Le Tigre

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I really love Le Tigre! They are the best. Does anyone like them? Or heard of them?

If you haven't heard of them I suggest looking at these Urban Dicitionary def. and Rolling Stone

no one answered in here and it's the 2nd thread ever... damn people... show a lil respect.. even if the topic doesn't concern you

*looks at post*
*has no idea what the hell it's about*

okay... i no why..

Hm I'm new here so basically a brand new fresh meat, Le Tigre is great I've listened to them since they were barely starting out. only problem I have with them now is they're going mainstream basically they're selling their cds at Hot Topic shirts and etc...not cool in my opinion. Too many posers now are going to start to fall in love with them over ONE song and its just GRAH!!.....*blinks* nonetheless Le Tigre kicks ass

Le Tigre is getting some exposure; and deservedly so. I'm amazed at how little the response this got.

whono expression ?what|erm WHO the hell?no expression i have no ideano expressionno expression

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