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There and back again...the LotR forum's tale
Started by: Tassie

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Tongue There and back again...the LotR forum's tale

Ok, I can't take all the credit for this thread, by just making it stick out tongue
It was Shadowy's idea to start a "lotr forum scrap-book" where we can all, from THIS forum only, post all our great experiences, friendships and memories we've had over the time we've been in this forum.

I know we've all formed close bonds with certain ppl, *cough* some closer than others stick out tongue And we've all grown to know and love each other...

So, post who and what you'll always love and remember from this forum, and why...
And before this section is closed we will have a great tale of the LOTR forum that will never wither....

Old Post May 15th, 2004 10:55 PM
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btws, I'm Tassie smile

Old Post May 15th, 2004 10:56 PM
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I Love everyone here they are so friendly and never nasty except from ad but that's aloud cause im the "arch nemesis" laughing, I feel right at home here and i won't ever leave big grin

from you bestest pal Thor big grin


A God Among Geeks

Old Post May 15th, 2004 10:57 PM
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oh wow, Thorondor, that's all you have to say about everyone here?
lol, Shadowy's already planning here 2-page long post shifty stick out tongue

Old Post May 15th, 2004 10:59 PM
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no i just wanted the 2nd post laughing out loud

i will be more detailed later lol i got my post big grin and its 12 and im to tired to concentrate stick out tongue


A God Among Geeks

Old Post May 15th, 2004 11:00 PM
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LOL..cheeky Tassie!! stick out tongue

I'm thinking as of now..stick out tongue


Old Post May 15th, 2004 11:06 PM
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WAIT!!! let me get the tissues stick out tongue


A God Among Geeks

Old Post May 15th, 2004 11:08 PM
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okay, I just want to say what I think about you all... honestly lol...

Okay, I registered here as Bloom4ever, and I think i remember my last post.. It was in the "Lotr night" thread: "Trilogy Tuesday?? Lotr night?? Where on earth do i live that i don't hear about these things??

I'm new here, btws"
Sauron and Exa were chatting on the thread, as usual stick out tongue And lordy was the first one from kmc (well besides Raz, of course) to welcome me to the forum..
I recall my first pm was from him as well, and i'd got kinda angry at him lol, like who is this guy, telling me what to do, as though he owns this place???
But, that was what I USED to think of you, Lordy, lol... happy I luv you, hope you weren't ever get banned, cuz we'll miss you too damn much... this forum would be nothing without our Dark Lord! You bring so much life and energy to the forum.. to the ENTIRE kmc, actually... you're beyond words lol!

I think my 2nd thread was "Lotr Column" where I was asking for advice on an article I wanted to write for my parent's newspaper...
Three people especially helped me alot, PippinTook, OrlandoOYEA, and Kit...
Call me ridiculous, but I remember talking to OrlandoOYEA, and she was like "We love you, Bloom" and was the first to add me to her sig big grin You've always been one of my best friends, OYEA, you're such a cool, sweet person, and I love you and PippinTook too!!!

My god, there should be a thread dedicated just to Exa... you're so intelligent, it's no wonder you ended up in Ravenclaw... you were also one of the first people i spoke to here, and, despite all your cleverness, you're a real sweetheart big grin I feel so honoured to have you as a friend.. I know you'll be destined for greatness, and I wish you all the luck.. nothing is beyond your reach..

And how could i ever forget Ying lol?? She stalked me all over kmc, when she first joined... I could never forget her laughing Remember the hp forum LOL?? And my thread there? LOL, Ying, that day was so much fun, and you had me up nearly midnight, for the first time, on kmc..
Ying, you've DEFINITELY always been one of my closest friends... No one could ever replace my yingya..!!

One person who has touched a very special place in my heart is AD... I love him alot, and I'd be so lost on this forum, without him... You have a true talent for curing anyone, and it's no wonder Aurora said Yes to you!!
Aurora, you really are lucky, and you deserve AD, you're both so lucky to have each other, and I wish you eternal bliss..

Another very special person who has always been there for me, has always been able to make me smile is Shadowy. There is so much I can say about her... she and I have the same taste in music, movies, food lol, etc... She's so sweet and caring and witty, and you'd have to be insane to say otherwise.. We used to stay up till midnight on tig party lol, just chatting, till we both got msn heh...

Smodden always makes me laugh.. It's really enjoyable to be around you, to have a conversation with you, you never bore me! You're one of those persons who can make me smile, and love that i'm a part of kmc... Even though you'll never be able to trick me.. stick out tongue But dont worry, I'm thinking up something for next year lol...

I met eezy on the hp forum, where he was really popular... eezy, I'll always care about you, and cherish your friendship... You're one of those guys I feel like I can pour my heart out to, and they can make me feel better... because you have, and you've never let me down..

Pip-foot, I wuv you so much.. get better soon, pleeease, NEVER think for a second that there's no one who cares about you.. I promise you can always talk to me..

Thorondor, man, you're crazy... You honestly make me laugh ALOT. Even though you absolutely refuse to change back your title stick out tongue
I remember the first time I saw you on tig, I remember thinking "Who the hell is this newbie??? Do I know him??" Mind you, I was still Bloom4ever then lol.. Even though I can't remember the first time actually talking to you, you really are a cool, hilarious guy...

Alex, just plain psycho lol. I never knew you as Bloom4ever.. in fact there were few ppl I was close to, as Bloom4ever... I just thought you were another popular name.. like the rest..
hell, i was wrong lol... I really wonder how in god's name you manage to stay so hyper lol.. It's too bad i never got around to stalking you on your holiday-ing!! hmph... But I really love talking to you love Broullier Broullier Broullier Broullier ((I know I spelt it wrong eezy, lol))

The first person to call me Bloomi was Kit. We used to talk alot, I guess, and I miss that.. Despite you're de-modding, you were a great mod, Kit, and no one can replace you. Now, I don't know what;s the true story on Kit, about the whole Gender Issue, but I'll say I used to talk to the "guy" Kit, and i'll confess anyways... I had a crush on Kit stick out tongue

ok, ^^that wasn't so long, I think..
It's probably half the size of Shadowy' post stick out tongue And I know I left out a few ppl, but I'm tired of writing now, and I'm sitting on the floor typing which is really uncomfortable.. stupid me, I put the laptop on the chair...

Last edited by Tassie on May 15th, 2004 at 11:57 PM

Old Post May 15th, 2004 11:44 PM
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Tassie, this is harder than I expected. messed

I'm not sure where to start...


I think one thing we all agree on is that the KMC LOTR forum is fantastic. So why is that? What do you like best about this forum?

Is it the in-depth discussions about the good and evil in Arda and Legolas’ hair? Or helping newbies? Or tormenting newbies? Or the way everyone helped YOU when you were a newbie? Or arguing over whether PJ is a genius or a heretic in the movies? Or making new friends all over the world? Or just posting random off-topic comment in any random thread? Or the whole new set of people to tell how much you LUUUURVE Orlando Bloom? Or the effort everyone puts into their spelling and grammar? Or the wonderful, kind and friendly Mods? Or just the feeling that you’re not a freak for living and breathing Tolkien- there’s always someone out there more obsessed than you (mentioning no names!)?

For me, what I love much is the KMC members' abilities to make me feel like the Queen of Arda when I was just about to kill myself from Monday Blues five minutes earlier. It´s true!
And I´m also amazed by the fact that I´m communicating with all these truly amazing people I´d never met in life-to-life circumstances. If KMC have taught me something (except for sensible paragraph writing, and time commitment) it´s that every person out there who I never waste a thought to could be on KMC, just as Tolkien-addicted and PC dependent as me, and just as cool and funny and sweet as you!

I like the people the most. I even like the Orlando-shriekers sometimes. They provide a little extra comedy and where would we be without them? wink stick out tongue

I like the interaction between people all over the world. They don't care if you are Dutch, English, American, Danish, black, white, green, violet, red or yellow. They judge you on your inside. If only the world would be like this.

I like what KMC means for people. AD met Aurora here and are going to get married and Exa and sauron met here and Smodden and I met here. Never knew a website could be a matchmaker. wink

Most importantly though, I love how this is my home when I'm far from home. You people are like a whole other family to me. It is like a whole other life. Middle-earth is also like a whole other life, so think of how great this site is to me if I can compare it on a level of Tolkien and his works. But it is greater because you know this is real. I care about my reputation on this forum. It's not like other forums or any type of online community where I don't care one bit. This site means something to me. I can be myself here. I don't have to hide my light in a bush, I can let it out for all to see if they will. I can just be who I am and that means so much to me, I don't know what I'd do if I couldn't. It's actually quite funny since I don't wear a mask to hide myself in real life but I sometimes can't be myself, yet I wear a mask to hide myself here, I use a different name, I change my sig and avatar and title often, but I am myself. I love this site and the people who make this a community. I love all the things that go with it- the humor, the sadness, the joy, the anger, the love....Thank you so much. smile

Well I would just like to say that the best times I've ever had in this forum would have to be in the "lotr ppl pics pronto" thread. smile That was the thread where I really got to meet a lot of wonderful people. That was the thread where Smodden and I became really close, that was the thread where Discos and I had our first encounter in the forum, an encounter that was followed by a very wonderful friendship. I'm also very close to many people here, but they became close to me because of other threads or through PM. That was the thread where almost every people was so nice to me, ever complimenting my posts. That thread was full of great memories, and at one time last week, I've even reviewed that thread from page 1, I spent an hour and a half reviewing that thread, but I never regretted it one bit. smile

There have so many great memories, so many friendships made throughout this journey which is LOTR. So many threads I have enjoyed posting. I am so pround of the "Tig Party" thread, which is the strongest thread ever made in this forum.

The most memorable experience here has been the friendships, we have been through the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. When you go through an experience like I went through, you find out really quick who your friends are, all of you stuck by my side when I passed through "fire and death." You could of very easily moved on and forgot about me, but because none of you gave up hope of my return, I couldn't in good conscious give up hope either. Your support through that ordeal is what kept me going. I don't care what anyone says, NO ONE HAS GONE THROUGH THE THINGS WE HAVE GONE THROUGH TOGETHER IN EVEN JUST A FEW MONTHS. NO ONE, NOT ANYWHERE. I doubt I'll ever be able to repay the care and compassion you have shown me.

I am honored to be a member of this forum, and I'll do my best not to fail you.

Tassie, this is just an introduction....I'm not done yet. stick out tongue


Old Post May 16th, 2004 12:45 AM
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I realised you weren't, It sounded to short to be over yet stick out tongue

Old Post May 16th, 2004 12:54 AM
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KMC abounds with wonderful people, great minds, fine writers. I know that it is impossible for me to include each and every member of the LOTR forum, there are many people in this forum that I respect very much, too many actually, these are a few in no particular order: smile

sauron - Lordy, hi! I'm not so sure what to say honestly, it's kinda hard to make a dedication for you, but you have no idea how much I respect you. I look up at you very greatly, you were one of the first people that I've known in this forum, and I've always thought you're a wonderful person. I have no idea why you're depressed sometimes, but I reckon it's only natural, you're just a human, despite of being a Dark Lord. wink You are so much better than you think you are, and please always remember that. People love you here not just because you're a troublemaker sometimes, but because you're brilliant. You have the coolness and popularity of Sauron, but you have the personality and heart of an angel (and that's a compliment..stick out tongue ) You've touched most of the people's lives here, and I'm one of them, and you have no idea how thankful I am to you. Thank you for everything, my Lord.

Exa - The patience of a saint, kind and intelligent, a very wonderful person. You deserve all the respect, all the honors, and all the love that you're getting from each and every one of us here. You grant me more honor than I deserve. It's not hard at all to see how or why you've won the loyalty of so many. Your kindness and generosity shines out. I'm grateful for the time that I have had with you. You have a love for Tolkien's work, for these movies, to the likes of which I've never seen before. What makes you even more unique, is that you don't slam people for not being as "up" on their Tolkien as you are. You're not snobby or rude when honest, legitimate questions are brought up. You make everyone feel very much at home, and I appreciate the warm welcome more than you know. For your kind words, I offer my most heartfelt thanks. You're one of the best people I've ever known in my entire life. You're one of my bestfriends here Exa, you certainly are. I have no idea if we will still have some connections 10 years from now, but I'm saying this now, I wish you all the happiness in life, you very much deserve it. smile

Tassie - *sigh* Tassie, Tassie. I can't imagine what could have happened if I hadn't PMed you that night. I really didn't know you well enough when you were still Bloom4Ever because I was really confused. There were at least 10 KMC members with a freakin' "Bloom" in their username, it's not even funny. stick out tongue I'm very thankful to the name Tassie, because if it wasn't for it, I would never have known you. I'm also very thankful to that thread, the thread where you became depressed, so I worried and sent you a PM asking what was wrong and if I could do anything to help. Now that I look back, I think that was very bold of me to do that. I didn't know you yet during that time, but I was very cheeky and nosey to ask you what's wrong, it's not even my business. stick out tongue But now that I think about it, I'm grateful that I did it, because since then, you became one of my best buds here. You're excellent, and very unique compared to others. smile You were always there for me, and I apologize about the unintentional and unpredictable twist of events in the past few days. I'm just really glad that you're feeling well now. I'm also asking you to please refrain from being down all the time, life is good, and you deserve to be happy no less than anyone else.


Old Post May 16th, 2004 06:18 AM
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Thorondor - THORONDOR!! WHAT'S UP! For the life of me, I can't really remember when and where and how our first conversation in the forum took place, all I could remember now is that, one day, I just woke up and I knew you. smile You're a nice and cool guy, and one of the people closest to my heart. I never ever had the moment when I thought, "Thor should shut up..he's freakin' annoying" or "He's stupid..always saying the same old idiotic things, he should burn in hell" or "DIE! THOR, DIE!!!" All I could remember now is that we started talking in Tig Party thread, but that's it. stick out tongue I have no idea why you think I'm cool, but thanks anyway. You always make me laugh for some reason, though I don't necessarily think that your posts were supposed to be funny. All your posts are just so cool and light-hearted and you're not making such a huge fuss over everything. I also appreciate your love of Middle-earth. Few people now are like you. I'm always having a great time talking to you..and thank you for all those moments. You're really suited to be an Eagle. You're up there; in league with the virtuous and brilliant people, and I certainly don't think you're gonna fall down. Enjoy life and stay cool always. Am I making you cry now? stick out tongue

Discos - I think you're the third person I knew in this forum, but the first one to greet me and make friends with me. I will never be able to forget that, when you sent me a PM saying howdy, asking how I was and if I had an MSN. We had our first encounter in the pic thread made by Smodden, and I thought you're really cool, (though a little gutsy stick out tongue ) I also appreciate all the trust you're giving me. You're always talking to me in PM about some of your personal stuff, may they be cheerful or frustatingly sad. I feel very special because of that. I do really hope that you'll get a new Eagle Lady, so that you're not alone flying up there in the sky. I was really crackin' up the first time I saw your drunken rant, and I very much appreciate it when you really forced yourself to be online even though you're drowsy already just so you could talk to me in a drunken language because you promised that you would. stick out tongue I miss those drunken rants, and may I be bold enough to say that I'm looking forward for more. stick out tongue


Old Post May 16th, 2004 06:25 AM
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A.D. - Dude! Hi! Remember our first conversation? It was in the Tig Party thread. I complimented your Lurtz sig, and you asked me if I also like Aurora's. stick out tongue That was the very first time I talked to you, though I was already reading some of your posts prior to that. You're a nice guy; respectful and appreciative. I'm so happy for all the things happening to you right now. We're not "that" close, but I consider you as one of KMC's best. I'm pleased that you found your soulmate, and I'm ecstatic for the both of you. big grin

Aurora - I've known you for a long while, but I didn't have the chance to get to know you in a somewhat "deeper" way until lately. smile Now I truly know why you're considered as one of the nicest and most respectful people here, and no wonder why AD really loves you so much. smile I had a great time talking to you in PM last week, and though it was only for a short time, I suppose it was enough for me to say that you're truly wonderful. I truly hope that I could attend to your wedding, but even if I'm not there, just please always remember that I'm happy for you and AD and I wish you all the best. You guys will always be in my heart.

Bar-en-Danwedh - The only criticism I could offer is that I don't see you often enough. You're always entertaining, often profound and full of wits. You always make me laugh out loud time and again. You know, I still can't forget your hilarious LOTR spoofs..stick out tongue Legolas: "Aragorn, you attack me as if i were your very enemy, the red sun will rise tomorrow as my blood is being spilt tonight, i need a diversion...", and "Someone stop Ush!! Before he invades Scotland or something!!" I don't think those lines are really funny if you'll just read them for how they were supposed to be, but MY GOD! Those lines seriously tickled my funny bone. I still remember those lines, obviously now that I've posted them, and I will never forget them, and the poster who came up with them. big grin You're really smart, Bar. And you're a comic relief, and you're great. big grin Now if only you could interview Ms. Otto and Mr. Wenham...*no pressure* stick out tongue


Old Post May 16th, 2004 06:25 AM
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Feanor - You're killing me. sad We never talk in MSN or in PM, but we're in very good terms in the forum, but lately I haven't got the chance to talk you there, but still...ALL YOUR POSTS CRACK ME UP! laughing Your archetypal monologues, your 18th century speeches, your frequent posting of Feanor-related quotes and poems, and all your subtle but very hilarious jokes. laughing There's just something unique in your posts that even though they're not supposed to be funny, they make me laugh for some reason. You, Bar, and sauron are the three members here who never fail to make me laugh, and all of you guys have your own uniqueness in terms of humor. wink

Ying - Remember our first PM exchanges? About Arwen? You were still Iirima back then, but nothing changed in you now that you're Ying. big grin I seriously hope you liked that PM, 'coz they took ages to think about and type. stick out tongue You're hyper everytime, and you always make me crazy. But it's good, it's great, people like you are the reasons why I stay in a community like this. You liven up the forum, and you're always one of the people who greets me whenever I'm online. I feel very special when in the place whenever I talk to you. smile


Old Post May 16th, 2004 06:27 AM
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Kitoky - You've been great. Please always try to remember that. I wouldn't judge you anymore regarding the controversial thing that you did or some say you did, but I want to recall all the good moments that I've shared with you. smile You've been really cool, though very sarcastic and moody sometimes, but I lived with it. I enjoy your compliments whenever I have some new pics or some exclusive news to post. I appreciate all your "thank you"s and "OMG! shadowy! you rock!" and "s_b, you're a saint!". I'm really thankful to you. You've been a great mod, like Exa and some others say, and you did your job as best as you did. The forum was cleaned up and organized when you became a mod, and that was a relief for the forum. And of course, who will forget your little itsy bitsy arguments with the infamous Legolas_Luver411? wink That was highly entertaining. stick out tongue

And finally...

Smodden - You weren't last on the list because I almost forgot you, I deliberately made you to be the last on my list. smile I seriously can't think of any "deserving" words to say to you. Words won't give any justice to how I feel, and I doubt that I could really explain it in such a way that you could understand. I can't even comprehend it myself. I still remember the thread where we had our "very first encounter" in the history of KMC forums. It wasn't necessarily a conversation, we just kinda encountered, but still. We really had our first conversation in your "LOTR and Heartbreak" thread, I even gave you some advice of what to do about your ex-girlfriend. I seriously hope I have helped to some extent, though my advice was kinda complicated. We really started being veeery close in the "lotr ppl pics pronto" thread. I thought you're hilarious. Being very reluctant to post your pic and all that, though you really don't look bad at all. stick out tongue You PMed me, and it turned out that you got the wrong person, you were supposed to send the PM to someone else, not to me. But I said it's OK. Some time later we talked in PM again, though I can't really remember now how did that happen, was it me who PMed you or was it the other way around? I can't remember. All I know is just as time went by, we were really being very close. I appreciate all the good things you did and said to me, and I was really happy listening to some of your problems. I was happy to help you regarding everything. I really started liking you because we have sooo much in common it's not even funny. It's too much of a coincidence. We always have the same opinions and views in life. We have the same interest, hobbies, tastes in book, music, and movies. You appreciate all the things that I was doing and you always have some compliments ready. I always feel very special when I'm around you. I understood you, and you understood me. I was really happy for you when you were talking about your prom, and I honestly hoped that you will always be happy like that. I was very oblivious at first, I was clueless to everything, if Lordy hadn't told me that there's something goin' on in that mind of yours. stick out tongue I was shocked when I found out, but I was neither angry nor sad. I'm still not sure when and how you started liking me in a "deeper" way, but I just want to tell you that I'm glad. I love you, Smodden. love


Old Post May 16th, 2004 06:30 AM
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There are many others, but I promised myself that I wouldn't spend all day on this post. Worthy of note, but without a mention above are, again in no particular order, OrliNElijahsGirl, Leggy_n_Merry, muse5, eezy, AlexRyder, Camellia, trade. Let's just say I like all of you. This site is full of great people. smile


Old Post May 16th, 2004 06:33 AM
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I know that this isn't a direct LOTR-related thread, but I seriously hope this wouldn't be closed or moved. sad This is kinda sentimental and very important for most of the LOTR people.


Last edited by shadowy_blue on May 16th, 2004 at 06:51 AM

Old Post May 16th, 2004 06:47 AM
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The Inkeeper
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*walks up to platform*

why...this is so unexpected, thank you! *holds up two lovely posts about himself* i would like to say a few (thpousand) words, (yes i did just say thpousand)

i really dont know what to say about everyone here, all of you, and i mean all, even the newbies from the last few days have had some sort of effect on me, and all of you have touched my heart, i remember when i was banned, not being able to talk to you guys was killing me, but i could still view the forum, and i saw all the lil riots you guys were breaking out in, if ever non-sensicle violence has touched a heart, it was then, i remember smoddens sig he wanted to make lol, no idea how he could manage to make it, he went into such detail, i remember kit warning him not to make a welcome thread and 'the giver lives in morkwood' popped up, smodden i love you man! even more than shadowy because my baby dont have wings wink joking shadowy you know i love you too with your filthy minded comments laughing and your posts that put chris tolkien to shame, speaking of chris tolkien, wheres exa *hugs exa* you have no idea what you mean to me you know, i know you saw the webpage and all
this is a page dedicated to






so great they named her five times, this is where i want to tell you what you mean to me, and that i love you, not only that but i am -in- love with you, you mean alot to me and you are the most wonderful person i have had the privelige of knowing,

i made this here on my site because it will stay here, and not be lost like it would in a forum, this means you can come here anytime your feeling down or depressed and know i will be by your side and doing all i can to help you or cheer you up

i find myself very fortunate to know you and to have the time you have given me, i would like to thank you for it, i know sometimes while talking i might go a lil quiet, but thats just me, i do love you and im happy that you can say it back to me.

i truly do appreciate every second we spend talking and i hope never to lose contact and that maybe some day contact could become stronger than just an icq chat or a pm or msn chat

but re-reading it it didnt seem enough, its like i cant get it out in words, the only ones that come close are the words, i love you.
im very happy when around you, which is all thanks to a very special man mr AD skinner, if you saw how this an screamed at me to 'push the button' i swear you would all go deaf ad, yo umean alot to me too man! i know that recently there was a bit of a...squick, but i put that all behind me and i truly do think you are a wonderful man with a heart of pure gold, in fact you should leave your organs to medical science, im curious as to how gold can perform as a vital organ, how could we have AD skinner without the precious aurora, she is so much like AD, you two are perfect together, in fact sometimes your so alike i think it is actually ad skinner on both ends, which sometimes it actually is because he likes to play jokes on me and my poor mind.
Feanor! man rock i think your the only elf sauron ever loved! your bouts of diahorrea i joke about are fictional, in truth i enjoy reading all your posts, you are a very funny guy with a mind to match! im not sure whether its genious or inasnity but the two arent to different! you also a very talented drawer, and you seem to know us so well with your comics in fact im gonna bump that up so quick! get your pens!

this is only the first post dont worry more to come people!


Im Back happy

Old Post May 16th, 2004 09:35 AM
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True KMC Jester

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Location: United Kingdom

Wow... I was waiting for this to come around - Tass, I never knew you were Bloom4ever!!!!!!!!!!! You shoulda told me.... sad

When did I come here? I was talking to Sauron in a forum (was it th HP lordy?) and he told me about the tig party, so I came for one of the opening pages, and then we played truth or dare... Good times! Now, Sauron was thee, Exa was, Kit was, Aurora started it and I think AD was there too. Plus Bloomi, Spearhead and Orlando and someone else... Good times!

Then it got closed down(TorD) and I kinda wandered away from the forum, but came back for some reason...(i was very bored!) and went to the tig party. Really, thats the only thread I post in, but I look at the others. I really think that TorD should be allowed, it was fun. In fact, I'm gunna go right now and look for the matrix threads we made, if they've not been deleted.

"If clowns warred on monkeys, and the monkeys had guns, and were trained to use them, who would win?"

Death only gives another set of choices.

He who dies with the most toys. Still dies.

Old Post May 16th, 2004 10:48 AM
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The Inkeeper
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lol, very nice times those were trickster smile


Im Back happy

Old Post May 16th, 2004 11:08 AM
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