Silmarillion fans

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I just finished the Simarillion and it is such an extraordinary work of genious that it rates just as high as lotr. It also helps me understand some things in lotr that didint make sense. You wouldn't think a book about history would be so amazing smile my favorite story is about Aredhel and Eol. Its so sad tho, Eol getting thrown over a cliff and all sad (then again he was kind of a control freak) stick out tongue so gimme your input silmarillion fans!

very true, every story in the book is awesome. truthfully to some degrees i like it more then LOTR. what do you think the odds are that there will ever be a movie based on any of the stories in the silmarillion? thanks to the success of LOTR they are better then before, but still very unlikely in my opinion. too bad they would be sweet movies. could you imagine seeing the nirnaeth arnodiad (excuse spelling) or the war of wrath on the bigscreen? Balrogs, trolls, dragons, elves, it would have it all!!!

tiger lilly
u no.... ive tried to read the silmarillion soooooo many times but find it extreemely hard to get into, its very much like a text book....

totally agree with u that it is a work of genius tho, from bits i have read... blink

I'd love to see them make a movie of the war of wrath!!! getting to see the valar and dragons and balrogs. it'd be awsome!! i'd also like to see a movie on the story about Eol, Aredhel, and Maeglin

happy kine
i agree with tiger lilly... it was not a fluid read. it was good for the history aspect but it was non-linear and hard to follow. it wasn't really a story.... more like facts about different aspects of the lotr world... i was hoping they would have more on the where the wizards came from.

ya it reads like a history book or the bible.

but its a little more interesting (in my opinion). my favorite story would be all of the stuff about turin turambar (sp) or beren and luthien. but it is REALLY hard to get into, but i dunno when i finally did get into it it was know what i mean?

absolutely!!! I also love the story of turin as well as gondolin, fingolfin, sons of feanor, well pretty much the whole book.

yea, plus i think the beginning is sooo cool w/the creation of middle earth!!!

In reference to the person who wanted to know about wizards: Read Unfinished Tales. It's like an expansion to the Silmarillion, and fillls in some holes.

I have wondered about movies on the Silmarillion. Imagine 5 movies, each based upon each battle for Middle Earth against Morgoth. The 5th movie could have 2 battles, with the last one being the Valar coming and kicking Morgoth's butt.

The movies would be really good, despite their immense difficulty to make. The Silmarillion is like lotr times 10. Think about it. In the Silmarillion they had even less hope than frodo... Towards the end.. .almost all the elves in middle-earth were either dead or scattered and hiding.

The battles would be 10 times bigger than lotr too. I don't know if they could do all that cgi, but think especially of the 5th battle. When morgoth unleashes Gothmog and his Balrogs with Glaurung and his dragons and the millions of orcs he has... it would be incredible... just incredible.

Think how much it took out of Gandalf to kill ONE Balrog....

tolkien's son had said that the Silmarillion is a difficult book to read........
for everyone interested in the entire middle earth saga its a must have.

But i dont think that they should make it into a movie...........just think about how much stuff they had to leave out or skim tru in LOtr.............making the Silmarillion into a movie would be worse.

lol but since we have some pretty good images of middle earth in our head , lets just stick to our imaginations......

IT would be a horrible horrible thing if they made the book into a crap movie, Peter Jackson tooooookkkkkkk a gigantic gamble making lotr into a movie and he was BEYONd lucky that he made it well and it was recieved well. That kind of luck doesn't come everyday, or more than once in a lifetime.

yea, i absolutely loved the silmarillion, i mean its my favorite book, but i dont think the movie would work out well. there are so many complex stories w/so many complex characters that it is near impossible to tackle even close to succesfully on screen. i say we leave it to the genius of tolkien and our imaginations, anything else might be a disgrace

here here !!!!

well it depends on how many movies you had to do it. if they did it in 5 movies like suggested earlier they could get most of the good stuff. besides, it wouldnt be an accurate depiction, but an interpretation just like LOTR and some of the things i regret not seeing in LOTR doent bother me because of what i did see, if you get what i mean.

the movies don't give tolkien enough credit. most people don't know how much of himself he put in his books. he literally created a whole world with everything.

didn't find it yet, but I'd like to read it smile

i found out about the silmarrilian from my friend who is a huge tolkien fan. really good book.

yea I don't doubt it
but I cant find it anywhere

yea...i guess but even tho lotr went above + beyond my expectations, i really dont know how well the silmarillion could be done, or received. think how hard it would be to comprehend as a movie because of all the short, indivdual stories. for an audience unfarmiliar w/tolkien, that mite be a very confusing, very boring movie. of course to us tolkien fans, it mtie be great, yet it mite not. its such a gamble no matter how you look at it, that its hard to imagine a director + producer even agreeing to do it...

ya, much more of a gamble then LOTR, thats why i think it will never be done. But wouldnt it be awesome!

its just fun to imagine. those battles onscreen.... helm's deep onscreen was nothing like i thought it would be. When i read it, it didn't even sound like that big a battle. But when i read the Silmarillion, those battles sounded 100x bigger....

if they did make those movies, they should focus on the main struggle of the elves against Morgoth... not the stuff about turin, beren/luthien, etc. More like Fingolfin's solo battle vs. Morgoth, the main battles, and Galadriel as a central character or somethign cuz she's like the only one that stays alive through the entire first age.

if they left out the stuff about beren + luthien, + tuirn i would be soo mad!!!!!! those were to me the best stories in the book! i kno that the struggle against morgoth is very important, but they should focus on some of the other stories too if they would do it

MAYBE they should make a tv miniseries out of it. That way, ur not limited to three hours a movie.

They could make it a 5 season show!! With the finale being of the 6th and last battle of the First Age. The premiere could be the story of the exile of the Noldor. Then they could incorporate a lot of the stories like the oath of Feanor's sons, Beren and Luthien, Turin, Hurin, Tuor, Huor, Eol, and allow for some character depth. Let's face it, so far Legolas and Gimli have not had very big parts in Fotr or TTT. It'd be cool to see character development and relationships and that kinda stuff.

yea but the budget for tv is pretty low. most producers arent willing to put in a ton of money for a tv show/miniseries and the silmarillion would need tons of money, so it would have to be an ongoing motion picture i think

Yeah i guess you're right about that. I don't think they'd make it anyways. It's too much work. It took 2 years out of their lives to make lotr, and the silmarillion is so much bigger than that. Poor PJ would be 100 years old b4 they'd get it done

haha yea

boy it would be sweet if they did, it would probably take like 10 3 hour movies, but i wouldnt mind smile

hah yea....more waiting tho sad

It's not suitable for filimg of any kind, really. Nowhere near enough linear plot. This was a background, not a proper story, never intended for publication, never in any finished form.

true, but many people said LOTR could never be done and look at the wonderful films we got. i definetly think it could be done (silmarillion) but in what form i dont know. perhaps just some of the stories from it would be the most plausable way.

yea, but i hold true to what i said before, and agree w/ush. i kno lotr was a long shot, and if that was risky then the silmarillion is psycho and could just end up ruining the story for someone who hasnt read it

I wonder what Tolkien's sons think of this. Like, I wonder if they'd like to see the Silmarillion made into a movie. i wonder what they think of the current lotr movies and stuff. If i were them, I'd be hella proud of being the sons of the writer that created the greatest imaginary world of all time.

it is indeed n ot meant for screening.
i loved this book..better than lotr anyway.
my fav was the story of beren and luthien

well i heard that christopher tolkien was very unhappy with the films. i also beleive that i heard his son wanted to support PJ and because of it him and his father christopher hadnt talked for years. and since the tolkien family has the rights to the silmarillion (the copy rights to LOTR was sold by jrr tolkien long ago) i doubt it would ever get made. that being said, if the silmarillion was made because of the ties to the tolkien family it would be very acurate, and thus making it impossible.

I doubt they ever would

as ush said it ain't ment to be a whole story

happy kine
a tv show could be done... it would be zena kinda cheese... but it could be done... you could have an old wizard (maybe that brown one) or an old elf (if you could even tell he was old) or even an old hobbit (bilbo maybe) anyway... you could have an old guy sitting around a campfire or something like that telling stories to the little ones... and it goes into the various stories from there.... i think it could be done narrator style. each story could be an episode... now if it was an HBO show or on showtime it would be better. and pry have a larger audience. i say an HBO series could be done well.

They simply thought LOTR was too long and that technology was not up to depicting it- that has changed.

NO amount of time will ever change the fact that the Silmarillion is a half-finished story without a sufficiently coherent narrative that was never meant to be read- and therefore seen- as a tale in that way.

yea, exactly what i think

true, but the director could take liberties as they all do and complete it. dont get me wrong, it is never going to happen, its just wishful thinking on my part.

i have to say i dont wish all. im too afraid of it being ruined... messed

Even though it's next to impossible I hope that one day a Silmarillion movie will be made.


we've had a thread about this before...

is it a good book............i've never read it but one of my friends said he read about four pages and quit cuz it was so boring.


Glaurung my dog send greetings to all Silmarillion fans smile

If Cristopher Tolkien compiled a book with so many lost stories wrote by JRR what's the difficult of made a Silmarillion's movie at the XXI century.
When I was younger I always believed that someday i might see LOTR at the movies, so I will wait patiently more 20 years for the greatest movie of all times SILMARILLION and I will see the great Glaurung slaughted by Finrod Felagund, the sweet Luthien Thinuviel, my mistress Yavanna, the greatness of the Valar and of Maiar at Valaquenta, the march of the Eldar, the rage of the Noldor, the fall of Numenor, the pride of the dwarfs at Moria, Baulrogs all over Beleriand and at last I hope i may see the beauty and power of the high-elfs Vanyar..

Maybe someday all of us can see and chat about Silmarilion

I'd like so much to see the Battle of Unnumbered Tears... and the following years smile

The difficulty is that what makes a book does not necessarily make a film. LOTR is a complete story with properly set plotline that a decent film could be made of; the Silmarillion- never intended even for publication, such was its state- is NOT. Simple as that. The very fact there are so many people in it is one of the major probems- it is a loose collection of vaguely associated stories, not a proper narrative, The only people who would like it are hardcore fans. LOTR, when filmed properly, appeals to a wide audience; this would not.


i dunno i think that even taking one o fthe short stories would be would be confusing too, to those who dont kno the book. bu ti f someone tried ot do thw whole thing, it would be like trying to make a complete history of man, whihc is near impossible, and probably unfathomably boring to everyone except those who are interested in the subject and learned in its lore, which is a small few. therefore i still think that it would be a disgrace to tolkien and his legacy to make a film of the silmarillion.

Galadriel L
I think it xould be made in 3 movies. If the first one had the part about how middle earth was made, and ended with the flight of the noldor. Then the second could pick off where that led off, and end with the last chapter, then the third one could be about numenor, and abbout the wghite council. Then they could make the hobbit, and release the hobbit, the silamrillion movies, and the LOTR movies all together as one giant DVD set.

The Fact is, (although I haven't re-read the Silmarillion yet) there are too many characters is short stories to be able to hire enough actors worth the box office. Remember, movies and TV are about money. No one but we, the JRRT fans, will see it. HBO won't fund it, nor will any other cable or network venue.
So, I AM sorry, indeed, to agree that it won't be made.
Oh, and Christopher Tolkein has SAID that it will NOT be made into a move as long as he is alive.
So there you are.

i wish someone would take a shot at it though. you could split it up into about 5 movies (i think). they wouldnt have to be done in order since many of the stories could be done on there own. if the first flopped then they wouldnt have to do another. it wont happen though, but heres how i would split it up

movie #1 beren and luthien
movie #2 tale of turin (include battle of unnumbered tears)
movie #3 tale of tuor (include war of wrath)
movie #4 tale of numenor
movie #5 the begining up to the fall of fingolfin, this being the last since it would most likely be the least popular

but it shouldnt be the last cuz it should start and end w/a good one

how exactly did beren and luthien get into angband right up to morgoth, sounds like the security there is much like my very own country gem, buckingham palace

were beren and luthien tho ones who were disguised as like animals etc or was that another group of people?

that wasnt them...

It's possible if done JUST right. Definetetly not a movie, but a series with a lot of mystique that can make you interested in watching just to see the characters and short stories, even if you know nothing of the background.

shadow link
it would be very hard to do this in a movie probably best for a tv show but if done right it could be a worl wide phenominon and all that

love the book, very poetic


yea but what producer's gonna sponser it?? after all it would be horrible if there wer bad special effects...

shadow link
yeah it would only work if they had special effects as good or better than lord of rings, but if they did think of the ratings, a cure for all those suffering from post lotr movies

Bumpity bump bump fixing the forum la la laaaaa


eek! I was wondering if there was this topic!

LORDY!! You rock! love Thanks for the topic bump hehe

So do you Exa big grin

The Valar are cool big grin Nienna stick out tongue

laughing out loud smile

YEY Nienna is the best of all Valier yes definitely... the rest is kinda boring... so are the Valar... except for Melkor yes ~ Aule is also sometimes cool though. And Ulmo. And Mandos. DOOM!

(Silmarillion: "So it is doomed" < Mandos ^^)

i enojy reading mostly of melkor and sauron, dark lords smile
i just enjoy their cruelty, the way they do not flinch when they bring down a whole civiliasation smile

my favourite sauron line would have to be when he tells grimbold to tell him the whereabouts of *cough* and he will unite him with his wife, grimbold sings like a well fed canary and sauron tells him he will go to his wife, who is dead....then has him killed lol stick out tongue

Oooh this is one of the few, few scenes where I really see Morgoth and Sauron as enemies who should be defeated... that's just too cruel and unfair sad

One of my fav parts is also the singing competition between Sauron and Finrod smile
... and of course the Kinslaying of Alqualonde. Wonderfully sad story... and the Doom of the Noldor and the Prophecy of the North eek! eek! GREAT IS THE FALL OF GONDOLIN

it is cruel and unfair, but that is what they are mr frod-----lady exa, and i believe that showed them in all their cruelty...which is how hey should always have been shown.
i love the way melkor realises killing hurin would be too good, so he enslaves him-torturous lol

and curses his kin
thats one bad thing to do
getting sombodys kids


i like the music of the ainur
melkors uprising lol

iluvatars face grew stern...angry...and loth to look upon


the kinslaying- galadriel was there that day, but she took no part in that evil

YEY the Kinslaying is great eek!

"So it is doooooomed" stick out tongue (Mandos)

i think thats what happened

mandos: so it is dooooomed
galadriel: *years later* yes littl elrond, and then mandos said it is dooomed
elrond: wow-nice word, will remember it
elrond: at counsil it is hopeles.....i mean doooooomed!


As far as I remember, Mandos uses it quite often... and so does Manwe messed messed

thats because manwe steals others words because he was tragically created without a personality

For some reason, I was really intimidated by Melkor during the Dagor Bragollach, I don't know why. confused Before that happened, I thought Melkor was kinda stupid and not powerful or intimidating enough, but after I've read that part, with all the Dragons scrolling in and all the Elves and Men burning, I kinda felt, "Wow...Morgoth is cooool!!!!" stick out tongue

Yey the Dagor Bragollach is great... but I like the Nirnaeth better... another of my fav parts stick out tongue I like especially the end of it... and the despaired style of the battle itself yes

i always thought wow melkor is cool
because he wasnt exactly the most evil guy was he, but he was very cocky
he went into valinor and destroyed the trees lol
man were the valar pissed
he took the silmarils

he does smaller things like that, but it affects the inhabitants of arda more than learning 'oh melkor has just killed blah blah blah'

i think destroying the trees and silmarils were melkors top two make people go 'shit' moments

the third of course being the fall of gondolin

*bumpity* big grin

I created a forum about it and people said to leave the Silmarillon as a book and not create a movie about it. It's better if we imagine it. Go on the forum: Should we make Sillmarillon movies out of the book, for more details...

About Melkor, as an essential character of the Silmarillon, it's the reincarnation of Satan in the Bible. Can we say that Valinor was in fact Eden garden and that Melkor(the snake) drove the Noldor( Adam and Eve) away from the paradisial island and to be garded forever on by magical islands(angels)? I think it is. Tolkien mastered the art of camouflaging the catholic religion into elvish stories. More prooves: the trees of life= tree of knowing with the fruits. Fruits=Sillmarillon.
I'm not saying Tolkien was copying from the Bible, discriminating his work. I love his book more knowing that, in fact, it reflected upon our reality also. He really is amazing.
Melkor was the heart of the story. An evil one, but still he was... smile

the biblical similarities are intentional...
he was rewriting mythical history... and he wanted to start from scratch...


After advises, we are better off without a Silmarillon movie. It's better to let it to our own imagination

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