Shang Chi vs Dardevil and Black Widow,

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Death match,h2h only. Fight set on the top Sears Tower. Will Shang Chi win?

without amping, widow and dd would most likely team up and finish shang early. in character i then think dd would lose to widow. he'd need to be as vicious as she is to win. in character he wouldn't go there. ooc, i'd say dd would win this.

Originally posted by leonidas
without amping, widow and dd would most likely team up and finish shang early. in character i then think dd would lose to widow. he'd need to be as vicious as she is to win. in character he wouldn't go there. ooc, i'd say dd would win this.

It actually is a team up,them vs shang

thumb up my bad. thought it was all 1 v 1 v 1. then yes. i'd give it to the team every time.

DD can take Shang Chi on his own (and has) why would you give him help?

DD has wins vs Iron Fist, Black Panther, Wolverine and Capt America (though he has as many losses to Cap too). All of these guys would beat Shang Chi if we are talking comic and not MCU Shang)


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