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At first, I was a little resentful of the Ginny/Dean coupling. It was so random, I don't think anyone saw it coming. Then I started thinking. They really are an adorable couple, in all seriousness.

Dean + Ginny Always. e_e

yeah well we don't know much about dean compared to the othere charecters... but it works!

NO WAY!!!! Ginny/Dean!!! If you want to check my reasons on way this couple would NOT last and may not even BE TOGETHER (Ginny could have just been kidding around with Ron) check out the Favorite Couples thread! Kay. But Ginny/Dean is a BIG NO GO!!!!

airangel429 gotta read the info in the Favorite Couples Thread..... I have pretty well much changed my mind. I always thought Ginny and Harry would get together after the whole snake thing..... and they both have been affected by Voldemort.....and pretty well much possessed..... Harry not completely...just here and there...but Ginny was.


Yeah..that'll be the day......anyways you should check out the threads we have written about the couples......there's good H/G, H/L supporting information.........

I say H/G.........which is weird b/c I was a for sure H/L before.......

Really though...check out what LilyGinnyBlack has posted in the couples thread about Harry/

harry and ginny

Dean and Ginny.....I AM ABOVE THE LAW!

Holy crap, I found an ancient thread! I wanted to post a link to a small Ginny comic some people might find funny, and when I looked to see if there was a thread already up, I found this ancient thing. O.O Anyway, hope you Ginny lovers think this comic is funny.

It dates before book five, but enjoyable none the less.

Originally posted by NightCrawler341
Holy crap, I found an ancient thread! I wanted to post a link to a small Ginny comic some people might find funny, and when I looked to see if there was a thread already up, I found this ancient thing. O.O Anyway, hope you Ginny lovers think this comic is funny.

It dates before book five, but enjoyable none the less.

It wasn't incredibly funny.

A very old thread indeed.

There's a Ginny thread located HERE . Please use the search before starting thrads. wink

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