Blink vs DCNU Wally
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Fight takes place in the heart of New York. No civilians. No speed steal. Who's taking this? All fts for Blink are usable.
Lol. Wally spitestomps.
Edit: actually, the more I think about it, the worse this is. This thread should be closed.
I really don't see how Blink can win, and I'm being really honest lol
She's faster than him and she can one shot kill him.
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
I really don't see how Blink can win, and I'm being really honest lol
Same here, to include the lol.
Originally posted by carver9
She's faster than him and she can one shot kill him.
She's massively FTL? scans.
Wally has outraced teleporters before.
Sin I AM
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
She's massively FTL? scans.
Wally has outraced teleporters before.
She has alot of instantaneous feats and faster than a blink of an eye feats. That's probably what he's banking on.
Of course, she has a few.
Enough to stack up against Wally? I highly doubt it. He can scan dump all he wants, but I too have access to Google, I too can find her respect threads.
And I am not impressed.
Sin I AM
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
Of course, she has a few.
Enough to stack up against Wally? I highly doubt it. He can scan dump all he wants, but I too have access to Google, I too can find her respect threads.
And I am not impressed.
She's impressive but she's a meta. She can't handle a flash
Blinking takes 300-400 milliseconds.
Flash can do a LOT in that time.
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
Of course, she has a few.
Enough to stack up against Wally? I highly doubt it. He can scan dump all he wants, but I too have access to Google, I too can find her respect threads.
And I am not impressed.
Lol...but she have the fts though. Instantaneous to the point that telepaths couldn't even track her after a long fight.
She wins this.
Originally posted by riv6672
Blinking takes 300-400 milliseconds.
Flash can do a LOT in that time.
Instantaneous movement. Do you know what that is?
A fraction of an instant...
She teleports a trash can inside of his heart.
Your lossing it old man.
Originally posted by carver9
Instantaneous movement. Do you know what that is?
Yes. Wally knows what that is too:
'you have OUTRACED instantaneous travel'.
Moreover, Blink's REACTIONS are not instantaneous, sorry old chum. You're equating her movement speed to her reflex speed - and we all know you don't want to do that.
Yeah, Wally's just too fast. She only really has a chance if he doesn't know she's coming, and even then it's debatable.

I know he had taken Krakkl's speed, IIRC, in that scan, but really, carver of all people taking travel speed to be reflex speed?
Btw, carver, I have the Comicvine respect thread for Blink open here too; I have seen her with Cyclops' eye blasts etc. Nothing that a street leveller can't do. So no need to scan dump.
I'm assuming this was what he had been planning in the Choose One Power tourney, as I suspected.
carvers DC hate is on a new level in 2017 he's the Trump of Kmc
Not until he grabs Sin in the pussy.
Sin I AM
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
I'm assuming this was what he had been planning in the Choose One Power tourney, as I suspected.
Lol...sly devil
@Raoul...there will be no pussy grabbing here sir.

Not true.
Carver can grab himself.
I see what you did there.
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
Not true.
Carver can grab himself.

Originally posted by DarkSaint85
Yes. Wally knows what that is too:
'you have OUTRACED instantaneous travel'.
Moreover, Blink's REACTIONS are not instantaneous, sorry old chum. You're equating her movement speed to her reflex speed - and we all know you don't want to do that.
He was amped. She only have a fraction of an instant to throw something.
Originally posted by carver9
He was amped. She only have a fraction of an instant to throw something.
I already acknowledged that he was amped.
A fraction of an instant? That's not quantifiable, at all. Like I said, I have the respect threads open here. Flowery language and hyperbole are not enough to give the win over the premier speedster in comics, sorry.
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
I already acknowledged that he was amped.
A fraction of an instant? That's not quantifiable, at all. Like I said, I have the respect threads open here. Flowery language and hyperbole are not enough to give the win over the premier speedster in comics, sorry.
She has instantaneous movement though and this has been described reflex wise as well. I never said Flash couldn't pull a win but he does lose the majority though.
Where has it been said her reflexes are instantaneous?
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
I'm assuming this was what he had been planning in the Choose One Power tourney, as I suspected.
lol Carver you still have until Friday to save face.
I already posted the scan of her reflexes.
Originally posted by carver9
I already posted the scan of her reflexes.
No, you didn't.
Originally posted by -Pr-
No, you didn't.
You DARE question Lord Carver?!
Originally posted by -Pr-
No, you didn't.

Lord Carver will skin and burn you alive, ****ers.
PS. Lord Carver says you don't have a job anymore, ice.
Sin I AM
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
Where has it been said her reflexes are instantaneous?
I dont think she has any. Her tp is fast but her reaction speed is like peak human maybe a little her teleportation can be sensed. Maybe carver is using a different incarnation (what if perhaps?)
Originally posted by Sin I AM
Maybe carver
Lord Carver*
Originally posted by Sin I AM
...Maybe carver is using a different incarnation (what if perhaps?)
Lets just be honest:
Carver makes shit up.
Lord Carver's posts are 100% canon, even more canon than comics themselves.
Originally posted by Sin I AM
I dont think she has any. Her tp is fast but her reaction speed is like peak human maybe a little her teleportation can be sensed. Maybe carver is using a different incarnation (what if perhaps?)
If her reflexes are instant, and her movement is instant, then anytime she even thinks about porting, there are actually TWO Blinks in existence, lol.
One at point A, and one simultaneously at point B. When we know that isn't the case.
You're missing point C.
carver the ninth
Originally posted by StiltmanFTW
Lord Carver will skin and burn you alive, ****ers.
PS. Lord Carver says you don't have a job anymore, ice.

Originally posted by StiltmanFTW
You're missing point C.
Yeah, Carver makes shit up.

Zack M
Originally posted by riv6672
Yeah, Carver makes shit up.
Not when you put on the carver-vision glasses.
Originally posted by riv6672
Yeah, Carver makes shit up.
What's the last comic you read?
Whats the last one you understood?
Originally posted by riv6672
Whats the last one you understood?
The same one you read.
Originally posted by carver9
The same one you read.
Thats funny.
MY comic didnt come with free pullout
Well, DCnU Wally is even faster than in the DCU, so outracing instantaneous transmission is legit.
Sin I AM
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
Well, DCnU Wally is even faster than in the DCU, so outracing instantaneous transmission is legit.
Never understood speedster wankage.
^^^Like any other kind of wankage though, doesnt make things non cannon.
Fun thread, but i all Carvered out. Glad it wasnt closed...!

Sin I AM
Originally posted by riv6672
^^^Like any other kind of wankage though, doesnt make things non cannon.
Fun thread, but i all Carvered out. Glad it wasnt closed...!
No. That's not what i was talking about.
Being *faster than instantaneous*: wouldn't that mean being able to react before the instantaneous event even happens? It can't be after -- that's slower; it can't be at the same time -- that's simultaneous, not trans-instantaneous. So would it mean time travel? Otherwise, trans-instantaneous makes as much sense to me as *near-infinite*.
Comics. Meps.
I 'wank' them, because they're not just capable of running fast. They can do so much kote.
Stupid? Yes. But viewed through the lens of logic, all of comics is stupid.
In terms of feats, many people don't realise just how powerful Wally is. How stupidly fast he is...there's that scan of him scanning 500,000 people in a pico second, for example. That's insane, even before we go into his feats like outrunning death or his shadow, or himself.
Does that make him the best character? Course not. But it makes him the fastest, which is what we focus on in a battle thread.
Originally posted by Sin I AM
Never understood speedster wankage.
They are the only characters on KMC that gets this kind of treatment. Ignore all of their showings and focus only on powerset. It's sad really. They aren't even noticeable when facing threats. Konvikt stood in one spot and took their hits grundy did as well along with countless others. The big guns like Superman and Wonder Woman are always the factors while the Flashes are normally the ones running around the city saving lives. They are fodder but yet on KMC they can beat people like Odin. When it comes to the Flashes, people debate primarily off of powerset but ignore this same rule about any other character. If we gave this luxury to every other character, people like Surfer would be unstoppable.
Originally posted by carver9
They are the only characters on KMC that gets this kind of treatment. Ignore all of their showings and focus only on powerset. It's sad really. They aren't even noticeable when facing threats. Konvikt stood in one spot and took their hits grundy did as well along with countless others. The big guns like Superman and Wonder Woman are always the factors while the Flashes are normally the ones running around the city saving lives. They are fodder but yet on KMC they can beat people like Odin. When it comes to the Flashes, people debate primarily off of powerset but ignore this same rule about any other character. If we gave this luxury to every other character, people like Surfer would be unstoppable.
lol, that's bullshit and you know it.
carver the hypocrite strikes again
Lol. Poor carver.
QS, a speedster slower than DCnU Wally, was able to sense exactly where she was about to come from.
But that wasn't her moving at her fastest though.
Proof that she has different speeds, please? Instant is instant, no?
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
QS, a speedster slower than DCnU Wally, was able to sense exactly where she was about to come from.
QS has better senses, then.
Wally couldn't sense a gorilla chewing on his shoulder.
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
Proof that she has different speeds, please? Instant is instant, no?
It's obvious. She traveled to the moon in no time at all and across countries. Quicksilver completed two sentences during that instance before she got there and no, he wasn't talking at super speed. It would take her months to make it to the moon or other long distance areas where she has teleported. That's IF we use that showing as her moving at either her fastest or her average speeds. Like I said, it's obvious that showing should not be held against her.
Originally posted by carver9
It's obvious. She traveled to the moon in no time at all and across countries. Quicksilver completed two sentences during that instance before she got there and no, he wasn't talking at super speed. It would take her months to make it to the moon or other long distance areas where she has teleported. That's IF we use that showing as her moving at either her fastest or her average speeds. Like I said, it's obvious that showing should not be held against her.
So....she's not instant? I don't get it. Help me understand here.
Do any other teleporters have differing speeds? So Nightcrawler is sometimes faster than in other times? The Spot? Coyote? Midnighter with doors?
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
So....she's not instant? I don't get it. Help me understand here.
Do any other teleporters have differing speeds? So Nightcrawler is sometimes faster than in other times? The Spot? Coyote? Midnighter with doors?
Lol...are you truly asking me if the speed of a character differentiate from writer to writer?
Originally posted by iceman24567
carvers DC hate is on a new level in 2017 he's the Trump of Kmc
No need to bring Trump down to his level.
One look at his posts, and you can bet Trump would have something to Tweet about it.

Originally posted by riv6672
Blinking takes 300-400 milliseconds.
Flash can do a LOT in that time.
Love those scans.
It proves writers spend way less time thinking about this stuff then fans do.
"Sure, just shy of light speed, whatever. Lets get this thing out."
Ha, my take on that scene is:
Statement 2:
Statement 1 gives Flash's speed as eleventy gajillion times the speed of light.
Statement 2 gives Flash's speed as 0.999 times the speed of light.
Which do we take? How about both?
We know the Flash carried the Koreans at 'a hair breadth's short of the speed of light'.
But when he's running BACK into the city, empty handed, without anyone in his arms and when's he's not having to worry about civilians..he's running faster.
So, rather than assuming a constant speed (the speed that he carried them there = the speed he runs back into the city), he probably took a bit more care+time when he was carrying a little old Korean lady, than ramping it up to max gear when he's on his own.
TL;DR: Flash was going INCREDIBLY fast when running back into the city, and when carrying people, was going under the speed of light.
To just focus on Statement 2, ignores on-panel narration of Statement 1.
Originally posted by cdtm
Love those scans.
It proves writers spend way less time thinking about this stuff then fans do.
"Sure, just shy of light speed, whatever. Lets get this thing out."
Sin I AM
I thought this thread died
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