to match anyone up against.
According to carver, one cannot rip adamantium.
My predictive algorithm says that argument will be trotted out.
Your mind is like a machine!
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
According to carver, one cannot rip adamantium.
My predictive algorithm says that argument will be trotted out. Because he already did
Morlun has? Yes, I know of the scan. He rips the adamantium net.
But carver does not.
Originally posted by carver9
I am about to go in the kitchen and see if I can make tin foil make the ripping noise.
Originally posted by One Big Mob
I picture Carver just sitting there ripping tinfoil and then listening hard afterwards and giving a nod everytime he does it. Then records his findings. Then it just montages random parts of a shitton of other experiments.
I hope he remembered to keep a spare piece of paper handy to compare sounds. You might have to redo your whole experiment if not
Then his mom comes in and just beats the shit out of him for ruining a whole roll of tinfoil
OMG i remember that exchange!

Originally posted by DarkSaint85
Morlun has? Yes, I know of the scan. He rips the adamantium net.
But carver does not.
I love you to Dark. You don't have to tell me back because I can tell I'm always on your mind.
Well, I WAS replying to your post, so yes.
When I'm replying to Stoic, he's on my mind. Or do you get confused?
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
Well, I WAS replying to your post, so yes.
When I'm replying to Stoic, he's on my mind. Or do you get confused?
You already replied to my post and decided to come back in the same thread (because I'm always on your mind) and reply again to the same post you already replied too. It's a great feeling knowing I have rubbed off on someone.
Pretty much.
You're very easy to predict.
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
Pretty much.
You're very easy to predict.
His attempts at reverse psychology forward suck.

Originally posted by DarkSaint85
Pretty much.
You're very easy to predict.
I'm really not.
Originally posted by riv6672
His attempts at reverse psychology forward suck.
Next thread from Riv.
"Hungry Galactus vs Fully powered Dark Beast".
Originally posted by carver9
I'm really not.
You are a fan of Gladiator, WW, Hulk, Wolverine and Spidey. Wins that you give will be based off showings relative to the above characters.
You value speed lines and art, but if not, you will focus on specific words only, and ignore all else.
Mostly, as you're using your phone, you will ignore OPs, preferring not to read too much.
If needed, you will post scans, but you will google for respect threads and post scans without knowing the context.
Based on the above, I can pretty much predict the stance you'll take in a thread. It will also be sprinkled liberally with passive aggressive tones, like 'amazing showing' or 'i don't know, but '.
I know you don't like walls of text.
I read everything you typed.
What counts as "standard gear" for Ultron?
Originally posted by Flyattractor
What counts as "standard gear" for Ultron?
I was considering Ultron largely as he appeared in Secret Wars, with adamantium exoskeleton and disintegration beams.
The latter is why I gave Morlun Captain America's shield; I don't know if Morlun's body would be durable enough to withstand those on his own.
^^^thsts about as fair as you could make it, but i still figure Ultron's taking it.
Originally posted by carver9
Next thread from Riv.
"Hungry Galactus vs Fully powered Dark Beast".
Next original thought from Carver: 'close thread'

Originally posted by DarkSaint85
You are a fan of Gladiator
Fathered him.
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
WW, Hulk
Mated with him.
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
Wolverine and Spidey.
No. He's been a false prophet for those two.
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