Senior Member
Gender: Male Location: United States |
Known Powers: Since Madelyne was cloned from Jean Grey's DNA, she was essentially another version of Jean, and possessed Jean's telekinetic and telepathic abilities (just at a lower level of power than Jean has).
Telepathy: can manipulate the minds of others and even higher order animals within a vast, potentially limitless radius. Her notable powers include:
Telepathic Cloak: Can mask her presence from being detected by others. Her abilities can at times go undetected or be counteracted by other more powerful telepaths depending on their level of skill in using their own psi abilities. She can extend these defenses to others around her as well.
Psionic Shield: Ability to erect a psychic shield for protection of herself and of others minds.
Telepathic Camouflage: Ability to mask herself, and other peoples' presence from those around her. Can telepathically disguise herself, making her appearance to those around her quite different (changing the appearance of clothing, as well as more involved disguising).
Mind Control: Ability to control the minds of others upon mere concentration. stral Telepor
Mind Possession: Ability to possess the mind of another, and use that beings body as her own.
Mind Alteration: Ability to alter the minds of others by force of will, changing their personality partially or entirely.
Telepathic Illusions: Ability to create realistic telepathic illusions and cause people to experience events which are not actually occurring.
Mental Paralysis: Ability to induce temporary mental or physical paralysis.
Mental Amnesia: Can erase any awareness of particular memories or cause total amnesia.
Psionic Blasts: Can project psionic force bolts which have no physical effects but which can affect a victim's mind so as to cause the victim pain or unconsciousness and turning someone brain-dead.
Astral Projection: Can project her astral form from her body onto astral planes or the physical planes. In the physical plane she can travel in astral form over vast distances. In the astral plane, she can mentally create psionic objects and manipulate the aspects of her environment. She can communicate with others astrally through her own will, or through contact with the thoughts and memories of others.
Mind Transferal: Able to transfer both her mind and powers into other host bodies if her own physical body could be somehow killed.
Mental Detection: Can sense the presence of another superhuman mutant within a small but as yet undefined radius of himself by perceiving the distinctive mental radiations emitted by such a being.
Induce Pain: Can also induce mental pain merely by touching the brow of her victim.
Cloak Mind: Ability to rearrange the “mental engrams” of mutants so their distinctive mutant though patterns cannot be detected by Cerebro-type devises or by other telepaths.
Mind Link: Ability to develop a mental link with any person which remains as a connection to that individual.
Dark Psyche: ability to release the dark side of a person's personality, and make them evil.
She also developed powers that Jean never possessed.
Astral Teleportation: teleport over long distances by psychokinetically shunting herself in and out of the astral plane (she was also shown to be able to carry additional weight, such as another person, when she teleported, but her limits were never fully tested).
Psionic Siphoning: able to siphon the psychic energies from other psionic mutants. She could then use the stolen pyschic energy to boost her own powers or channel the energy into someone else (usually Nate Grey) to temporarilly increase their psionic abilities.
Telekinesis: Possesses telekinetic abilities enabling her to manipulate matter and energy, and to some extent energy, psionically. She can levitate herself in order to fly at high speeds or merely hover, manipulate matter on a molecular level, project telekinetic shields capable of withstanding missile blasts, create objects of pure psionic force, focus her mental energy at a specific target in order she can release devastating force blasts, and control the biological functions of other lifeforms including other humans.
Reality Warping: ability to bend the quantum strings that make up reality within a localized area
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