More problems.... sorry

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Sorry to bother you again, Oh Great and Mighty Raz. But I have troubles opening pages. It often just stays black. It helps to have every paged fully loaded with all the pic before selecting another, but that's not even full proof.

I was recently having the same problem, but it seems to have gone away at the moment. According to the EZboard support forums, they are aware of this problem, and are currently working on a fix. For a temporary remedy, just hit the refresh button.

I still have it. Sorry.

So do I..*grumbles* stupid version 6.0

They need to quit updating. mad

We're still on version 5.9, buts its a beta. I've started to get the blank pages again *sigh*

They said they were having problems with the new servers....I'm not sure we can really do anything.

*refresh - wait - refresh - wait - refresh - wait - refresh - wait - refresh - YES!!!!*

Hope this ends soon.

And there's me on my crappy little 56k modem, not a problem to be seen here!!!!

I'm on a 56k modem as well and only this board's giving me trouble. Guess it's personal now. laughing out loud

You on Netscape or Internet Explorer? I have all sorts of viewing problems with netscape which is why I never use it now.

And you seem to think everything is personal. laughing out loud

Internet Explorer. But it's true though, only this boards goes extremely slow at times. But the black pages thing seem to be over now.

I have to say that I had this too over the last few days and if I hit the stop button the board appears but it seems it's all the crud at the bottom that's killing the download times.

Maybe some of the ads need to go.... They're not all ezboard now are they....

Maybe all these graphics Dim made are too much, like our spectacular sigs. But then I'm not a webmaster so I don't know.

The graphics at the bottom have no affect on the table rendering.....obviously.
The most likely problems are all the broken links to signatures, and the slow servers that are hosting them........which is delaying the table rendering. This is because the browser doesn't know the size of the pic it should render!
Basically it would help tremendously if you could add the width and height attributes to your images in your sigs.

Also I've notice the speed pickup on the boards, and the black pages gone....its about time!

Hmmm, that wouldn't explain why when you hit the stop button the tables are there, with the sigs but the ads aren't... I agree about the slow servers for some sigs. Any that I host should be pretty fast as they are either on FNN (GlobalNet servers) or LineOne who both have MAJOR links into Telehouse and the main transatlantic backbones.

I think in the cold analysis, the problems are to do with the Ezboard ISPs as indicated in their help forums and the fact that we have a lot of other stuff coming in from the sig files, and other areas just aggrivates an already unacceptable performance level.

It certainly has speeded up tonight, which is inline with the notice exboard posted about work they were to undertake with their ISP. IWe know that up until last week things were not this bad and their are no more sig files now than there were then and no more ads than there were then. I guess it's just a case of being patient with Ezboard.

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