Invisible Hand Anakin + ROTJ Luke + ROTJ Vader vs. ROTS Sidious + ROTS Yoda

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**sabers only**

Team 2.

particular reason?.

Doubt Luke and Vader could take Sidious or Yoda.

Do you think Anakin could best Sidious or Yoda relatively quickly, and turn this into a 3 on 1 scenario? Or do you think Yoda or sidious are good enough to hold their own with Anakin for a long period of time?

They'd hold their own for a long period in time, and potentially even win given this is Invisible Hand Anakin.

Any version of Sidious and Yoda can beat Anakin.

Originally posted by Jaggarath
Team 2.

*Wrong forum.


Originally posted by Jaggarath
They'd hold their own for a long period in time, and potentially even win given this is Invisible Hand Anakin. hm. personally i don't think sidious or yoda could own dooku as quickly and easily as IH anakin did once he got serious. i see him as having an edge over either of them in pure sabers.

Originally posted by Galan007
*Wrong forum.

Moving. thanks.

and sorry. embarrasment

Team 2.

ESB Luke has already shown he can keep up with, and even defeat ESB Yoda in Treasure of the Dragonsnake. He then grew quite a bit between ESB and RotJ. While I don't feel this means Luke>Yoda, it does prove he can at least contend fairly well. With how powerful Anakin is, and how powerful Vader is, I feel if Team 1 played it smart, they have a very real chance here.

One Big Mob
No he didn't. Yoda would have killed him within a second had his stick been a lightsaber, and Luke would have grabbed a lightsaber had his little gambit paid off in a real fight.
Luke was nowhere near capable of defeating Yoda or even capable of fighting him in that comic.

You apparently missed the entire lesson Yoda was teaching. The lightsaber is an impressive weapon, yes, but a fight isn't about the weapon. It's about the combatants. Yes, Yoda would have beaten him in the first few rounds of sparring if he'd had a lightsaber, but Yoda also beat him in those rounds while using a stick. Sparring isn't about killing your opponent, it's about teaching them. And during their third or fourth round, Yoda himself began to praise Luke as Skywalker started "fighting his opponent" instead of focusing on the fact that Yoda was 'only' weilding a stick. And in the end, Luke did score a win, although Yoda concedes in his usual ESB snarky fashion. You are making the exact same mistake Luke did by stating that "Yoda would win if he had a lightsaber." Defeating Yoda who was weilding a stick is still a good showing, as he was still able to keep pace with Yoda and find an opening to score a win.

One Big Mob
He caught a stick bro after throwing his lightsaber away. In no way does that correlate into him being on par with Yoda. Also lol at acting like there were 4 rounds of fighting like it was a drawn out affair. This is apparently being on par with Yoda.

And yes, absolutely is the lightsaber relevant in a thread involving lightsaber dueling. In an actual fight assuming we skip to the lightsaber throw as the start of the fight, Luke would have had his lightsaber deflected and got cut in half. He learned a lesson, he didn't actually "beat" Yoda. Yoda in mid air moved out of the way of a lightsaber and got grabbed. That would have never happened had he his own lightsaber or used the force.

the two Masters beat their Apprentices with relative ease


One Big Mob

One Big Mob

Either way, because: any 2 from team 1 win VS anyone from team 2. But anyone from team 2 beats anyone from team 1 in 1VS1 fight.

Just going to point out that the time where Yoda and Luke sparred was way after the last time Yoda probably even swung anything resembling a sword around.

It's sorta like how head to head has Vader > Yoda.

While I think we can all agree ROTS Yoda would destroy any version of suited Vader I could honestly see him taking down Yoda during the ESB-ROTJ period where I think the match up was set. I think that was the reason it had Vader winning.

Anakin kills everyone here.

Originally posted by AncientPower
Team 2.

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