The Mister X Challenge

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Five fighters challenge Mister X, the precog martial artist. Who can beat him?

1. Lady Shiva (H2H)

2. Karnak (H2H)

3. Constantine Drakon (H2H)

4. Midnighter (Bo Staff)

5. Ian Nottingham (Swords)

He clears tbh.

Stops at 4 thanks to the battle computer.

Senor Cage
Stops at 4

midnighter kills him leather daddy style

Midnighter couldn't handle teenage Robin fighting moves. Wildstorm guys are such weaklings.

And X re-trained himself, so he would no longer need to rely solely on telepathy.

Senor Cage
X is whack. Midnighter kills him worse than Prometheus.

Originally posted by StiltmanFTW
Midnighter couldn't handle teenage Robin fighting moves. Wildstorm guys are such weaklings.

And X re-trained himself, so he would no longer need to rely solely on telepathy.

But then X couldn't handle teenage Cho throwing some arrows up in the air.....

Saying that, I wouldn't be surprised if he stops at 1.

Senor Cage
He actually might. Shiva destroyed Batman in their last encounter.

Mr X has the mind-reading; Shiva has the body reading (which she taught to Cassie).

Tasky has the photographic reflexes --- didn't help him against X.

Originally posted by StiltmanFTW
Tasky has the photographic reflexes --- didn't help him against X.

Shiva doesn't have photographic reflexes though. She predicts what her opponent does based on their body language (like Batgirl). It's basically the same as X, only not with telepathy.

Originally posted by DarkSaint85
Shiva doesn't have photographic reflexes though. She predicts what her opponent does based on their body language (like Batgirl). It's basically the same as X, only not with telepathy.

Same difference. Tasky does that often, too. And he doesn't fall for a chocolate box full of sedative vin

You carvering me right now? You think he clears?

Don't know enough about Darkness/Witchblade verse.

The rest are all karnaks in my eyes, basically MA equivalent of carvers thumb up

This is not a gauntlet btw, just individual fights.

Senor Cage
Taskmaster isn't as strong, fast, or as durable as Midnighter. DC's Midnighter picked up some uber feats when he had his mini. He's more formidable than Wildstorms, imo. X stops at 4.

Mr X's powers were pretty impressive when he first appeared, but since then he's been watered down and it's just not all that

the x and midnighter question is a great one imo. assuming both at their best and ruling out the stupid showings both have had. the computer offers long range precog, but x can see EACH move before it happens. if x can counter every move, their may simply be no solution to find. or a solution might be just to let midnighter take a beating until x is tired and slows down. it could come down to simple endurance and damage soak--iow a battle of attrition. if that's the case, i'd take midnighter. it reminds me of one of those old japanese movies where 2 guys stop on each side of a bridge waiting for one to let the other pass. i could see both just turning and walking away in this case. it could be a fun battle to see play out.

Originally posted by leonidas
the x and midnighter question is a great one imo. assuming both at their best and ruling out the stupid showings both have had. the computer offers long range precog, but x can see EACH move before it happens. if x can counter every move, their may simply be no solution to find. or a solution might be just to let midnighter take a beating until x is tired and slows down. it could come down to simple endurance and damage soak--iow a battle of attrition. if that's the case, i'd take midnighter. it reminds me of one of those old japanese movies where 2 guys stop on each side of a bridge waiting for one to let the other pass. i could see both just turning and walking away in this case. it could be a fun battle to see play out.

If taking their best, then it's still Midnighter.

I see it as active Vs passive. X can see what's going to happen next - like re-reading a book he's read a dozen times before. He KNOWS that the Titanic is going to hit the iceberg, so to speak.

Midnighter works backwards from the outcome he wants - he wants Jack to survive the sinking, so works backwards from that.

Amadeus and teenage Dick appear out of nowhere and destroy both MNer and X in less than an attosecond.

Originally posted by DarkSaint85
If taking their best, then it's still Midnighter.

I see it as active Vs passive. X can see what's going to happen next - like re-reading a book he's read a dozen times before. He KNOWS that the Titanic is going to hit the iceberg, so to speak.

Midnighter works backwards from the outcome he wants - he wants Jack to survive the sinking, so works backwards from that.

yeah baby stretch it out

Get a bigger phone, peasant

1980 x 3043.

Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice thumb up

DS, do me a favor and post scans in such style next time you discuss stuff with OneDumb laughing out loud

For him, even actual mini-thumbnails are too huge. Dude woke up from a long coma or something.

Needs to be bigger so Mind can count each of Midnighter's stubble hairs.

Mind has his own theory what it is... he doesn't see it at facial hair...

im using a third world computer to browse kmc

i was using a nice computer then i crushed it during my sleep. it was insane i woke up and the laptop was broken i was like wtf i did when i was asleep

Smh, asians.


One day, I swear I am going to lock you up in a cage with a thousand asian giant hornets.



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