Surfer vs Superman with a twist

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Surfer knows
1. Superman's weakness is red solar radiation.
2. Superman can ko him faster and with less strikes than Thor or BRB. And is physically stronger by quite a margin (stronger than any non WBH version of Hulk).
3. Knows Superman's hv can be (at best) many times hotter than the core of any star and can POSSIBLY damage him beyond Firelord's heat.

Superman knows
1. That Surfer knows his weakness and would possibly employ it
2. Surfer's exact durability so that Superman doesn't need to hold back too much to determine it.
3. Surfer needs the board to fly and can try to use the board to attack.

Who wins

Bonus question:
What set of information would one character need that would make this an even fight (assuming it still isn't even)?

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