Metron Vs Dr. Strange
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No prep.
Metron doesn't really have any combat feats. Are you using DCnU Metron or prior? If DCnU, not really sure Strange can do anything to him as long as he's in the stupid new Mobius chair.
What up with the chair?
The New 52 chair was retconned to being created and originally owned by the Anti-Monitor. It grants nigh-omniscience and whoever is sitting in it is basically completely immune to all damage (the chair too, of course).
Geez, Strange would have to use BFR then, which he cant.
Thanks for the info.
Metron's basically become a MB poster's dream, sitting in his ass and being all powerful.
Even if BFR were allowed in this thread, Strange couldn't BFR Metron.
Why not.
Not doubting; always looking to learn new things so, a why would be good. Otherwise, pfft.
Originally posted by riv6672
Why not.
Not doubting; always looking to learn new things so, a why would be good. Otherwise, pfft.
what does mb poster mean?
Message board.
BFR is battle field removal.
How would he bfr him? The chair is like a no limit traveling device
So, Strange cant teleport characters who can teleport?
Not being sarcastic, never seen that point brought up before.
If thats where Galan was coming from, it seems viable.
TBC i've no preconceived idea how this fight would go, just thought it an interesting match up, so i'm looking to get info on either win, info that might be used in later debates, etc.
Whats the point of him teleporting a character that can also teleport?
Originally posted by riv6672
So, Strange cant teleport characters who can teleport?
Not being sarcastic, never seen that point brought up before.
If thats where Galan was coming from, it seems viable.
TBC i've no preconceived idea how this fight would go, just thought it an interesting match up, so i'm looking to get info on either win, info that might be used in later debates, etc.
Do you think Strange simply teleporting him away means automatic win, regardless of if he comes back or not, just because he teleported?
The rules about that are this(alterations only to highlight).
Not sure what i think, as this match is no BFR, just talking.
I'd think if Strange sent Metron to Mephisto's hell (as an example), he might not make it back in a reasonable time, or even reasonable shape.
Given the abilities the chair has I'm sure he could make it back to the battlefield in time
Thats fine. I've no problem with that.
But it would help to know what those abilities are.
And yeah i know i can Google that, but its pretty much standard/polite to provide each other info, to back up statements like 'A cant do that to B'.
Originally posted by riv6672
Not sure what i think, as this match is no BFR, just talking.
I'd think if Strange sent Metron to Mephisto's hell (as an example), he might not make it back in a reasonable time, or even reasonable shape.
I know there's no BFR, and you'll see what I mean below.
If you don't think or are unsure of Metron's ability to return, fair enough. But you were asking things in a way that came off you thought(if BFR were allowed) Strange would win simply for teleporting, not whether Metron could return or not.
I dont think i was, but cool. Well met, Sir!
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