Your favorite and least favorite world politicians

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3 or so for each category. Must be currently active in politics.

Currently my favorite would have to be Shinzo Abe. He has a professional temperament and conducts himself with integrity. Policy-wise he's a classical liberal, has kept Japan's economy stable, and above all-else is a nationalist who loves his country and isn't afraid to embrace Japan's history. I strongly support his pushes to append the constitution to allow Japan to militarize. Nippon Banzai!

Off by quite a distance, and by no means a stable runner-up to Abe, would probably have to be Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. He did good things for Iran's economy, and by their standards was pretty liberal (possibly explaining why he was barred for re-election in 2017). I like his openly hostile stances towards the Arabs, Israel and West, how he purged corrupt professors from academia, and established gender equality quotas in University.

After Ahmadinejad would probably be Vladimir Putin for giggles. Don't support a lot of his domestic policies, but think it would be hilarious if he performed a Judo throw on Trump or Obama to assert 'male dominance'. Also bonus points for taking advantage of Angela Merkel's fear of dogs by bringing his lab to a summit and scaring her lol.

Honorable mention: Xi Jinping, Rodrigo Duterte <-- He's fkin hilarious to watch, but it ends there.

Least Favorite

We'll make it short and sweet:

1. Bernie Sanders: Brain-washes naive children with promises of free services and gifts. Has no credibility as he has never worked a stable job his entire life prior to entering politics. Is a plague to American politics.

2. Angela Merkel: Mainly have issues with her flip-flopping on policies, letting refugees flood Germany. She's not entirely bad though, so really I'm ambivalent towards her.

3. Justin Trudeau: He's a softie who bends over to the US. Seems inexperienced for the job.

4. Possible runner up: Emanuel Macron: ditto Trudeau who disregards his people.

gold slorg

1. Donald Trump - the guy is just too funny, I can't help but love him, reading about 90% of things he says brings me too much laugh.

2. Scott Morrison - it's sad, but nowadays a reasonable, down-to-Earth politician like him is incredibly rare. I don't really agree with half of the things he does and says, but he's so astonishingly reasonable and logical for the politics of our times it's really nice to see.


Least favorite:

1. Benjamin Netanjahu - one of the worst pieces of shit since 2000 imo.

2. Justin Trudeau - honestly just a failure. Nice guy, IMO, but right now he seems to barely know what he's doing.

3. Emanuel Macron - had high hopes for him, but so far, he's really kinda pathetic. He breaks all records as far as speed of losing support goes lol.

Originally posted by gold slorg

1. Donald Trump - the guy is just too funny, I can't help but love him, reading about 90% of things he says brings me too much laugh.

2. Scott Morrison - it's sad, but nowadays a reasonable, down-to-Earth politician like him is incredibly rare. I don't really agree with half of the things he does and says, but he's so astonishingly reasonable and logical for the politics of our times it's really nice to see.


Least favorite:

1. Benjamin Netanjahu - one of the worst pieces of shit since 2000 imo.

2. Justin Trudeau - honestly just a failure. Nice guy, IMO, but right now he seems to barely know what he's doing.

3. Emanuel Macron - had high hopes for him, but so far, he's really kinda pathetic. He breaks all records as far as speed of losing support goes lol. Solid list, m8.

Trump was hilarious for me, but as an unfortunate US citizen the act became old eventually. Now-a-days I look to Duterte or Boris Johnson for a good chuckle.

Forget Neanjahu; corrupt POS.

Interesting thread. I'll have to have a think about it as I don't want to jump to judgement based on who I hear more about but rather on what they've done and the differences they've made for better or worse.

Originally posted by gold slorg

1. Donald Trump - the guy is just too funny, I can't help but love him, reading about 90% of things he says brings me too much laugh.

2. Scott Morrison - it's sad, but nowadays a reasonable, down-to-Earth politician like him is incredibly rare. I don't really agree with half of the things he does and says, but he's so astonishingly reasonable and logical for the politics of our times it's really nice to see.


Least favorite:

1. Benjamin Netanjahu - one of the worst pieces of shit since 2000 imo.

2. Justin Trudeau - honestly just a failure. Nice guy, IMO, but right now he seems to barely know what he's doing.

3. Emanuel Macron - had high hopes for him, but so far, he's really kinda pathetic. He breaks all records as far as speed of losing support goes lol.

Great list, I endorse this as my own.


1. Yanis Varoufakis. Former Greek finance minister, professor of economics, extremely intelligent and erudite. Stands up against the anti democratic EU and has genuinely workable progressive solutions to economic problems facing Europe.

2. Leo Varadkar. Current Irish Prime Minister. Has presided over Ireland becoming the fastest growing western economy in the world. One of the few remaining successful and popular centrist parties and politicians left in Europe. Managed to become Prime Minister despite being openly gay in one of the most staunchly Catholic countries in the world.

3. Angela Merkel. Despite her recent struggles has still been in power for 14 years during which time unemployment has fallen to its lowest level since reunification despite the economic crisis. It has maintained a budget surplus consistently. She always maintains an air of composure and isn't reliant on bluster and rhetoric to win votes.

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