Aquaman vs thor
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mighty adam
Dcun aquaman vs female thor jean
Fight takes place in Antarctica near water. Both have standard weapons bloodlust.
mighty adam
No love for blondie and the king of the sea yall with the bs
Aquaman isn't beating Thor. He's powerful and all of that but I'd rate him to be on or nearly around Sasquatch's level. Thor is on a completely different level... whether that be the female or male version.
Originally posted by Stoic
Aquaman isn't beating Thor. He's powerful and all of that but I'd rate him to be on or nearly around Sasquatch's level. Thor is on a completely different level... whether that be the female or male version.
I agree with this. I think Thor is at least a tier above AM.
mighty adam
Dcun aquaman has impressive strength and durability plus a unbreakable weapon. Yes male thor is far out of AM league well water hand AM probably could hold up ok but still lose. Jean has better feats then dcun AM
Jane. Her name's Jane.
Originally posted by mighty adam
Dcun aquaman has impressive strength and durability plus a unbreakable weapon. Yes male thor is far out of AM league well water hand AM probably could hold up ok but still lose. Jean has better feats then dcun AM
You mean Jane right? Anyway, a lot separates these two in terms of power. Even if you were to say that Arthur could mess with his or her mind, Thor or just being a Thor has the TP resistant perk going for them, being that they have a certain amount of magical protection against it. They aren't immune, but they have a decent amount of resistance to stave off an assault, wade in and put the kabosh on Arthur.
The strength gap is pretty large as well, not to mention durability. Jane just took a huge beating from the female version of Kurse and kept getting back up. Arthur simply isn't in that weight class. It was mentioned in reference to the Beyonder that the new female Kurse is likely as powerful as her male counterpart. This is something that shouldn't be challenged, as Jane has some pretty high end feats.
Wait... There's a female Kurse now?
Originally posted by -Pr-
Wait... There's a female Kurse now?
Marvel's a phucking joke.
Jane just threw a freaking city out of space. She also ripped through adamantium combined with vibranium and magic. Stalemated Odin. Moved faster than a bullet. Nothing but high end showings. Aquaman gets his chest caved in, easily.
Originally posted by -Pr-
Jane. Her name's Jane.
mighty adam
Originally posted by carver9
Jane just threw a freaking city out of space. She also ripped through adamantium combined with vibranium and magic. Stalemated Odin. Moved faster than a bullet. Nothing but high end showings. Aquaman gets his chest caved in, easily. scans? I never seen anything from her.
Originally posted by -Pr-
Wait... There's a female Kurse now?
As of the Mighty Thor #14, dated December 2016, yes, there's a female Kurse.
Appears to be stronger than either Thor, too.
Doesn't want to be a villain, though, thankfully ...
Originally posted by StiltmanFTW
Originally posted by bluewaterrider
As of the Mighty Thor #14, dated December 2016, yes, there's a female Kurse.
Appears to be stronger than either Thor, too.
Doesn't want to be a villain, though, thankfully ...
Originally posted by bluewaterrider
As of the Mighty Thor #14, dated December 2016, yes, there's a female Kurse.
Appears to be stronger than either Thor, too.
Doesn't want to be a villain, though, thankfully ...
WTF? How does this make sense? The only reason Algrim was what he was is because Beyonder amped him to those levels (2x Thor at first then 4x Thor later).
Before the Beyonder amps he couldn't beat a Mjolnirless Thor! God damn you Marvel. Stupid mother ****ers.
Originally posted by -Pr-
3 cheers for unnecessarily forced diversity!
Arthur wins 0/10
To be honest, her origin didn't seem as forced as I would have imagined, though I honestly haven't read a lot of Thor bar JMS's excellent run and whatever he did in Avengers.
Originally posted by zopzop
WTF? How does this make sense? The only reason Algrim was what he was is because Beyonder amped him to those levels (2x Thor at first then 4x Thor later).
Before the Beyonder amps he couldn't beat a Mjolnirless Thor! God damn you Marvel. Stupid mother ****ers.
Not sure how this showing makes female Kurse stronger than Odinson, but ok.
* runs to make female kurse vs. WW thread *
Originally posted by zopzop
How does this make sense? The only reason Algrim was what he was is because Beyonder amped him to those levels (2x Thor at first then 4x Thor later).
Before the Beyonder amps he couldn't beat a Mjolnirless Thor! ...
I think I understand Marvel's perspective. Few if any have ever heard of Kurse, save for reasonably devout Thor fans. I myself heard little outside of 2x stronger than Thor or 4x or whatever. Here, the power apparently comes from enchanted armor. That's in the popular current movies as a theme for similar Thor or Avenger characters. And the movies have a much bigger audience than the comic reading populace. The enchanted armor concept is no harder to wrap the head around than the Destroyer or Iron Man suits empowering someone, doubly so if we take how Extremis Iron Man was presented.
In-story, possible reasons for Malekith choosing Lady Waziria to be the new Kurse aren't unfathomable, either.
Recklessly arrogant character like that from Norse-style society?
Easy to see Malekith deciding Jane Thor being less of a threat than Odinson Thor. Or reasoning the armor enchantment makes New Kurse equal to the power of Old Kurse. Or that Lady Waziria, being a woman, should be less strong-willed and rebellious than the strongest Dark Elf male warrior.
No, I can certainly see why Marvel did as its done in this case.
Smart decision making involves a different checklist when you're a corporation concerned primarily with sales and marketability to the widest possible audience, as opposed to a fan of a given literary character itself.
I'm impressed Marvel's messed with the crucial elements of the story as LITTLE as they have, all things considered.
I know who Kurse is and I wouldn't really call myself a Thor fan.
Originally posted by Deadline
I know who Kurse is and I wouldn't really call myself a Thor fan.
I should hope so; the scans I provided on the previous page tells you the identity of both of them.
Moreover, you're a registered user of a comic book message forum, with over 20,000 posts to your credit. Somehow I doubt you represent the average reader Marvel's targeting.
Sin I AM
Originally posted by mighty adam
Dcun aquaman vs female thor jean
Fight takes place in Antarctica near water. Both have standard weapons bloodlust.
I thin uworthy thor would be a better match than jane
well I know about Kurse because I read about him, at one point I was almost collecting every Marvel title. I don't know what they've done to Marvel now. Ok back on topic I think Aquaman loses he's tough but not that tough, he's not top tier for example he couldn't beat Superman in a physical fight.
Originally posted by -Pr-
Wait... There's a female Kurse now?
Not sure if you've been answered yet, but yeah, the original was imprisoned, and a female elf (forget her name) takes his place. Don't want to reveal too much.
mighty adam
Aquaman strength is far pass 100tons even in the dcun he has a few impressive lifting feats. If she has the full powers of thor i can see her beating him threw pure versatility. Aquaman still a great fighter and his indestructible weapon can do so damge to her she wont push his shit clean in
Originally posted by mighty adam
Aquaman strength
He has no strengths.
mighty adam
Originally posted by StiltmanFTW
He has no strengths. lol i see you hate him why?
Jane kicks his ass
Originally posted by mighty adam
lol i see you hate him why?
I'm glad you asked:
Those last 2 had me in bad shape

mighty adam
Originally posted by StiltmanFTW
I'm glad you asked: lol oh hell naw
mighty adam
I like aquaman because i just love the water and sea life but.....the shit dc had him doing back then ruined the character for alot of people
Originally posted by mighty adam
Aquaman strength is far pass 100tons even in the dcun he has a few impressive lifting feats. If she has the full powers of thor i can see her beating him threw pure versatility. Aquaman still a great fighter and his indestructible weapon can do so damge to her she wont push his shit clean in
Exactly the Trench feat should be in the millions of tons, causing an eruption is way past hundreds of tons, and the scepter feat should be passed the prior 2.
Originally posted by Deadline
well I know about Kurse because I read about him, at one point I was almost collecting every Marvel title. I don't know what they've done to Marvel now. Ok back on topic I think Aquaman loses he's tough but not that tough, he's not top tier for example he couldn't beat Superman in a physical fight.
Jane wouldn't match Superman in a physical fight either and Aquaman honestly isn't just his physicals where he can't beat someone by sheer strength of fist he can with his trident.
City lvl feats should honestly be replica-table by a lot of characters on the Aquaman tier.
mighty adam
AM stabs the **** in the eyes. His speed is far superior to any thors he blitz the board and stabs her in the eyes
Wait, what?
What makes you think Aqua is faster than Thor, srsly?
Just because Thor is slower than SM/DD/WV doesn't mean he's slower than Aquaf*ck.
Originally posted by mighty adam
AM stabs the **** in the eyes. His speed is far superior to any thors he blitz the board and stabs her in the eyes
Arthur would never win this. You're talking about an underwater trench as one of his best feats, whereas Thor has planetary level destruction feats. Not many would want to get into a feat war repping Aquaman against Thor. You also can't pick and choose what powers he or she can use, because that would be like someone else opting to remove Aquaman's ability to breathe under water, or removing his TP abilities and so on. Thor overall under optimal conditions would end Arthur very quickly. Keep in mind that this isn't a comic that has the the writer deciding to allow one character to hold back a huge portion of their power, while the other goes all out.
mighty adam
Originally posted by Stoic
Arthur would never win this. You're talking about an underwater trench as one of his best feats, whereas Thor has planetary level destruction feats. Not many would want to get into a feat war repping Aquaman against Thor. You also can't pick and choose what powers he or she can use, because that would be like someone else opting to remove Aquaman's ability to breathe under water, or removing his TP abilities and so on. Thor overall under optimal conditions would end Arthur very quickly. Keep in mind that this isn't a comic that has the the writer deciding to allow one character to back a huge portion of their power, while the other goes all out. only a idiot would deny thors versitlity. Or say aquaman would hoe out thor. All im saying is aquaman has the strength to damage her in h2h plus a indestructible weapon that can do major damage his speed is superior he speed blitz ww and others in his short time in DCun. Classic thor never was that fast. Hulk, spiderman is faster. Yes the hammer allows FTL speed but combat speed thor is trash. Aquaman can get some wins in this fight reject board will not just push his shit in.
Originally posted by mighty adam
only a idiot would deny thors versitlity. Or say aquaman would hoe out thor. All im saying is aquaman has the strength to damage her in h2h plus a indestructible weapon that can do major damage his speed is superior he speed blitz ww and others in his short time in DCun. Classic thor never was that fast. Hulk, spiderman is faster. Yes the hammer allows FTL speed but combat speed thor is trash. Aquaman can get some wins in this fight reject board will not just push his shit in.
Thor has magical lightning storms, wind storms, flight, teleportation and several other tools that Aquaman has no answer for. I'm hoping that you aren't trying to make Aquaman out to be a speedster like the Flash or Quicksilver because he really isn't. His speed isn't anything that Thor would be unable to react to either. Most people realize that Arthur is pretty powerful, but he isn't in Thor's weight class.
Originally posted by Stoic
Thor has magical lightning storms, wind storms, flight, teleportation and several other tools that Aquaman has no answer for. I'm hoping that you aren't trying to make Aquaman out to be a speedster like the Flash or Quicksilver because he really isn't. His speed isn't anything that Thor would be unable to react to either. Most people realize that Arthur is pretty powerful, but he isn't in Thor's weight class.
I agree Arthur isn't in Thor's physical weight class alot of characters aren't in regards to showings for it.
But he does have a speed edge. Pre-Flashpoint he was stated by narration to have lightning fast movement, Post-Flashpoint he's atleast hypersonic by his own feats and scaling feats make him come off all the more better. He's not a speedster but he does have quick movement speed.
Magical Lightning doesn't help against a trident that can absorb Energy attacks. On top of this Aquaman does have the ability to harm Thor with the trident. It's just if he gets the chance to is the question.
Thor Odinson has a strength, durability, and versatility edge.
Originally posted by EcstaticGrace
I agree Arthur isn't in Thor's physical weight class alot of characters aren't in regards to showings for it.
But he does have a speed edge. Pre-Flashpoint he was stated by narration to have lightning fast movement, Post-Flashpoint he's atleast hypersonic by his own feats and scaling feats make him come off all the more better. He's not a speedster but he does have quick movement speed.
Magical Lightning doesn't help against a trident that can absorb Energy attacks. On top of this Aquaman does have the ability to harm Thor with the trident. It's just if he gets the chance to is the question.
Thor Odinson has a strength, durability, and versatility edge.
And speed.
And power.
And damage soak.
This is a mismatch.
Originally posted by celeyhyga17
And speed.
And power.
And damage soak.
This is a mismatch.
Damage soak is Durability, Power is pretty much Versatility.
So I pretty much stated this already.
Thor being faster than Aquaman in regards to speed is laughable though. Maybe in regards to travel speed. But Thor is consistently slow in regards to combat. There's a reason he's referred to as Slowdinson. He struggles against tagging Wolverine, Spiderman and Quicksilver and has to resort to AOE in order to tag them. Aquaman has blitzed Diana, Orm, Outsped hypersonic aircrafts and had time to move around and spy before their arrival, he's consistently dodged lightning Pre-Flashpoint as well as by narration suggested as having lightning fast movement. His perception allowed him to a Wally clone which was invisible to the human eye.
Thor consistently holds back against mortals which has had him go panels with characters like The Thing, Wonderman, Black Bolt and Namor. Which if that happens here would be bad considering Aquaman does have a weapon that can harm Thor.
Originally posted by EcstaticGrace
Damage soak is Durability, Power is pretty much Versatility.
So I pretty much stated this already.
Thor being faster than Aquaman in regards to speed is laughable though. Maybe in regards to travel speed. But Thor is consistently slow in regards to combat. There's a reason he's referred to as Slowdinson. He struggles against tagging Wolverine, Spiderman and Quicksilver and has to resort to AOE in order to tag them. Aquaman has blitzed Diana, Orm, Outsped hypersonic aircrafts and had time to move around and spy before their arrival, he's consistently dodged lightning Pre-Flashpoint as well as by narration suggested as having lightning fast movement. His perception allowed him to a Wally clone which was invisible to the human eye.
Thor consistently holds back against mortals which has had him go panels with characters like The Thing, Wonderman, Black Bolt and Namor. Which if that happens here would be bad considering Aquaman does have a weapon that can harm Thor.
There may be a speed advantage that Arthur has, but it wouldn't be enough to offset the huge advantages that Thor has over him. He would literally need to be in the neighborhood of a Flash type character to pull off the win, and we both know that he isn't. Lightning is one thing, but what about wind storms capable of reducing Arthur's underwater trench feat down to the bush leagues. Thor can rip entire planets apart with his storms. I'm in definite agreement that Arthur could put some damage on Thor, but it wouldn't be nearly enough. On the whole, this would be Thor's fight to lose, as he would never need to get into it with Arthur on a physical level. Which is not to say that he wouldn't dunk him if they happened to go at it H2H. What is Thor's ranking in terms of being in the top tier? Like 2nd or 3rd after Superman?
Originally posted by Stoic
There may be a speed advantage that Arthur has, but it wouldn't be enough to offset the huge advantages that Thor has over him. He would literally need to be in the neighborhood of a Flash type character to pull off the win, and we both know that he isn't. Lightning is one thing, but what about wind storms capable of reducing Arthur's underwater trench feat down to the bush leagues. Thor can rip entire planets apart with his storms. I'm in definite agreement that Arthur could put some damage on Thor, but it wouldn't be nearly enough. On the whole, this would be Thor's fight to lose, as he would never need to get into it with Arthur on a physical level. Which is not to say that he wouldn't dunk him if they happened to go at it H2H. What is Thor's ranking in terms of being in the top tier? Like 2nd or 3rd after Superman?
Completely agree with this analysis. It's all on how Thor fights, personally I think Aquaman can get some wins in though because Thor has a pretty consistent track record of going into a fight brawling rather then using his versatility in ways that would provide him the quick win most of the time. Top that off with his constant holding back against mortals, and the fact Aquaman has a slide speed edge and a powerful stabbing weapon he could pull off a win or 2. But of course this is assuming Thor ignores his obvious advantages.
I think it depends on what you define your ranking on top tier. Power Outage I'd argue Thor is above Superman. In regards to physicals I'd argue Superman is above Thor. Their in the same ballpark in my opinion though.
Thor wins. It's a pretty conclusive beat down.
And Aquaman is at a huge speed disadvantage against Thor with Mjolnir, especially Jane Thor. She can use Mjolnir to bombard him separately or blitz the shit out of him while in flight.
Trying to bring up speed when even this new Thor was fighting across planetary distances with every punch thrown is a mistake imo unless it's a true speedster like Flash or Quicksilver.
Even grounded, without Mjolnir, Jane Thor has already racked up enough feats to match anything I've seen from Aquaman and far surpass it if we extrapolate from her fights.
She doesn't even need Mjolnir to fly (or produce lightning). With that in mind he's at a huge speed and tactical disadvantage. Reflexes are easily on par so it comes down to who can move faster in combat.
Originally posted by EcstaticGrace
Damage soak is Durability, Power is pretty much Versatility.
So I pretty much stated this already.
Thor being faster than Aquaman in regards to speed is laughable though. Maybe in regards to travel speed. But Thor is consistently slow in regards to combat. There's a reason he's referred to as Slowdinson. He struggles against tagging Wolverine, Spiderman and Quicksilver and has to resort to AOE in order to tag them. Aquaman has blitzed Diana, Orm, Outsped hypersonic aircrafts and had time to move around and spy before their arrival, he's consistently dodged lightning Pre-Flashpoint as well as by narration suggested as having lightning fast movement. His perception allowed him to a Wally clone which was invisible to the human eye.
Thor consistently holds back against mortals which has had him go panels with characters like The Thing, Wonderman, Black Bolt and Namor. Which if that happens here would be bad considering Aquaman does have a weapon that can harm Thor.
Damage soak is related to durability, but they're technically not the same. Both have such powerful weapons that I think durability takes a backseat to damage soak here. Who's gonna take more of a licking, but still perform at a high level?
Same goes for power and versatility. Who's more versatile, Iron Man or Hulk? Now who's more powerful between the two?
Are you sure about his combat speed? You seem quite confident in your claim. If Thor is consistently slow, are you saying that showings of him described as being slow outweigh his showings described as being fast?
Do you think AQ has him beat in speed showings? What are AQ's best speed showings?
But back on topic. This is New 52 Aquaman vs Jane Thor. There is nothing in AQ's history that puts him solidly above Jane Thor in speed. Mjolnir alone gives Thor the speed edge here.
Btw kudos on "Slowdinson".

That pretty funny.

Originally posted by celeyhyga17
Damage soak is related to durability, but they're technically not the same. Both have such powerful weapons that I think durability takes a backseat to damage soak here. Who's gonna take more of a licking, but still perform at a high level?
Same goes for power and versatility. Who's more versatile, Iron Man or Hulk? Now who's more powerful between the two?
Are you sure about his combat speed? You seem quite confident in your claim. If Thor is consistently slow, are you saying that showings of him described as being slow outweigh his showings described as being fast?
Do you think AQ has him beat in speed showings? What are AQ's best speed showings?
But back on topic. This is New 52 Aquaman vs Jane Thor. There is nothing in AQ's history that puts him solidly above Jane Thor in speed. Mjolnir alone gives Thor the speed edge here.
Btw kudos on "Slowdinson".

That pretty funny.

Originally posted by celeyhyga17
Damage soak is related to durability, but they're technically not the same. Both have such powerful weapons that I think durability takes a backseat to damage soak here. Who's gonna take more of a licking, but still perform at a high level?
Same goes for power and versatility. Who's more versatile, Iron Man or Hulk? Now who's more powerful between the two?
Are you sure about his combat speed? You seem quite confident in your claim. If Thor is consistently slow, are you saying that showings of him described as being slow outweigh his showings described as being fast?
Do you think AQ has him beat in speed showings? What are AQ's best speed showings?
But back on topic. This is New 52 Aquaman vs Jane Thor. There is nothing in AQ's history that puts him solidly above Jane Thor in speed. Mjolnir alone gives Thor the speed edge here.
Btw kudos on "Slowdinson".

That pretty funny.
I think it overall depends on what versatility entails, but yeah whoever has more destructive power should be overall more powerful and I agree Thor has more destructive power than Aquaman. Doesn't mean the latter can't harm the prior.
AQ, has dodging repetitive lightning, being stated as having lightning fast reflexes. In his continuity.
New52 strictly he has blitzing Diana,tagging an aerial Hawkman, out-processing a hypersonic craft
Mljonir provides a travel speed edge, which doesnt result to much unless the character goes for a blitz.
Mljonir doesn't give Jane faster reaction speed, Mljonir doesn't make her/him strike faster, Mljonir helps with moving to point a to b and that's pretty much it.
If we look at just strictly Jane I could probably bring up stuff close in strength, and durability.
Originally posted by Rage.Of.Olympus
Thor wins. It's a pretty conclusive beat down.
And Aquaman is at a huge speed disadvantage against Thor with Mjolnir, especially Jane Thor. She can use Mjolnir to bombard him separately or blitz the shit out of him while in flight.
Trying to bring up speed when even this new Thor was fighting across planetary distances with every punch thrown is a mistake imo unless it's a true speedster like Flash or Quicksilver.
Even grounded, without Mjolnir, Jane Thor has already racked up enough feats to match anything I've seen from Aquaman and far surpass it if we extrapolate from her fights.
She doesn't even need Mjolnir to fly (or produce lightning). With that in mind he's at a huge speed and tactical disadvantage. Reflexes are easily on par so it comes down to who can move faster in combat.
None of what you brought up is even combat speed orientated. It's moving from point a to b.
Mjolnir flies independently of Jane, though.....its sentient, and can change course etc, once she hurls it.
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
Mjolnir flies independently of Jane, though.....its sentient, and can change course etc, once she hurls it.
Forgot about Aaron making Mljonir laugh and fight and whatnot..
Does Mljonir even start at said speeds though, or does it build up velocity in order to travel at said speed. How often is Mljonir even used like that.
Originally posted by EcstaticGrace
Forgot about Aaron making Mljonir laugh and fight and whatnot..
Does Mljonir even start at said speeds though, or does it build up velocity in order to travel at said speed. How often is Mljonir even used like that.
Slowdinson often had Mjolnir move mid-flight.
You can't have it both ways.
Either Thor is navivating at great speeds directing the hammer, or the hammer is capable of navigating on its own.
Either way a high-speed barrage from the hammer is a possibility.
Originally posted by krisblaze
Slowdinson often had Mjolnir move mid-flight.
You can't have it both ways.
Either Thor is navivating at great speeds directing the hammer, or the hammer is capable of navigating on its own.
Either way a high-speed barrage from the hammer is a possibility.
It's simple a planes speed doesn't start at Mach3 it takes time for it to build up that velocity. Darkseid's Omega Beams don't approach Flash speed when fired it takes time.
My question is Mljonir building a velocity or instantly just that fast.
Originally posted by EcstaticGrace
I think it overall depends on what versatility entails, but yeah whoever has more destructive power should be overall more powerful and I agree Thor has more destructive power than Aquaman. Doesn't mean the latter can't harm the prior.
AQ, has dodging repetitive lightning, being stated as having lightning fast reflexes. In his continuity.
New52 strictly he has blitzing Diana,tagging an aerial Hawkman, out-processing a hypersonic craft
Mljonir provides a travel speed edge, which doesnt result to much unless the character goes for a blitz.
Mljonir doesn't give Jane faster reaction speed, Mljonir doesn't make her/him strike faster, Mljonir helps with moving to point a to b and that's pretty much it.
If we look at just strictly Jane I could probably bring up stuff close in strength, and durability.
Originally posted by EcstaticGrace
It's simple a planes speed doesn't start at Mach3 it takes time for it to build up that velocity. Darkseid's Omega Beams don't approach Flash speed when fired it takes time.
My question is Mljonir building a velocity or instantly just that fast.
It varies, but it's usually instantly AFTER it's been thrown.
Thor. Aquaman is very tough, often underrated tough, but not Thor tough.
Jane 7/10. She is stronger and more durable , while Aquaman is faster + telepathy. Mjolnir overall gives more options than the Trident, too.
Originally posted by carver9
Damn... didn't know she could just leave it and go and do other things.. really makes the trident come off sad in comparison..
Could end up being a 2 vs 1 just because of that..
Im still hesitant on Jane being stronger though, atleast coherently.
mighty adam
Originally posted by Stoic
Thor has magical lightning storms, wind storms, flight, teleportation and several other tools that Aquaman has no answer for. I'm hoping that you aren't trying to make Aquaman out to be a speedster like the Flash or Quicksilver because he really isn't. His speed isn't anything that Thor would be unable to react to either. Most people realize that Arthur is pretty powerful, but he isn't in Thor's weight class. jane never fought a person like gladiator and countered his speed. This is jane we are talking about. I believe aquaman could speed blitz her and get a few wins. REMEMBER LIKE PR TOLD ME WE DONT ARGUE POWERSETS ON THESE FORUMS

SO!! going by these rules no jane will not be unleashing planetary storms, and godblasts and everything else THOR COULD DO TO KILL AQUAMAN, HULK, AND SUPERMAN IN A BLINK OF A EYE NO NO...jane will fight IN CHARACTER and get stabbed in the eyes.
mighty adam
Originally posted by EcstaticGrace
I agree Arthur isn't in Thor's physical weight class alot of characters aren't in regards to showings for it.
But he does have a speed edge. Pre-Flashpoint he was stated by narration to have lightning fast movement, Post-Flashpoint he's atleast hypersonic by his own feats and scaling feats make him come off all the more better. He's not a speedster but he does have quick movement speed.
Magical Lightning doesn't help against a trident that can absorb Energy attacks. On top of this Aquaman does have the ability to harm Thor with the trident. It's just if he gets the chance to is the question.
Thor Odinson has a strength, durability, and versatility edge. completely agree. But we are talking jane and lil girl jane is not THOR Odinson. So she is nowhere near as impressive.
mighty adam
I can see 6/10 for jane.
Originally posted by mighty adam
I can see 6/10 for jane.
It doesn't go by how many fights out of 10. It goes by who got the better of whom out of 10.
Jane 80%/100% FTW and that's being extremely generous.
We don't argue power set, which is something that you're arguing by stating that Arthur is going to somehow blitz her. Just because he did that to Superman, does not mean that he would do it to Superman in a forum fight. In a forum match it would be more likely that Superman would, or Gladiator would do that to Arthur. It's called PIS, which is something that isn't permitted in a forum setting.
Since these two are in it to win it. Jane isn't going to be taking it easy on Arthur (a character that she doesn't know personally), unlike Superman. She'd cave his head in, which is why giving him even 20% is being extremely generous. The difference between Arthur and the Hulk is simple. One of these guys mitigates damage due to a hyper HF, and the other would not be able to. This is one of the largest reasons why the Hulk is able to continue fighting guys and winning against them in this particular weight class, of which Arthur does not belong in.
Originally posted by EcstaticGrace
Damn... didn't know she could just leave it and go and do other things.. really makes the trident come off sad in comparison..
Could end up being a 2 vs 1 just because of that..
It doesn't just do that, either.
Bonus feat, of Thor stopping an island made of solid gold. and throwing it into the sun.
Haven't seen Aquaman do any telepathy on DCnu yet, what is this?
Originally posted by EcstaticGrace
I think it overall depends on what versatility entails, but yeah whoever has more destructive power should be overall more powerful and I agree Thor has more destructive power than Aquaman. Doesn't mean the latter can't harm the prior.
Originally posted by EcstaticGrace
AQ, has dodging repetitive lightning, being stated as having lightning fast reflexes. In his continuity.
He'd still probably lose a feat war.
Originally posted by EcstaticGrace
New52 strictly he has blitzing Diana,tagging an aerial Hawkman, out-processing a hypersonic craft
These sound ok.
Originally posted by EcstaticGrace
Mljonir provides a travel speed edge, which doesnt result to much unless the character goes for a blitz.
Mljonir doesn't give Jane faster reaction speed, Mljonir doesn't make her/him strike faster, Mljonir helps with moving to point a to b and that's pretty much it.
If we look at just strictly Jane I could probably bring up stuff close in strength, and durability.
This is a bloodlusted match. All she has to do is throw Mjolnir and blitz the shiet out of him. Or she can hurl herself and smack him at all different angles. Both attacks she has a penchant for. Considering the fight starts at .5km from each other, it's hard to see how he even gets one win.
What does he have close in str and dur? Jane Thor has ripped open vibranium/adamantium doors while weakening.
She's been smacked around from planet to planet by Odin.
Originally posted by Deadline
Haven't seen Aquaman do any telepathy on DCnu yet, what is this?
He's done it to fishes, reptiles and mammals.
His tp so far has been aquatic based.
mighty adam
Originally posted by Stoic
It doesn't go by how many fights out of 10. It goes by who got the better of whom out of 10.
Jane 80%/100% FTW and that's being extremely generous.
We don't argue power set, which is something that you're arguing by stating that Arthur is going to somehow blitz her. Just because he did that to Superman, does not mean that he would do it to Superman in a forum fight. In a forum match it would be more likely that Superman would, or Gladiator would do that to Arthur. It's called PIS, which is something that isn't permitted in a forum setting.
Since these two are in it to win it. Jane isn't going to be taking it easy on Arthur (a character that she doesn't know personally), unlike Superman. She'd cave his head in, which is why giving him even 20% is being extremely generous. The difference between Arthur and the Hulk is simple. One of these guys mitigates damage due to a hyper HF, and the other would not be able to. This is one of the largest reasons why the Hulk is able to continue fighting guys and winning against them in this particular weight class, of which Arthur does not belong in. no no pr the mod said it in his own words, pis off dose not mean thor flies up in space and rains down planetary scale lighting and winds that destory mountains. If he did he would never lose why because he has the greatest powerset in comics. Going by your logic hulk, superman should never EVER EVER beat him and in my opinion yes they lose 10/10 to thor well superman loses 6/10. And hulks HF has been over taxed and stopped working or hes been hurt so bad he turns back into banner which is why idk care what version of hulk you use he loses to superman 10/10 period. So going by these forums rules jane will fight AM like she do in the comics and win but he will get his licks in jane 7/10.
Originally posted by mighty adam
no no pr the mod said it in his own words, pis off dose not mean thor flies up in space and rains down planetary scale lighting and winds that destory mountains. If he did he would never lose why because he has the greatest powerset in comics. Going by your logic hulk, superman should never EVER EVER beat him and in my opinion yes they lose 10/10 to thor well superman loses 6/10. And hulks HF has been over taxed and stopped working or hes been hurt so bad he turns back into banner which is why idk care what version of hulk you use he loses to superman 10/10 period. So going by these forums rules jane will fight AM like she do in the comics and win but he will get his licks in jane 7/10.
When Arthur has the ability to go round for round with Odin, then you may have a case.
If this were a swimming contest everyone would say that Arthur swims rings around Thor, which would be a 100% true statement, because it would be within his power to do so.
You say that Arthur will get his licks in, but Jane took heat from Kurse, who happens to be several times stronger than Arthur. I'm not seeing it in a forum fight. This is not me trying to low ball Arthur, it's just me seeing how much damage Thor can take and still get up.
It is not unheard of that Thor (any of them) has used their powers in a comic book. We can get off track by bringing other characters into this like the Hulk for example, but note that Thor (Odinson) has used lightning, and wind storms against the Hulk several times in the past, as well as on other characters. You seem to want to reduce this to a scenario that has Arthur using his trident against Jane, while making it seem like Jane is restricted to the use hammer strikes, and lighting.
She has the ability to use all of her powers against Arthur, and in so doing she wins easily. she's even used them on panel, so it's not as if it would be unheard of her using them here. She doesn't have to run from Arthur, as she has the strength, and durability advantage over him. Not sure what you're seeing here, but Arthur isn't in Thor's weight class at all.
Wasn't Jane Thor wanked to all hell?
What has female Kurse done?
Originally posted by EcstaticGrace
His tp so far has been aquatic based.
That's what I thought.
Originally posted by Stoic
When Arthur has the ability to go round for round with Odin, then you may have a case.
If this were a swimming contest everyone would say that Arthur swims rings around Thor, which would be a 100% true statement, because it would be within his power to do so.
You say that Arthur will get his licks in, but Jane took heat from Kurse, who happens to be several times stronger than Arthur. I'm not seeing it in a forum fight. This is not me trying to low ball Arthur, it's just me seeing how much damage Thor can take and still get up.
It is not unheard of that Thor (any of them) has used their powers in a comic book. We can get off track by bringing other characters into this like the Hulk for example, but note that Thor (Odinson) has used lightning, and wind storms against the Hulk several times in the past, as well as on other characters. You seem to want to reduce this to a scenario that has Arthur using his trident against Jane, while making it seem like Jane is restricted to the use hammer strikes, and lighting.
She has the ability to use all of her powers against Arthur, and in so doing she wins easily. she's even used them on panel, so it's not as if it would be unheard of her using them here. She doesn't have to run from Arthur, as she has the strength, and durability advantage over him. Not sure what you're seeing here, but Arthur isn't in Thor's weight class at all.
I wouldn't use some of this as evidence..
Odin historically by Marvel has been said to be below a 100tonner in regards to physicals without amping. Recently his powers have been suggested to be wavering which was mentioned in Loki: Agents of Asgard.
Originally posted by -Pr-
Wasn't Jane Thor wanked to all hell?
She was, but all new smell characters are. Should that take away from her feats to date though?
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
What has female Kurse done?
It was stated that she was as powerful as the original. At least I think that it was.
Originally posted by EcstaticGrace
I wouldn't use some of this as evidence..
Odin historically by Marvel has been said to be below a 100tonner in regards to physicals without amping. Recently his powers have been suggested to be wavering which was mentioned in Loki: Agents of Asgard.
Okay that may be true about the Odin part, so we can omit that little bit as evidence. However, Jane has bent a pretty thick piece of Admantium, which should prove without a shadow of doubt that she is far above Arthur in terms of strength alone. Her showing against Kurse should also show this, and that is without the use of her hammer alone without even bringing her other powers into this.
They never stated that....
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
They never stated that....
What was stated? I had the impression that the comparison was there.I'm unable to check at the moment.
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
They never stated that....
We at least know that the female Kurse was pushing Thor around, and even was able to stop a hammer hit with her hand. We also know that Jane is capable of bending Adamantium. So in what way does this differ from what the original Kurse could do? The armor still holds the same charge that it did when the Beyonder empowered it according to on panel statement if I am not mistaken. Anything that can prove that female Kurse isn't as strong as the original?
They made reference of the power the Beyonder bestowed on the original Kurse which was basically transferred over. It sort of let the reader known that this is essentially Kurse, but with a Vagina.
Originally posted by celeyhyga17
They made reference of the power the Beyonder bestowed on the original Kurse which was basically transferred over. It sort of let the reader known that this is essentially Kurse, but with a Vagina.
Exactly. I thought that I missed something.
Originally posted by Stoic
Exactly. I thought that I missed something.
Jane Thor's showing against this Kurse though very impressive is somewhat tempered by the fact that this Kurse was probably holding back somewhat.
During combat she had the wherewithal to let Jane Thor know that she wanted to be killed.
Originally posted by celeyhyga17
Jane Thor's showing against this Kurse though very impressive is somewhat tempered by the fact that this Kurse was probably holding back somewhat.
During combat she had the wherewithal to let Jane Thor know that she wanted to be killed.
I took it as if Kurse didn't want to kill Jane, but that her body had been completely hijacked by the armor, which left her with the ability to see what she was doing but without the power to do anything about it. I don't think that she was holding back, because she lacked any control to do anything but watch.
She could also speak....but yes, it never said that Kurse is as strong, only that the origin stayed the same.
I mean, GL rings all have the same origin, MJOLNIR has the same origin, but that doesn't mean Jane gets Odinson's feats, or Stewart gets Hal's feats etc...
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
She could also speak....but yes, it never said that Kurse is as strong, only that the origin stayed the same.
I mean, GL rings all have the same origin, MJOLNIR has the same origin, but that doesn't mean Jane gets Odinson's feats, or Stewart gets Hal's feats etc...
Okay that is a fine detail that I forgot, but that doesn't mean that she had any physical control over the armor, or does it? We know that she didn't want to fight Jane, yet there she was trying to beat the life out of her. My main point here is that Jane has proven that she can take more punishment than Arthur could ever hope to bring to the table and still get up. She was able to bend Adamantium which shows that she is above his strength rating, and that's all before saying that she has all of her other powers and the hammer that she has the right to use in a forum battle.
Originally posted by Stoic
Okay that may be true about the Odin part, so we can omit that little bit as evidence. However, Jane has bent a pretty thick piece of Admantium, which should prove without a shadow of doubt that she is far above Arthur in terms of strength alone. Her showing against Kurse should also show this, and that is without the use of her hammer alone without even bringing her other powers into this.
In regards to adamantium it seems to vary. Carol Danvers has broken free of Adamantium/Vibranium which shows actual physical strength. What Jane did seems like striking power.
It does imply great/er striking power, but that's a given being Mljonir and all. Which probably provides the greatest striking power among that tier.
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
She could also speak....but yes, it never said that Kurse is as strong, only that the origin stayed the same.
I mean, GL rings all have the same origin, MJOLNIR has the same origin, but that doesn't mean Jane gets Odinson's feats, or Stewart gets Hal's feats etc...
We do know that Jane has better control of Mjolnir though. We do know that Jane was able to bend Adamantium, which is something that I don't recall Odinson ever doing. It was implied that nothing had changed from the original Kurse to this new Kurse, and that the armor pretty much granted her the same level of strength as the original. At this point, I'm thinking that you may be over thinking the writers intent.
Originally posted by EcstaticGrace
In regards to adamantium it seems to vary. Carol Danvers has broken free of Adamantium/Vibranium which shows actual physical strength. What Jane did seems like striking power.
It does imply great/er striking power, but that's a given being Mljonir and all. Which probably provides the greatest striking power among that tier.
Yes it does. The question here is whether people believe that a blow capable of doing that to Adamantium would be capable of one shot kayoing Arthur, or severely diminishing his ability to continue fighting. Again, that's without bringing up her other powers.
mighty adam
Originally posted by Stoic
She was, but all new smell characters are. Should that take away from her feats to date though?
It was stated that she was as powerful as the original. At least I think that it was.
Okay that may be true about the Odin part, so we can omit that little bit as evidence. However, Jane has bent a pretty thick piece of Admantium, which should prove without a shadow of doubt that she is far above Arthur in terms of strength alone. Her showing against Kurse should also show this, and that is without the use of her hammer alone without even bringing her other powers into this. what grades adamantium was this pure? What? Odin is not a class 100 strength guy thor is the strongest of his race just like Hercules. Dcun aquaman has shown to have vast strength is he superman or hulk no but his strength is vast and has been shown capable of hurting top tier characters like darkseid, punking ww and putting superman on his ass. Im not low balling jane but you are low balling AM put its your opinion so...
mighty adam
Originally posted by Stoic
We do know that Jane has better control of Mjolnir though. We do know that Jane was able to bend Adamantium, which is something that I don't recall Odinson ever doing. It was implied that nothing had changed from the original Kurse to this new Kurse, and that the armor pretty much granted her the same level of strength as the original. At this point, I'm thinking that you may be over thinking the writers intent. odinson has way way WAY better feats then this board and WAY better control of the hammer stop it.
Originally posted by Stoic
Yes it does. The question here is whether people believe that a blow capable of doing that to Adamantium would be capable of one shot kayoing Arthur, or severely diminishing his ability to continue fighting. Again, that's without bringing up her other powers.
What about the strength to cause a stab capable of going through Rao, piercing into Darkseid's chest, or a trident hit able to put down Graves.
How's Jane handling that?
mighty adam
Originally posted by EcstaticGrace
What about the strength to cause a stab capable of going through Rao, piercing into Darkseid's chest, or a trident hit able to put down Graves.
How's Jane handling that? not well lol remember thor durability is not top tier. He is no superman or hulk or even blackdam.
Originally posted by Stoic
I took it as if Kurse didn't want to kill Jane, but that her body had been completely hijacked by the armor, which left her with the ability to see what she was doing but without the power to do anything about it. I don't think that she was holding back, because she lacked any control to do anything but watch.
Mindset seems to matter a lot in comics. Original Kurse was an idiot and always got bamboozled into fighting Thor apart from the urge to be evil.
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
She could also speak....but yes, it never said that Kurse is as strong, only that the origin stayed the same.
I mean, GL rings all have the same origin, MJOLNIR has the same origin, but that doesn't mean Jane gets Odinson's feats, or Stewart gets Hal's feats etc...
Technically speaking not ALL gl rings share the same origin.
But anyways, I don't think this Kurse should be given any of the original Kurse's feats. That bit of information about Kurse's strength coming from the Beyonder however gives us a base understanding of the type of power/strength this new Kurse wields.
Originally posted by EcstaticGrace
In regards to adamantium it seems to vary. Carol Danvers has broken free of Adamantium/Vibranium which shows actual physical strength. What Jane did seems like striking power.
It does imply great/er striking power, but that's a given being Mljonir and all. Which probably provides the greatest striking power among that tier.
I'm not aware of that, but if she did that's pretty uber for her.
Wait. Are you saying Jane's feat with the adamtium/vibranium door did not show strength? I'm confused.
Originally posted by celeyhyga17
I'm not aware of that, but if she did that's pretty uber for her.
Wait. Are you saying Jane's feat with the adamtium/vibranium door did not show strength? I'm confused.
No, I'm suggesting it's a striking strength feat. Just that it doesn't state all around stronger, just that she has greater striking force. Then atleast Arthur's fist.
She had a nice feat with the island made of solid gold.
Threw that into the sun.
Originally posted by EcstaticGrace
No, I'm suggesting it's a striking strength feat. Just that it doesn't state all around stronger, just that she has greater striking force. Then atleast Arthur's fist.
That's a nice feat for Carol.
The walls were described as having a vibranium core with adamantium plating. We also find out later it was magically sealed(for whatever its worth).
She was weakening , and still wrenched it open with her bare hands.
Originally posted by mighty adam
odinson has way way WAY better feats then this board and WAY better control of the hammer stop it.
Thor never got the hammer to assume a body double.
Like it or nor, Mjolnir's been retconned as a sentient being with a will of it's own, and FAR more power then we've seen. (A super storm that could engulf galaxies and hold off a skyfather for months.)
And for whatever reason, it's been much more liberal with performing for Jane then it ever had for Odinson.
That could be viewed as either a knock on Thor. Or, it could be that it simply respects Thor enough to not hand it victories on a silver platter, while it likes and respects Jane enough to appreciate what she's trying to do, and going that extra mile for her (While also delivering some tough love to Odinson, who was getting pretty arrogant in Hickman's Avengers run.)
Originally posted by EcstaticGrace
No, I'm suggesting it's a striking strength feat. Just that it doesn't state all around stronger, just that she has greater striking force. Then atleast Arthur's fist.
Carol was being powered by a Cosmic Cube or whatever.
In that same scene it was said such a feat should be impossible for both Sentry AND Ares working together.
So I'm confused how that at all detracts from Janes feat?
Also what's all this nonsense about striking power? She was bending through Adamantium Vibranium hybrid that was ALSO enchanted by magic while being WEAKENED by her transformation.
That's such a ridiculous strength feat in the face of it, that you could argue she'd rip Aquaman in half ala Sentry/Ares.
mighty adam
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
She had a nice feat with the island made of solid gold.
Threw that into the sun. wheres the one of Am pushing a tectonic plate on the ocean?
Jane Thor seems pretty awesome. Surprised I missed the door feat the first time reading. The Island of Gold thing is pretty cool as well.
Also what's all this nonsense about Aquaman having any sort of speed advantage? With Mjolnir she's waaaay faster. Like flying brick Superman/Sentry fast in a fight. She's made extensive use of Mjolnir's speed and flight advantage.
A few pages after Gladiator covered entire galaxies in the blink of Heimdall's eye, Jane Thor gets up, reacts, and beats a speeding Gladiator to the punch:
If she does this:
What's Aquaman going to do but die? Because I can count on one hand maybe the heralds faster than Mjolnir in flight. She even tells Mjolnir to let her steer further highligting the reflexes needed to direct the hammer midflight.
Her and Odin were punching each other from planet to planet and covering light years. In the same fight she manipulated and threw the Red Spot at Odin which is a storm larger than the planet Earth.
Based on her track record, you'd need like 5 Aquamans and even then he'd be owned the moment Mjolnir gets angry because apparently it's alive and is powered by a Skyfather level entity.
Also does anyone have scans of the Carol feat (Because I hate dishonest manipulation of facts by omission like this) and the Jane feat.
Originally posted by EcstaticGrace
Jane Thor seems pretty awesome. Surprised I missed the door feat the first time reading. The Island of Gold thing is pretty cool as well.
She is.
The whole concept behind her is awesome, burried under the SJW angle editorial was probably forcing on the writer.
A background character being worthy? Awesome.
Getting to have some payback on arrogant gods and allfather? Awe-some.
Making a terminal illness patient the main focus instead of an object of pity, who's mind and perspective you can step into? Genius, and something that doesn't happen often. (Constantine and Mar-Vel are two I can think of off the top of my head.) Plus, having the hammer purge her body of chemicals/radiation while transforming her cancer cells back and forth with the rest of her is a nice touch. The self sacrifice to just pick up the damned thing...
In general, the Jane perspective has been very well done, imo. Nothing feminist about it, her thoughts are 100% relatable to anyone who suddenly gains the power of a god.
Sure, it's not perfect, and the SJW themes are definately there, but this doesn't seem as bad as the Living Weapon series was (The Canadian writer is a true SJW, looking at his interviews.) And guess what, Odin doesn't stay a token evil patriarch, either. He's allowed to have depth to his character, as seen when his wife was injured and he dropped everything to stay by her side (I'd also argue, nothing done to his character is worsr then his history. Odin's ALWAYS been a dick, even at his best.)
I think it's the fact that Jane's conception is being done at a time period where Marvel is replacing all of their big named white male characters is the problem Jane is having with it feeling like a stunt.
Like you said the background of the character is pretty awesome, and she honestly covers an audience that never really gets any real representation in comics. And that's the terminally ill. TBH she interest me more than Thor in as an idea standpoint.
Originally posted by Rage.Of.Olympus
Also does anyone have scans of the Carol feat (Because I hate dishonest manipulation of facts by omission like this) and the Jane feat.
Originally posted by mighty adam
what grades adamantium was this pure? What? Odin is not a class 100 strength guy thor is the strongest of his race just like Hercules. Dcun aquaman has shown to have vast strength is he superman or hulk no but his strength is vast and has been shown capable of hurting top tier characters like darkseid, punking ww and putting superman on his ass. Im not low balling jane but you are low balling AM put its your opinion so...
That's Odin at base. He can amplify his stats beyond Thor. Back in the day he restrained Thor with one arm, and he did it with ease. A class 70 isn't going to toss Thanos around like we saw when he faced off against Odin, so you should take the base level class 70 thing with a grain of salt. Unless of course you think that it would be normal for a character to get into a fight and purposely hold back power that they have every right to use?
mighty adam
Originally posted by Stoic
That's Odin at base. He can amplify his stats beyond Thor. Back in the day he restrained Thor with one arm, and he did it with ease. A class 70 isn't going to toss Thanos around like we saw when he faced off against Odin, so you should take the base level class 70 thing with a grain of salt. Unless of course you think that it would be normal for a character to get into a fight and purposely hold back power that they have every right to use? superman, shazam do it all the time. Plus thats magical amp odin. Thor is stronger base plus has warrior madness plus is far superior when he takes the throne or gains Skyfather status.
Thor is not stronger than Odin. Not on any level.
Odin ranges from manhandling Thor to laughing off his hits and that of other high heralds at even a fraction of his power. His handbook base of 75 has never been supported on panel and thus irrelevant.
You might as well say that Superman without Solar Power at his base has human level stats or Surfer without the Power Cosmic. Odin without the Odin Power is either sleeping or dead.
Not trying to lowball but even we assumed Odin was fighting with full power which I doubt Odin Force was used in his fight against Jane.
Jane struggled against Absorbing Man, someone not to mention able during the Pleasant Hill event, and I'm pretty sure Cho Hulk.
psycho gundam
I thought this thread was going to be Odinson Thor without his hammer, but it's Jane with everything vs Aquaman
She'd probably kill the guy by mistake
Originally posted by psycho gundam
I thought this thread was going to be Odinson Thor without his hammer, but it's Jane with everything vs Aquaman
She'd probably kill the guy by mistake
The hammer would take pity on him. Maybe mark him as the next Thor, because it likes hard luck cases.
At least until it becomes a full fledged character and gets it's own comic book series. We're a hairs breadth away from a joke made years ago of the hammer getting sick of being held back by hosts and striking off on it's own becoming true.
Originally posted by EcstaticGrace
Adamantium is worthless.
Originally posted by abhilegend
Adamantium is worthless.
I think Hulk has an Adamantium feat as well. Those adamantium feats might just be Uber feats due to writer hype. Or just bad showings for adamantium depending on how you want to look at it.
Hulk one sort of makes sense.
This is just Carol flexing...
Morlin also ripped adamntium, of course.
Originally posted by EcstaticGrace
The way I read it that wasn't standard Ms Marvel or not actually her at that time. There was some wonky thing going on with a group of reality warpers. That being who broke those inhibitors was actually a composite of those reality warpers, hence the statement by Osborn about how those the chair could not be broken by even Sentry and Ares working together.
Those reality warpers just separated Carol and Ms Marvel. Nothing else.
Originally posted by abhilegend
Those reality warpers just separated Carol and Ms Marvel. Nothing else.
Abhi. In the same comic that being(made up of reality warpers) literally admitted to Osborn that it wasn't Carol.
The composite being recreated another human body with Carol's mind, but missing some of her memory. They thought it was her inner desire to be free of the burdens of being a hero. It wasn't until later on they realized that her desire to be a hero superseded her desires of a normal life, thus fully resurrecting her.
We can't just attribute that feat to Ms. Marvel if you examine the context. There was clearly more at play.
Literally in the same scene it highlights that Sentry/Area together couldn't accomplish that and blames it on manufacturing error because it makes no sense to him.
I know Abhil wants to lowball anything he doesn't like because he can't help himself but the rest of us have reading comprehension.
Silent Master
abhi can read?
mighty adam
Since the fight takes place literally a few steps from the ocean. AM could summon ctholua shit i just butchered its name but what ever. That mythological sea monster. Plus i could be wrong i believe this is a reboot AM power. but i thought dcun AM trident allowed him to control water fire bolts and nullify magic. OH WHERE IS THE SCAN OF AM PUSHING THE TECTONIC PLATE DOWN INTO THE TRENCH!!!
Because that feat isn't all that.....
He pushed some rocks into a trench to seal it up....he didn't push an entire tectonic plate in.
To be fair, it was a pretty big piece of rock. And underwater. But no, not an entire plate unless I missed something.
Originally posted by -Pr-
To be fair, it was a pretty big piece of rock. And underwater. But no, not an entire plate unless I missed something.
Well, yeah. But considering the feat to be topped is an entire island made of gold being thrown into the sun (which is already 2x as dense as solid iron)...
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
Well, yeah. But considering the feat to be topped is an entire island made of gold being thrown into the sun (which is already 2x as dense as solid iron)...
mighty adam
It was a plate but its ok everybody low balls AM lol
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
Because that feat isn't all that.....
He pushed some rocks into a trench to seal it up....he didn't push an entire tectonic plate in.
By logic he pushed enough rock to seal the entire oceanic trench.
Theres also the scepter feat.
Originally posted by EcstaticGrace
By logic he pushed enough rock to seal the entire oceanic trench.
Theres also the scepter feat.
Was a solid feat, but Jane's are in another level.
What's the scepter one?
Originally posted by Rage.Of.Olympus
Literally in the same scene it highlights that Sentry/Area together couldn't accomplish that and blames it on manufacturing error because it makes no sense to him.
I know Abhil wants to lowball anything he doesn't like because he can't help himself but the rest of us have reading comprehension.
You are just as obtuse as ever, eh? Doesnt surprises me in the least.
Yeah, there was an imaginary defect in the Shield produced inhibitors because Norman Osborn paid a lip service to the inhibitors.
Good job.
Originally posted by celeyhyga17
Abhi. In the same comic that being(made up of reality warpers) literally admitted to Osborn that it wasn't Carol.
The composite being recreated another human body with Carol's mind, but missing some of her memory. They thought it was her inner desire to be free of the burdens of being a hero. It wasn't until later on they realized that her desire to be a hero superseded her desires of a normal life, thus fully resurrecting her.
We can't just attribute that feat to Ms. Marvel if you examine the context. There was clearly more at play.
Did you even read the comic? Honestly? Those blocks were baby modoks actually who had acquired a portion of Carol memory. Just one issue later the same Ms Marvel absorbed the same memories and becomes whole again.
Originally posted by celeyhyga17
Was a solid feat, but Jane's are in another level.
What's the scepter one?
Stopping the force of Atlan's scepter when he was trying to destroy Atlantis against.
Atlan sunk it the first time, and in Bunn's run Atlantis was shown to be massive atleast the land mass.
In regards to the Carol/Adamantium feat. If the inhibitors arent said to have been altered in any form. I don't understand why we'd assume that was the case. It's just a really high feat for the character.
Originally posted by mighty adam
It was a plate but its ok everybody low balls AM lol
Lol. Proof it was an entire plate, please. I can post a list of the tectonic plates around the world, if you want, and you can tell me which of them he pushed in?
Ps: They're around 1 millions square km.
Originally posted by mighty adam
It was a plate but its ok everybody low balls AM lol
-looks at own username. Then back at post. Then own username. Then post-

the Darkone
Post scan of Current Thor and Gladiator
mighty adam
Originally posted by -Pr-
-looks at own username. Then back at post. Then own username. Then post-

i know you said in the past you like AM. But most others on here low ball him hard
mighty adam
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
Lol. Proof it was an entire plate, please. I can post a list of the tectonic plates around the world, if you want, and you can tell me which of them he pushed in?
Ps: They're around 1 millions square km. thats is what was stated on panel. Plus it was massive they didnt show the hole thing but he was shown pushing it into the trench
The point is, Aquaman eats that L sandwich.
Originally posted by mighty adam
thats is what was stated on panel. Plus it was massive they didnt show the hole thing but he was shown pushing it into the trench
Where did it state on panel that he pushed an entire tectonic plate?
Originally posted by abhilegend
Did you even read the comic? Honestly? Those blocks were baby modoks actually who had acquired a portion of Carol memory. Just one issue later the same Ms Marvel absorbed the same memories and becomes whole again.
You just repeated what I said.
Now are you going to sit there and tell everyone this is standard Ms. Marvel?
Originally posted by celeyhyga17
You just repeated what I said.
Now are you going to sit there and tell everyone this is standard Ms. Marvel?
Yeah, it was Carol minus her memories as a civilian. Mind telling me how it is not Carol to begin with?
psycho gundam
Originally posted by abhilegend
You are just as obtuse as ever, eh? Doesnt surprises me in the least.
Yeah, there was an imaginary defect in the Shield produced inhibitors because Norman Osborn paid a lip service to the inhibitors.
Good job. Norman Osborn is doing the same thing you're doing and saying the makeup of the device must have been off cause she can't be that strong. It's lowballing btw
Originally posted by abhilegend
Yeah, it was Carol minus her memories as a civilian. Mind telling me how it is not Carol to begin with?
Wait, how does Norman not know who she is, if it is CAROL who has lost her memories?
Is everyone not seeing where it was said it was getting stronger by the second.
Originally posted by abhilegend
Yeah, it was Carol minus her memories as a civilian. Mind telling me how it is not Carol to begin with?
Originally posted by psycho gundam
Norman Osborn is doing the same thing you're doing and saying the makeup of the device must have been off cause she can't be that strong. It's lowballing btw

Originally posted by psycho gundam
Norman Osborn is doing the same thing you're doing and saying the makeup of the device must have been off cause she can't be that strong. It's lowballing btw Originally posted by celeyhyga17
So nothing? Good to know.
Originally posted by abhilegend
So nothing? Good to know.
So that's standard Ms. Marvel? No manipulation of the Storytellers(mini reality warpers)?
"Alternative Facts" ftl... Who can honestly take u seriously at this point? Honestly....
Yes. Its the standard Ms Marvel.
Oh you carver
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