MSM pushing false narrative that border agents are "using whips" on Haitian migrants

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FOX is about the only one in MSM that isn't and they have called the others out on their blatant lies.

Yes, just another typical day in America in which msm lies their asses off in order to push a false narrative.

Law enforcement people tend to vote Republican, even Trump threatened "We have the police!" throughout his failed presidency. So it makes sense if these yahoo cops are whipping undocumented Black and Brown immigrants. Deplorable, that.

Originally posted by eThneoLgrRnae

FOX is about the only one in MSM that isn't and they have called the others out on their blatant lies.

Starting a video off with Kayleigh McEnany is a good way to start a video wink

Indeed. It's always nice looking at and listening to her.

She's a breath of fresh air compared to "I'm gonna have to circle back!" Jen Psaki lol.

laughing out loud rolling on floor laughing laughing

The liars in the media are still pushing this lie and the Biden administration is punishing border patrol for simply doing their god**** jobs.

Again, to any idiots out there who still believe this false narrative, those are not whips, ffs. This cowboy educates people on what they really are and what they're for.

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