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Lightsaber Combat - Forms and Marks of Contact
Started by: Wanderer259

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Lightsaber Combat - Forms and Marks of Contact

Ok, so I did a bunch of research and comparing of different sources so that I could better understand how each lightsaber form works and thinks. Weapons and combat are particularly interesting to me (I grew up with a military father) and when you mix lightsabers and their uniqueness, Jedi, and room for speculation, it gets all the more fun.

So I wrote a document on forms and marks of combat; I'm sure a lot of you already know most of what each form means and does, but I tried to throw everything out there into one big explanation.

Note: Some of this is my own personal speculation, but that's kind've the point. This is partly my own theories on lightsaber combat and partly a research essay.

Anyways, on we go:

Old Post May 16th, 2005 07:42 AM
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Forms -

It is important to note that, often times, forms are not differentiated by specific techniques, manuevers, or movements. In actuality, a form is simply the method by which a Jedi or Sith approach battle; each form is essentially a combat philosophy. Each Jedi/Sith selects their style of lightsaber combat based on their individual characteristics, personal values, opinions, and talents. In addition, many Jedi cannot be categorized by one form. Obi-Wan Kenobi is an example of a combatant that can be grouped in multiple ways. As a former practicioner of Ataru and a master of Soresu, it would be easy for Obi-Wan to switch between these two or blend them (ie, Sokan). A form is not the end-all, be-all of lightsaber combat, as it is also influenced by both affinity to and use of the Force as well as natural skill and talent in the art of physical combat.

The Seven Traditional Forms

- Shii-Cho (I) "Way of the Sarlacc"--------------------------------------------

The first and original form of lightsaber combat, Shii-Cho is little more than primitive or basic swordplay. It holds nothing more than basic techniques necessary to effectively using a sword-type weapon, however, without these fundamental skills, no other forms could exist. Jedi initiates are first taught Shii-Cho before they are to begin their Padawan apprenticeship and move on to more advanced forms. However, when taken beyond its initial training role, Shii-Cho proves to be a stable form of lightsaber combat, emphasizing nothing and therefore lacking in nothing -- supremely well-rounded and less predictable in its approach.

Known Users:
Kit Fisto

- Makashi (II) "Way of the Ysalamiri"-----------------------------------------

Considered by Jedi historians to be the ultimate refinement in lightsaber-to-lightsaber combat, Makashi was originally developed when various melee weaponry was far more common than blasters in the galaxy. Emphasizing fluid motions and anticipation of the trajectory of a weapon's swing, Form II allows the Jedi to attack and defend with minimal effort; manuevers with one hand are not unusual. Makashi uses extreme precision in its strikes and parries; this is taxing and due to the level of blade manipulation required, this form requires intense focus. Elegant and powerful, Makashi is very akin to fencing, utilizing such techniques as parries, thrusts, and small cuts as opposed to blocks and slashes; like fencing, it is very adept at making a fluid attack immediately after a parry -- riposte. The greatest duelists in history were products of Makashi. It is, however, nearly useless against ranged weaponry and its effects diminish with the addition of multiple opponents.

Known Users:
Count Dooku/Darth Tyranus

Possible Users:
Tulak Hord

- Soresu (III) "Way of the Mynock"-------------------------------------------

With the emergence of blaster technology and its spread across the galaxy as the weapon of choice, Makashi became obsolete. In order to deal with this new threat, the Soresu form was created and the practice of deflecting blaster fire with it. Emphasizing physical speed, quick reflexes, and fast positional transition in order to better deal with the rate at which a blaster could be fired (ie, heavy repeaters in the worst case scenario), Soresu uses swift, efficient movements in order to expose as little of the body's target zones as possible. Originally developed for defense against blasters, the refined blade movement of Makashi was lost in favor of simpler blocks and slashes, beginning a trend that would continue through other forms. The most defensive of all forms, it is also the least offensive and thus poor on the attack. Soresu practicioners often place themselves on the defense until their opponent reveals an opportunity through either fatigue or fault and only then attack. Due to its supremely defensive nature, Soresu has since become an expression of the non-aggressive Jedi philosophy.

As it is almost a necessary skill, other forms have incorporated Soresu's practice of deflecting blaster fire.

Known Users:
Obi-Wan Kenobi (AotC, RotS, ANH)
Luminara Unduli

Old Post May 16th, 2005 07:50 AM
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- Ataru (IV) "Way of the Hawk-Bat"-------------------------------------------

Created during the last centures of the Old Republic, Ataru is the most acrobatic of all lightsaber forms and the first beyond Shii-Cho to incorporate aggressive tactics. Emphasizing physical power, speed, and acrobatic ability, the fourth form makes great use of the Force's ability to push the body beyond its physical capabilities; practicioners use various Force-assisted movements (steps, jumps, spins, etc.) in order to outmanuever and overwhelm an opponent from multiple angles. Elaborate and flashy, it is also lacking in defense, having placed almost its entire focus in attack and leaves its user vulnerable to swift, skilled, and opportunistic opponents.

Known Users:
Qui-Gon Jinn

- Shien/Djem So (V) "Way of the Krayt Dragon"-----------------------------

The fifth primary form, Shien, later called Djem So, is directly derived from the Soresu form. A group of Jedi Masters of the Old Republic felt that Soresu was too passive and forced the Jedi to prolong combat, unable to overcome their enemy. Emphasizing physical power and counter-attacks, Djem So uses similar movements and defensive measures as Soresu, but redirects them into an aggressive philosophy. Whereas Soresu practicioners will deflect blaster fire, Djem So practicioners will reflect it, purposefully redirecting it back towards its source in order to cause injury. Utilizing similar, but much less refined, parrying techniques found in the Makashi form, Djem So attempts to defend its user from an attempted attack and then immediately counter in order to injure the opponent. Unlike Soresu, Djem So will begin and press the attack and is characterized by wide, sweeping blows meant to overwhelm an opponent through sheer strength. Because of its aggressive emphasis, the form is often met with disdain by many Jedi.

Known Users:
Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader

Possible Users:
Aayla Secura
Plo Koon

- Niman (VI) "Way of the Rancor"---------------------------------------------

In order to better follow the goal of harmony and justice without resorting to violence, the sixth form, Niman, was created. Taking Shii-Cho, Soresu, Ataru, and Djem So, Niman attempts to take each form's emphasis and use it in overall moderation in conjunction with the others. Practicioners spend their time as usual with Shii-Cho and then move on to each successive form, spending a mere one to two years with each. Because Niman does not require its users to become overly proficient in a specific manner, they are free to better train themselves in political strategy and negotiation so that they may better end conflicts with a peaceful resolution; for this it is called the "Diplomat's Form". In theory, a particularly skilled Niman practicioner would be familiar enough with each form so that they could all be used with martial effectiveness; such a combatant would not be an expert on any form's particular emphases, but would be able to continuously switch their style of fighting to meet various situations in compensation.

Known Users:
Most Jedi during the PT
All Jedi fatalities at Geonosis

Possible Users:
Palpatine/Darth Sidious

Old Post May 16th, 2005 07:56 AM
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- Juyo (VII) "Way of the Vornskr"---------------------------------------------

As a solitary form, Juyo is actually still in development, a work in progress unfit to be called a complete art. Like Niman, Juyo is almost a conglomeration of each form before it, however, whereas Niman teaches the use of each form's techniques in overall moderation, Juyo better blends them into one true form; mastery of the previous forms is extremely vital in addition to great skill and focus. Juyo is almost a blend of the Ataru and Djem So forms; it is aggressive like Djem So but not as defensive, movement-based like Ataru but not as fancy or elaborate. It is very bold, direct and efficient, and extremely Force-based. Using the Force to directly influence the lightsaber's movements in an instinctive fashion rather than a linked set of movements, Juyo's unconnected motions appear as untrained, flailing swings with no pattern or order, keeping the opponent continually off-guard. The sheer physical intensity of Juyo requires the drawing upon a deep well of emotion and thus a tremendous amount of focus is needed for control; when the necessary amount of focus and willpower is found lacking, Juyo can become extremely dangerous and can cause the user to act in anger, pushing them towards the Dark Side of the Force.

Known Users:
Khameir Sarin/Darth Maul
Mace Windu
Depa Billaba
Sora Bulq

- Vaapad (VIIb)-----------------------------------------------------------------

Invented by Jedi Master and High Council Member Mace Windu with the assistance of Jedi Sora Bulq, Vaapad is Windu's personal completion of the Juyo form; as such, it is essentially Juyo with some differences. When using Vaapad, the practicioner skirts the Dark Side of the Force in order to access it and channel it back at itself without becoming lost in it. In essence, using the Dark Side's power while maintaining an emotional center free of negative emotions in order to neutralize its corrupting effects; this is, of course, at a level of difficulty impossible to describe. One ounce of anger, fear, hate, etc. will cause an imbalance in the energy feedback and force the user into the Dark Side's embrace. In addition, Vaapad is naturally the home of Windu's Shatterpoint technique in which the Force specifically identifies and points out weakpoints on a target and "shows" methods in which to utilize that weakpoint. This is, primarily, a unique ability of Master Windu's, however, other Force users are capable of using this technique, but only with great difficulty and concentration after much practice.

Known Users:
Mace Windu
Depa Billaba (unable to use the Shatterpoint)
Sora Bulq (unable to use the Shatterpoint)

Old Post May 16th, 2005 08:01 AM
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Minor Forms

- Sokan (VIII)-------------------------------------------------------------------

The first of the minor forms, Sokan was created and first used by the ancient Jedi of the Great Sith War incited by Exar Kun. In theory, Sokan is very similar to a blend of the Soresu and Ataru forms. Emphasizing the swift, Force-enhanced motions of Ataru, Sokan uses them for evasion and additional mobility: defense rather than offense. Using quick reflexes and movements as Soresu does, Sokan does not leave its practicioners weak on the attack; Sokan users often attempt swift, efficient strikes at their enemy's vital areas once they have manuevered themselves suitably. It's said that two combatants well versed in Sokan techniques would move their battle across lengthy amounts of distance, working to place each other into vulnerable positions while keeping themselves suitably defended.

Possible Users:
Obi-Wan Kenobi (RotS)

- Shien (IX) ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Note: This form may be solely created by Wizards of the Coast for its Star Wars RPG and may therefore be unreliable.

Unknown to be either a parallel or sub-form of Form V, Shien is apparently merely a stance, though allegedly a unique one. Instead of the usual stance of Djem So, in which the lightsaber is held somewhat diaganolly, similarly to Soresu but further from the body, the Jedi stands with their lightsaber held horizontally, blade's point aimed at an opponent (it is believed the arms are retracted so that the main sword arm's elbow is pointing backwards, the hilt of the lightsaber near the wielder's head). When attacking from this stance, the blade is swung in a swift arc as the lightsaber is thrusted towards the opponent.

Possible Users:
Djem So (V) users
Mace Windu

- Niman (X) ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Note: This form may be solely created by Wizards of the Coast for its Star Wars RPG and may therefore be unreliable.

Either a parallel or sub-form to Form VI, this version of Niman makes use of two lightsabers exclusively. One blade (the stronger, or main, sword hand) was used for offense, while the other focused on parrying; if need be, the off-hand lightsaber could be used for attacking as well. Particularly swifter on the attack than a single blade user or a dual-bladed user, it is also weaker in striking; an opponent can more easily batter aside an energy blade wielded by one hand than if it were held by two. Supposedly many Jedi dabbled within Niman (X) for familiarity in using two lightsabers, however, very few devoted themselves or mastered it.

Possible Users:
Serra Keto

- Dun Möch ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Dun Möch is, in fact, not a lightsaber form at all; instead, it is the Sith practice of destroying the opponent's will and concentration. Various methods include taunts and insults in effort to turn the opponent's thoughts on their own weaknesses to create doubt and the constant hurling of objects in order to break the opponent's focus on the duel.

Known Users:
Count Dooku/Darth Tyranus
Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader

Possible Users:
Every Sith Lord/Dark Jedi

Old Post May 16th, 2005 08:06 AM
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Marks of Contact -

Cho mai
The act of removing an opponent's weapon hand; by removing only the hand, the Jedi displays the honor to cause an opponent the minimal physical damage necessary in ending a physical conflict.

Cho mak
The act of removing an opponent's limb.

Cho sun
The act of removing an opponent's weapon arm; less preferred to the Cho mai and only performed when the Cho mai is either too risky or impossible to perform.

Sai cha
The act of beheading an opponent; used only in deadly seriousness.

Sai tok
The act of cleaving an opponent in half, usually at the waist; discouraged by the Jedi, as this is seen as an expression of the Dark Side's wish to seriously maim or destroy an enemy.

The act of stabbing or impaling an opponent; usually seen as an honorable method of inflicting a fatal injury. Its lesser degree of maiming displays respect for the opponent.

A non-conflict deciding wound to an opponent caused by the lightsaber's blade, such as a gash; considered a sign of desperation or struggle.

Sun djem
The act of disarming an opponent by destroying the weapon, usually without physically harming the opponent.

Old Post May 16th, 2005 08:08 AM
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Luke uses Form V


Old Post May 16th, 2005 02:42 PM
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Luke uses a form?


Thanks TWelling4Ever

Old Post May 16th, 2005 02:52 PM
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Kun-ni Habeo

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yes and it is form V



Old Post May 16th, 2005 06:04 PM
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Naga Sadow
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luke sux, he uses a form "Smash till hit somethin"

Old Post May 16th, 2005 06:25 PM
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There's a lot of talk of Luke using Djem So, but I personally just don't see it. He seems like he's using Shii-Cho, really. His movements are simple and pretty basic, not to mention that I don't know where he would've had the chance to learn an actual form.

Of course, I did forget to mention that this is version 1.0, so this is in no way a complete work.

Old Post May 16th, 2005 07:55 PM
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Janus Marius
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Old Post May 17th, 2005 03:32 AM
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wanderer259 i think this stuff is awsome keep comin up with more of this

Old Post May 17th, 2005 03:38 AM
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Janus Marius
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Here ya go...

Form XXX...

wait... could be kids watching.

Old Post May 17th, 2005 04:18 AM
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so anyway....luke uses form V


Old Post May 17th, 2005 08:30 PM
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Emperor Revan
Most Powerful Sith Lord

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Yes Luke used Form V.

I was also thinking, the description for how a Form VIII user holds the blade is just how Revan holds his blade before Malak shoots his ship. Revan also sounds like and would be a great Form VII user, so maybe he combined the two.


Thanks to Janus for the great Sig.

Old Post May 17th, 2005 10:25 PM
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I like this, Wanderer, well done!


Old Post May 18th, 2005 12:40 AM
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So you're thinking Revan combined the use of Shien (IX) and Juyo? It's possible, but then again, we don't know a whole lot about Revan; his fighting style is completely based on what the player does. And I'm hesitant about Shien (IX) and Niman (X), because as I stated in the document, those were apparently invented by Wizards of the Coast and may not count.

Also, how does Revan fight in KotOR II? I know you fight him, or a shade of him or something anyway, at some point. Can someone fill me in on this? Just describe it for me and I'll see if I can analyze it.

I suppose Luke learned Form V after RotJ, but I'd still count Luke (RotJ) as a Shii-Cho user.

Old Post May 18th, 2005 12:44 AM
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Bump for Mantis.

Old Post May 18th, 2005 10:45 PM
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chilled monkey
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Wanderer259: Thank you very much. That is very interesting.

BTW, I wrote a fanfic in which the shiak mark of contact was used, so I was very interested to read that.

Old Post May 19th, 2005 12:04 PM
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